Amsterdam School of Communication Research / ASCoR
The Digital Communication Methods Lab is an initiative of the RPA Communication, focusing on innovative research and bringing together existing and new projects with digital communication methods as its cornerstone. The lab aims at expanding innovative work on methods, analyses, and scientific practices critical to Communication Science, including work on mobile communication and AI, not only as research topics, but also as data collection modes.
Information, Communication & the Data Society (ICDS) is an interdisciplinary research initiative on the way AI and algorithms affect the role, impact and regulation of information and communication in the Data Society.
The Centre for Urban Mental Health aims to unravel new pathways to improve urban mental health that takes into account the complexities and dynamics of mental health problems and mental health disorders in an urban environment.
The Research Priority Area (RPA) Human(e) AI at the University of Amsterdam synthesises ongoing work and stimulates new research at the UvA on the societal consequences of the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) in a wide variety of societal areas.
The RPA Polarisation adopts a complexity science approach, integrating existing research lines to explore the manifestation, mechanisms, and development of polarisation within the Amsterdam metropolitan area. Additionally, the RPA's interdisciplinary approach aims to create a comprehensive model of polarisation, which will advance debates in social and behavioural sciences.
The RPA Conflict & Society proposes an integrated framework to investigate the evolution of conflict across forms (violent and non-violent), and levels (groups and individuals). What is conflict, through which mechanisms does it emerge, and how does it impact social interactions among individuals, groups, and societies?
The RPA Artificial Intelligence & Politics will combine research at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences into the interaction between AI and politics (in broad terms) with research into the social consequences of this interaction. The guiding question for this line of research is: how is AI changing contemporary politics, and how is the development and application of AI affected by political dynamics?