ASCoR hosts four awards that are awarded annually.
As part of our efforts to foster and recognize interdisciplinarity, ASCoR has instituted a new fellowship to recognize researchers from other disciplines for outstanding contributions to our research. This fellowship is named after our late colleague prof. dr. Loet Leydesdorff, who has done so much inspiring work in this area. ASCoR members can nominate fellows on a yearly basis. The first winner was announced February 6th, 2024.
The latest Recipient (2024)
Prof. dr. Natali Helberger has been selected as the first Leydesdorff Interdisciplinary Fellow at ASCoR. Prof. dr. Helberger received a research budget to expand her interdisciplinary research within the institute, focusing on junior scholars (UDs). She will also provide advice to the ASCoR Board in matters related to interdisciplinarity in the upcoming year.
The first fellowship was awarded in 2024
An Interdisciplinary Fellow should:
Nominations are reviewed and selected by the ASCoR Board.
The ASCoR Denis McQuail Award is awarded to the best article advancing communication theory published in a peer-reviewed journal in the previous two years. An international Award committee makes the selection, and the award is given to the first author of the winning article.
The latest winner (2024)
Dr. Mariek Vanden Abeele won the award with her article:
Dr. Matthew Lombard won the award with his article:
Dr. Edmund W.J. Lee won the award with his article:
Dr. Gil de Zúñiga won the award with his article:
Prof. Nurit Tal-Or won the award with her article:
Prof. Zheng Joyce Wang won the award with her article:
Prof. Robin L. Nabi won the award with her article:
Prof. Richard M. Perloff won the award with his article:
Prof. W. James Potter won the award with his article:
Prof. James G. Webster won the award with his article:
Dr. Robert LaRose won the award with his article:
Dr. Kelly Garrett won the award with his article:
Dr. Cristina Archetti won the award with her article:
Prof. Michael Slater won the award with his article:
Matthew A. Baum & Angela S. Jamison won the award with their article:
Eligible articles:
• Includes journal articles or book(chapters)
• Must have been published (not 'due to appear') in the previous two years in an English language peer-reviewed journal or university press.
• May be purely theoretical or empirical and theoretical, but the focus should clearly be on theory development.
• Must focus on some aspect of communication. NB: Articles published in non-communication journals are also eligible.
• Articles first-authored by ASCoR members are excluded from nomination.
An international panel will select the winning article from a list of nominated articles.
The selection will be based on the quality of the article, not on the author(s)' professional or personal credentials. The number of nominations for an article plays no role in the selection process: Each article that has been nominated at least once will be considered. Please note that the jury may decide not to give the Award if none of the nominations are considered to stand out.
The award is given to the first author of the selected publication. The award consists of a certificate, and an invitation to the 1st author to become the McQuail Honorary Fellow at ASCoR for one academic year, as well as to give a guest lecture in Amsterdam.
The ASCoR Baschwitz Article of the Year Award is awarded to the author of the best article published by an ASCoR staff member first-authored in a peer-reviewed journal in the preceding year.
The latest winner (2024)
Dr. Michael Hameleers won the award with his article:
Margot van der Goot won the 2023 award for her article:
Anne Kroon won the 2021 award for her article:
Michel Hameleers won the 2020 award for his article:
Mark Boukes won the 2019 award for his article:
Judith Möller won the 2018 award for her article:
Both Sophie Boerman and Karin Fikkers won the 2017 award for their articles:
Rens Vliegenthart won the 2016 award for his article:
Sophie Boerman won the 2015 award for her article:
Marieke Fransen won the 2014 award for her article:
Patti Valkenburg won the 2013 award for her article:
Marcel van Egmond won the 2012 award for his article:
Bas van den Putte won the 2011 award for his article:
Moniek Buijzen won the 2010 award for her article:
Andreas Schuck won the 2009 award for his article:
Jochen Peter won the 2008 award for his article:
Moniek Buijzen won the 2007 award for her article:
Jochen Peter won the 2006 award for his article together with Patti Valkenburg:
Bas van den Putte won the 2005 award for his article:
Eligible articles:
ASCoR staff members, including postdoctoral researchers, can qualify for this award. Former ASCoR staff members qualify until one year after their contract has ended. The article must have been published (not ‘due to appear') in the preceding year, in a peer-reviewed journal, must have an ASCoR staff member as the first author, and must have resulted from research conducted at ASCoR (i.e., not research that was conducted during a previous appointment at a different institute). ASCoR must be mentioned in the published article as the principal affiliation. The award will go to the first author of the article chosen.
All ASCoR researchers can nominate articles from a list of eligible articles. Self-nominations are accepted. The selection committee consists of three scholars from different universities.
The winner of this award receives a certificate, a feature on the ASCoR website, and an invitation to give an ASCoR lecture about the awarded research.
This award was established as an incentive to ASCoR PhD candidates, and is given for the best article published by an ASCoR PhD candidate first-authored in a peer-reviewed journal in the preceding year.
The latest winner (2024)
Emma van der Goot won the award with her article:
Teun Siebers won the 2023 award for her article:
Marthe Möller won the 2021 award for her article:
Edina Strikovic won the 2020 award for her article:
Susan Vermeer won the 2019 award for her article:
Michael Hameleers won the 2018 award for his article:
Claire Segijn won the 2017 award for her article:
Claire Segijn won the 2016 award for the article:
Nadine Stauß won the 2015 award for the article:
Sanne Opree won the 2014 award for the article:
Sanne Kruikemeier won the 2013 award for the article:
Susanne Baumgartner won the 2012 award for the article:
Lotte Willemsen won the 2011 award for the article:
Mario Keer won the 2010 award for the article:
Sophie Lecheler won the 2009 award for the article:
Andreas Schuck won the 2008 award for the article:
Alexander Schouten won the 2007 award for the article together with Patti Valkenburg and Jochen Peter:
Andreas Schuck won the 2006 award for the article together with Claes de Vreese:
Eva van Reijmersdal won the 2005 award for the article together with Peter Neijens and Edith Smit:
All PhD candidates enrolled in the ASCoR PhD programme are eligible for this award. Former ASCoR PhD candidates are eligible for a period of one year after their dissertation defense. The article must have been published (not ‘due to appear’) in a peer-reviewed journal during the previous calendar year, must have an ASCoR PhD candidate as its first author, and must have resulted from research conducted at ASCoR (i.e., not from research conducted for the author's MA thesis). ASCoR must be stated in the published article as the first author’s primary affiliation. The award is given to the the PhD student listed as first author of the article.
All ASCoR researchers can nominate articles from a list of eligible articles. Self-nominations are accepted. The selection committee consists of three scholars from different universities.
The winner of this award receives a certificate, is featured on the ASCoR website and receives €250 in book vouchers.