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Cutting-edge Communication Research @ ASCoR (CeCoR @ ASCoR) is a series of online research talks that aims to offer external early career researchers a welcoming and stimulating forum for presenting and discussing research innovations in Communication Science.

The series is designed to foster inclusion and to encourage diversity in research interests and methodological approaches to learn from and inspire new research in Communication Science. The virtual meetings take place on a Thursday between 4 and 5pm CET.

Next Meetings

Our next CeCoR @ ASCoR (Cutting-edge Communication Research @ ASCoR) research meeting will be on Thursday, 20 June at 16:00-17:00. Our guest will be Timo Lenk who will give a talk entitled “Information Operations and the Weaponization of Communication: Introducing the Concept of Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) to Strategic Communication Research”. The meeting will be held in REC C7.00 or via Zoom, with the opportunity to join drinks afterwards.

Click here for more details about this event.

Past Meetings

  • March 21 2024 | Michaela Lebedíková (Masaryk UniversityBrno) gave the talk 'Studying the impact of sexually explicit materials and sexting on adolescents' well-being'   
  • February 22 2024 | Heidi Schulze (LMU Munich)  gave the talk 'A Little Less Hate, But a Lot More Harm: Fear Speech as Strategic Borderline Communication'
  • November 30 2023 | Edda Jansdottir Arneberg ( University of Oslo in Norway) gave talk on "YouTube is still the most popular media for Norwegian teens, but how are they using it, and what does it mean to them?"
  • October 19 2023 | Silvija Vuković (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic and the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism) gave a talk on "Celebrity Populists and Fictional Populists - Who are they and what are the features of their communication?"
  • September 28 2023 | Alicia Gilbert (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany) gave a talk on "Finding digital balance? Disconnection and self-regulated media (non-)use".
  • 11 May 2023 | Joanna Zhuoan Chen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) gave a talk on "Metaphors we stay by: A corpus-based study of figurative language in luxury hotel websites."
  • 30 March 2023 | Aytalina Kulichkina (University of Vienna) gave a talk on "Exploring the dynamics of political protest and repression in authoritarian settings: A computational approach based on the 2021 protests in Russia."
  • 16 March 2023 | Felix M. Simon (University of Oxford) gave a talk on "Newsrooms and platform dependency."
  • 26 January 2023 | Lisa Weidmüller and Katrin Etzrodt (Technical University of Dresden) gave a talk on "Voice-based assistants as media intermediaries."
  • 8 December 2022 | Ernesto de León (University of Bern) gave a talk on "Hyper-partisan, alternative and conspiracy media."
  • 27 October 2022 | Mengqi Liao (Penn State University) gave a talk on "Living in the age of AI – the persuasive effect of algorithmic transparency on user trust."
  • 29 September 2022 | Marieke Wieringa (Radboud University Nijmegen) gave a talk on "Can robots feel pain? How we respond to robots that show emotions when they are harmed"
  • 9 June 2022 | Aleksandra Urman (University of Zurich) gave a talk on "Biases and Inaccuracies in Web Search Outputs and their Implications"
  • 28 April 2022 | Marie Bedrošová (Masaryk University, Brno) gave a talk on "children’s and adolescents’ experiences with cyberhate"
  • 24 March 2022 | Phuong Hoan Le (Erasmus University Rotterdam) gave a talk on "Social Identification in the Gig Economy: On the Psychological and Communicative Bond Among Gig Workers"
  • 20 January 2022 | Yotam Ophir (State University of New York) gave a talk on " The Analysis Topic Model Network Approach in Communication Research"
  • 25 November 2021 | Michelle Symons (University of Antwerp, Belgium) gave a talk on “If a message can make you laugh, can it also make you physically active?“
  • 28 October 2021 | Douglas A. Parry (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) gave a talk on “What do we need to do to understand whether, how, and for whom social media use affects well-being?“
  • 17 June 2021 | Laura Badura (University of Münster, Germany) gave a talk on “Skepticism towards media, science and researchers: On dealing with sensitive research topics within a collaborative teaching project“
  • 29 April 2021 | Weijia Shi (University of Minnesota, US) gave a talk on “Effects and information processing of conflicting health information”
  • 25 March 2021 | Anna Henschel (Charité Berlin, Germany) gave a talk on “Talking robots – effective science communication about technology & the future”
  • 24 February 2021 | Anna Sophie Kümpel (TU Dresden, Germany) gave a talk on “Young adults’ news definitions and everyday news use practices in a multi-choice media environment”
  • 28 January 2021 | Yini Zhang (University of Buffalo, US) gave a talk entitled ""Who said it?”—Applying a network approach to mapping out communication flows"