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PhD Student: Shreya Dubey MSc

Social media technology is increasingly used to stimulate awareness of environmental problems like climate change and to promote pro-environmental behaviours. At the same time, however, social media are used to raise doubts on the existence, causes of and potential solutions to environmental problems. Although there is scientific and societal interest in social media usage in general and filter bubbles specifically, there is not much knowledge concerning these issues in the environmental context.

This PhD project analyses the social media discussions pertaining climate change, environment, and sustainability in order to engage various online communities (green bubbles) towards a greener future. We will also examine how people’s online green behaviours relate with their offline green behaviours. This information will then be used to develop and test appropriate persuasive strategies based on the motivations of individuals in various green bubbles.

S. (Shreya) Dubey MSc

PhD Student

Dr. M.H.C. (Marijn) Meijers


Prof. dr. E.G. (Edith) Smit


Dr. E.S. (Eline) Smit
