PhD candidates selected for one of the advertised positions receive a salary and a waiver of tuition fees. Those PhD candidates are employed by the University. This comes with rights and obligations associated with being employed by a Dutch University, such as a pension scheme. If you are hired on this basis, you will usually be required to teach 5-15% of your time. Current gross monthly salaries range from about €2000 in the 1st year to €2550 in the 3rd year.
PhD candidates who join ASCoR with their own funding from external sources are not employed by the University, and thus do not benefit from social security insurances. Although they have no teaching obligations, they can be hired to teach for a maximum of 8 hours per week if they wish and if a suitable teaching position is available. If hired to teach, you receive a salary for this work and are employed through UvAJobService in the role of teacher. You are also allowed to accept other jobs, inside or outside the University. However, you should make sure the side jobs do not interfere with PhD progress.
Please note that the motivation underlying admittance to our PhD Program is that ASCoR is very selective in its admittance policy. This implies that the candidates selected for our program are judged to be worth our support and supervision in furthering their academic careers. This also implies that ASCoR expects a full commitment from each candidate to pursue the PhD under the conditions set by ASCoR.