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Dr. H.A.M. (Hilde) Voorveld

Associate Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Persuasive Communication
Area of expertise: Social media advertising, Persuasive communication, Advertising, Algorithmic persuasion

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: C9.00
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I am an Asssociate Professor inthe Department of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam. I am the Programme Group Director of the Persuasive Communication group leading 55+ scholars in their research and teaching. As part of this role, I am member of the ASCoR board and am responsible for the teaching planning. Also, I am the program manager of the Research Master in Communication Science.

    My research has consistently focused on how media characteristics shape how individuals use and respond to persuasive communication. My work uses a mixed-methods approach; I employ surveys, content analyses, experiments, observations, diaries, eye tracking, and data donation studies. Recently I have been studying algorithmic persuasion via social media, conversational (voice) agents and synced advertising. My work has been published in the top journals in Advertising (e.g Journal of Advertising; International Journal of Advertising), Communication Science in general (e.g. Human Communication Research; New Media & Society) and interdisciplinary journals (e.g. Internet Research; Computers in Human Behavior). 

    I teach the course Media Strategies in the Master Communication Science, and the course Evaluating Professional Research in the Research Master. Also, I am coordinating the research participations and Internships in the Research Master. I serve as an Associate Editor for Journal of Advertising and am a board member of the European Advertising Academy.

    Administrative roles

    • Programme Group Director Persuasive Communication
    • Programme manager Research Master
    • Associate editor Journal of Advertising
    • Board member European Advertising Academy

    Research priority areas

    Communication in the Digital Society - University of Amsterdam (

  • Research

    Research methods

    • Experiments
    • Surveys
    • Eye-tracking
    • Diaries
    • Data donation

    Current research projects 

    • Algorithmic Persuasion in Social Media: Identifying Consumer Groups Based on Awareness, Appropriateness, and Coping Ability. With Corine Meppelink and Sophie Boerman
    • The targeting blackbox of social media: investigation into targeting mechanisms of and consumer interactions with personalized content on Facebook. With Joanna Strycharz, Corine Meppelink and Brahim Zarouali
    • Humanizing conversational agents. Examining the persuasiveness of text and voice agents: With Tom Lentz, Evangelos Kanoulas, Carolin Ischen, Yoni Schirris and Andreas Pantelli
    • Data-veillance in emerging media technologies. PhD project Daisy Zhang. With Theo Araujo, Sophie Boerman and Hanneke Hendriks

    Research grants & honours

    • My research has been funded by the American Academy of Advertising, Marketing Science Institute, the interdisciplinary Research Priority Area Humane AI, the Foundation for Scientific Research on Commercial Communication (SWOCC), the Research Priority Area Communication and The Digital Communication Methods Lab. NWO Veni and Vidi proposals were evaluated as ‘very good’.
    • Most downloaded paper of the Journal of Advertising. Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., Muntinga, D. G., & Bronner, F. (2018). Engagement with social media and social media advertising: The differentiating role of platform type. Downloaded 242646 times; cited 628 times (Nov 2022),
    • AMMA runner-up for best media research. The most important media awards handed out by MWG (media work group) 2019. Project conducted with Dentsu Aegis (digital media agency).Nomination for the paper: Voorveld, H. A. M., Araujo, T. B.  Bernritter, S. F., Rietberg, E. & Vliegenthart, R.  (2018). How Advertising in Offline Media Drives Reach of and Engagement with Brands on Facebook. International Journal of Advertising, 37(5), 785–805. 
    • Runner up Outstanding article award Journal of Advertising (2018). for the paper: Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., Muntinga, D. G., & Bronner, F. (2018). Engagement with social media and social media advertising: The differentiating role of platform type. Journal of Advertising, 47(1), 38-54.
    • Runner-up Insights Scientist of the Year award (theme: digital advertising).  2018. MOA (Expertise Center for Marketing-insights, Research & Analytics).
    • ASCoR Baschwitz Young Researcher Award for the paper: Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2017). An eye-tracking study into multiscreening: Viewing behavior, reporting, and effects. Human Communication Research, 3 (2), 295-314.
    • ASCoR Baschwitz Young Researcher Award for the paper: Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2016). The underlying mechanisms of multiscreening effects. Journal of Advertising, 45(4), 391-402.
    • Jonge Haan 2014. Young talent award from the Genootschap voor Reclame (Society for Advertising) for a person (< 30 years) who brings innovative ideas to the advertising and marketing communication industry.

    Cooperation with organisations and/or persons

    I have collaborated with Dentsu Aegis,The Council for Research Excellence, and SPOT (the Dutch knowledge centre on TV advertising)

  • Teaching


    I am teaching in the Master and Research Master Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam.

    In the Master track Persuasive Communication I am teaching on topics related to persuasive communication, marketing communication and media strategies. I am coordinating and teaching the elective Media Strategies. In the Masters’ elective Media Strategies I closely collaborate with several media- and communication agencies (e.g., MediaCom, OMD, Publicis). In small groups, students receive a briefing to develop a media plan for a real client (e.g., H&M, Starbucks, the Dutch Police). Students pitch their plans to the agencies. I am also supervising Master theses.

    In the Research Master I am teaching Evaluating Professional research. Also, I am coordinator of the research internships and ASCoR participations

    I was involved in the development of new track in the Research Master in Communication Science. The Research Master’s in Communication Science is a two-year MSc degree programme. The Professional track enables students to connect communication science theories and rigorous research methods to communication practice, as well as gain professional research experience by pursuing an internship in a professional communication organization.

    PhD Supervision

    I am currently supervising Daisy Zhang (promotor) and was co-promotor of Claire Segijn, Fabienne Rauwers, Carolin Ischen and Rene Haldborg Jorgensen.

    My PhD’s have successfully published their work in leading journals and have won best student paper awards at international conferences and  the Annie Lang Dissertation Award 2018 from the Information Systems Division of the International Communication Association, as well as the Biennial Best Dissertation Award 2019 for the Mobile Communication Interest Group (Claire Segijn).

  • Management and service
    • I am the programme group director of the Persuasive Communication group leading 55+ scholars in their research and teaching. I try to be an approachable leader who tries to make the team and individual scholars thrive by actively promoting their personal growth and by creating a positive and productive work atmosphere. 
    • I am programme manager Research Master since 2020. 
    • I am Associate Editor Journal of Advertising since 2019. Journal of Advertising is the flagship journal in the field of persuasive communication (SSCI IF: 6.528, 5 year IF: 9.717, consistently ranked in the top 5 journals in Communication)
    • I am a board member of the European Advertising Academy. 
    • I was chair of the programme committee (opleidingscommissie, OC) (2016 - 2020). 
    • I was programme group delegate for the ethical review of employee research in Persuasive Communication (September 2017- 2021).
  • Publications


    • Zhang, D., Strycharz, J., Boerman, S. C., Araujo, T., & Voorveld, H. (2025). Google knows me too well! Coping with perceived surveillance in an algorithmic profiling context. Computers in Human Behavior, 165, Article 108536. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Ischen, C., Araujo, T. B., Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., & Smit, E. G. (2024). Persuasion at first sight? Testing the reciprocal relationship of repeated interactions With virtual assistants, trust, and persuasion. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 18, 4859-4882. [details]
    • Strycharz, J., Meppelink, C., Zarouali, B., Araujo, T., & Voorveld, H. (2024). The blind spot in data donations: who is (not) willing to donate digital data in social scientific research. Computational Communication Research, 6(2).
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Panteli, A., Schirris, Y., Ischen, C., Kanoulas, E., & Lentz, T. (2024). Examining the persuasiveness of text and voice agents: prosody aligned with information structure increases human-likeness, perceived personalisation and brand attitude. Behaviour and Information Technology. Advance online publication.
    • Zhang, D., Boerman, S. C., Hendriks, H., van der Goot, M. J., Araujo, T., & Voorveld, H. (2024). "They Know Everything": Folk Theories, Thoughts, and Feelings About Dataveillance in Media Technologies. International Journal of Communication, 18, 2710-2730. [details]
    • van Berlo, Z. M. C., Campbell, C., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2024). The MADE framework: Best practices for creating effective experimental stimuli using generative AI. Journal of Advertising, 53(5), 732–753. [details]
    • van Berlo, Z. M. C., Meijers, M. H. C., Eelen, J., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Eisend, M. (2024). When the Medium is the Message: A Meta-Analysis of Creative Media Advertising Effects. Journal of Advertising, 53(2), 278-295. [details]
    • van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Strycharz, J. (2024). Persuasion in an Algorithmic Context. In In T. Araujo, & P. Neijens (Eds.), Communication Research into the Digital Society: Fundamental Insights from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. (pp. 189). Amsterdam University Press.





    • Ischen, C., Araujo, T., Voorveld, H., van Noort, G., & Smit, E. (2020). Privacy concerns in chatbot interactions. In A. Følstad, T. Araujo, S. Papadopoulos, EL.-C. Law, O.-C. Granmo, E. Luger, & P. B. Brandtzaeg (Eds.), Chatbot Research and Design: Third International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 19–20, 2019 : revised selected papers (pp. 34-48). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11970). Springer. [details]
    • Ischen, C., Araujo, T., van Noort, G., Voorveld, H., & Smit, E. (2020). “I Am Here to Assist You Today”: The Role of Entity, Interactivity and Experiential Perceptions in Chatbot Persuasion. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 64(4), 615-639. [details]
    • Rauwers, F., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Neijens, P. C. (2020). Explaining perceived interactivity effects on attitudinal responses: A field experiment on the impact of external and internal communication features in digital magazines. Journal of Media Psychology, 32(3), 130-142. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Segijn, C. M., Araujo, T., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2020). Related multiscreening as a strategy to retain audiences and increase persuasion during a commercial break. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 64(1), 41-61. [details]
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & Araujo, T. (2020). How social cues in virtual assistants influence concerns and persuasion: The role of voice and a human name. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23(10), 689-696. [details]




    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2017). How related multiscreening could positively affect advertising outcomes. Journal of Advertising, 46(4), 455-472. [details]
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., Vandeberg, L., & Smit, E. G. (2017). The Battle of the Screens: Unraveling Attention Allocation and Memory Effects When Multiscreening. Human Communication Research, 43(2), 295-314. [details]
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., Vandeberg, L., Pennekamp, S. F., & Smit, E. G. (2017). Insight into everyday media use with multiple screens. International Journal of Advertising, 36(5), 779-797. [details]
    • Smit, E. G., Segijn, C. M., van de Giessen, W., Wottrich, V. M., Vandeberg, L., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2017). Media multitasking and the role of task relevance in background advertising processing. In V. Zabkar, & M. Eisend (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research VIII: Challenges in an Age of Dis-Engagement (pp. 197-212). (European Advertising Academy). Springer Gabler. [details]
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Fakkert, M-S., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2017). Materialistic Girls Watching a Materialistic World: Fashion TV Series and Women’s Copy-Cat Intentions. Communications : The European Journal of Communication Research, 42(2), 239-251. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Eelen, J., Rauwers, F., Wottrich, V. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & van Noort, G. (2016). Consumer responses to creative advertising: a literature review. In P. De Pelsmacker (Ed.), Advertising in new formats and media: current research and implications for marketers (pp. 19-46). Emerald. [details]
    • Meijers, M., Eelen, J., & Voorveld, H. (2016). Creative Media Advertising. (SWOCC; Vol. 72). Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Commerciële Communicatie, SWOCC. [details]
    • Rauwers, F., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Neijens, P. C. (2016). The effects of the integration of external and internal communication features in digital magazines on consumers' magazine attitude. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 454-462. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2016). The Underlying Mechanisms of Multiscreening Effects. Journal of Advertising, 45(4), 391-402. [details]
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Smit, E. G., Neijens, P. C., & Bronner, A. E. (2016). Consumers' cross-channel use in online and offline purchases: An Analysis of Cross-Media And Cross-Channel Behaviors between Products. Journal of Advertising Research, 56(4), 385-400. [details]
    • Wottrich, V. M., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2016). Creative vs. traditional media choice: effects on word-of-mouth and purchase intention. In P. Verlegh, H. Voorveld, & M. Eisend (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. VI): The Digital, the Classic, the Subtle, and the Alternative (pp. 325-335). (European Advertising Academy). Springer Gabler. [details]




    • Voorveld, H. (2013). Cross-tools and cross-media effects. Oxford Bibliographies, Communication. [details]
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & Valkenburg, S. (2013). Cross-media synergy: Exploring the role of the integration of ads in cross-media campaigns. In S. Rosengren, M. Dahlén, & S. Okazaki (Eds.), Advances in advertising research (Vol. IV) The changing roles of advertising (pp. 187-200). Springer Gabler. [details]
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & van der Goot, M. (2013). Age differences in media multitasking: a diary study. Journal of broadcasting & electronic media, 57(3), 392-408. [details]
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Bronner, F. E., Neijens, P. C., & Smit, E. G. (2013). Developing an instrument to measure consumers' multimedia usage in the purchase process. The International Journal on Media Management : JMM, 15(1), 43-65. [details]
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., & Duijn, M. (2013). Building brands with interactivity: the role of prior brand usage in the relation between perceived website interactivity and brand responses. Journal of Brand Management, 20(7), 608-622. [details]
    • Voorveld, H., Smit, E., & Neijens, P. (2013). Cross-media advertising: brand promotion in an age of media convergence. In S. Diehl, & M. Karmasin (Eds.), Media and convergence management (pp. 117-133). Springer. [details]
    • van Noort, G., Smit, E. G., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2013). The online behavioural advertising icon: Two user studies. In S. Rosengren, M. Dahlén, & S. Okazaki (Eds.), Advances in advertising research (Vol. IV): The changing roles of advertising (pp. 365-378). Springer Gabler. [details]


    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Neijens, P. C., & Smit, E. G. (2012). The interacting role of media sequence and product involvement in cross-media campaigns. Journal of Marketing Communications, 18(3), 203-216. [details]
    • van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2012). Interactivity in brand web sites: cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses explained by consumers’ online flow experience. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26(4), 223-234. [details]





    • Verlegh, P., Voorveld, H., & Eisend, M. (Eds.) (2016). Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. VI): The Digital, the Classic, the Subtle, and the Alternative. (European Advertising Academy). Springer Gabler. [details]


    • Voorveld, H., & van Noort, G. (2012). Moderating influences on interactivity effects. In M. Eisend, T. Langner, & S. Okazaki (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. III): Current Insights and Future Trends (pp. 163-175). (European Advertising Academy). Springer Gabler. [details]




    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Neijens, P. C., & Smit, E. G. (2009). Brand website studies: an integrated literature review. In P. De Pelsmacker, & N. Dens (Eds.), Advertising research: message, medium and context (pp. 201-211). Garant. [details]


    • Zarouali, B., Voorveld, H. A. M., Strycharz, J., Smink, A. R., Boerman, S. C., & van Noort, G. (2021). Algorithmic advertising. In K.-A. Fygi, & L. Ros (Eds.), Marketingfacts Jaarboek (pp. 168-183). (Marketingfacts ). Marketingfacts B.V..




    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (2014). Cross-media advertising. Key learnings. Hoofddorp: Sanoma.


    • Zhang, D., Strycharz, J., Boerman, S. C., Araujo, T. B., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2024). Google knows me too well! Coping with perceived surveillance in an algorithmic profiling context. Paper presented at The 22nd International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece.
    • Zhang, D., Strycharz, J., Boerman, S., Araujo, T., & Voorveld, H. (2024). Google knows me too well? Coping with perceived surveillance in an algorithmic profiling context. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
    • van Berlo, Z. M. C., Campbell, C., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2024). ChatGPT, can you create my stimulus material? Best practices for generating experimental stimuli with generative AI . Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
    • van Berlo, Z. M. C., Campbell, C., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2024). Using generative AI to create experimental stimuli for advertising research. Paper presented at International Conference on Research in Advertising, Thessaloniki, Greece.


    • Strycharz, J., Zarouali, B., Meppelink, C. S., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Araujo, T. B. (2023). The blind spot in data donations: who is (not) willing to donate digital data in advertising research.. Abstract from ICORIA, Bordeaux, France.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Pantelli, A., Schirris, Y., Ischen, C., Kanoulas, E., & Lentz, T. (2023). Investigating the Persuasiveness of Conversational Text and Voice Agents: The Role of Prosody.. Abstract from ICORIA 2023, Bordeaux, France.


    • Ischen, C., Araujo, T. B., Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., & Smit, E. G. (2022). Do virtual assistants become persuasive over time? Testing the reciprocal relationship of repeated interactions with a virtual assistant, trust, and persuasion. Abstract from the 72nd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 26-30 May 2022, Paris, France.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Ang, K., van Noort, G., Buzeta, C., Hirose, M., van Loggerenberg, M., & Uribe, R. (2022). A solution-oriented view on the academic-practitioner divide: A six-country case study. Paper presented at International Conference on Research in Advertising, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Zhang, D., Boerman, S. C., Hendriks, H., van der Goot, M. J., Araujo, T. B., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2022). “They Know Everything”: Folk Theories, Thoughts, and Feelings About Surveillance in Media Technologies. Paper presented at 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference.
    • van Berlo, Z. M. C., Meijers, M. H. C., Eelen, J., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Eisend, M. (2022). When the medium is the (advertising) message: A meta-analysis of creative media advertising effects. Paper presented at ICORIA 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.


    • Ischen, C., Araujo, T. B., Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., & Smit, E. G. (2021). Do virtual assistants become persuasive over time? Testing the reciprocal relationship of repeated interactions with a virtual assistant, trust, and persuasion. Abstract from ICORIA 2021.
    • Ischen, C., Araujo, T. B., Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., & Smit, E. G. (2021). Is voice really persuasive? The influence of modality in virtual assistant interactions and two alternative explanations. Abstract from Presentation at the 71st annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 27-31 May 2021, Virtual Conference..
    • Ischen, C., Araujo, T. B., Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., & Smit, E. G. (2021). The persuasiveness of voice in virtual assistant interactions. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Meppelink, C. S., & Boerman, S. C. (2021). Algorithmic persuasion in social media. Identifying user groups based on awareness, appropriateness and coping ability. Abstract from Annual Conference of the American Advertising Academy.
    • Zhang, D., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Boerman, S. C. (2021). Investigating the roles of privacy concern and OBA Knowledge in the effects of online behavioral advertising: A comparative study of China and the Netherlands. Paper presented at ICA 2021 - 71st Annual ICA Conference.
    • Zhang, D., van der Goot, M. J., Hendriks, H., Boerman, S. C., Araujo, T. B., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2021). Mapping users’ perceptions of surveillance in media technologies. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2021.
    • Zhang, D., van der Goot, M. J., Hendriks, H., Boerman, S. C., Araujo, T. B., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2021). Thoughts, feelings, and folk theories about surveillance in media technologies. Paper presented at ICORIA 2021.


    • Ischen, C., Araujo, T. B., Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., & Smit, E. G. (2020). The role of anthropomorphism and privacy concerns in chatbot interactions. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2020.
    • Ischen, C., Araujo, T. B., Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., & Smit, E. G. (2020). Voice that tries to persuade. The influence of modality in digital assistant interactions. Abstract from AIRSI 2020, Huesca, Spain.


    • Ischen, C., Araujo, T. B., van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2019). How important is agency? The persuasive consequences of interacting with a chatbot as a new entity. Paper presented at Human-Machine Communication Pre-Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, D.C., United States.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Eelen, J., Voorveld, H. A. M., Eisend, M., & Jansen, E. (2019). The effectiveness of (metaphorical) creative media advertising: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen, .
    • Segijn, C., Voorveld, H. A. M., & vakeel, K. A. (2019). An eye-tracking study into synced advertising: the importance of ad sequence.. Paper presented at ICORIA 2019, .
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & Araujo, T. B. (2019). Persuasion via Virtual Assistants: The Influence of Voice and Human Name on Concerns and Persuasive Outcomes. Paper presented at Human-Machine Communication Pre-Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, D.C., United States.


    • Segijn, C. M., Araujo, T. B., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2018). The Positive effect of related tweeting during a live television show on advertising effectiveness. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (AAA), New York, United States.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & Araujo, T. B. (2018). Persuasion via virtual assistants: The influence of modality and human name on persuasion knowledge, concerns and persuasive outcomes. Paper presented at International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Valencia, Spain.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Araujo, T. B., Bernritter, S. F., Vliegenthart, R., & Rietberg, E. (2018). Offline advertising as a driver of consumers' online brand engagement on social media. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (AAA), New York, United States.


    • Rauwers, F., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Neijens, P. C. (2017). Digital Magazine Advertising: Investigating The Persuasive Impact And Underlying Mechanisms Of Ad Interactivity In A Real-Life Setting.. Abstract from International Conference on Research in Advertising, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Segijn, C. M., Araujo, T. B., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2017). Multiscreening In Real-Life. Abstract from International Conference on Research in Advertising, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2017). Multiscreening and advertising effectiveness: The moderating role of task relevance. Abstract from 67th International Communication Association Conference, San Diego, California, United States.
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2017). The effect of related multiscreening on advertising effectiveness. The mediating role of attention and program involvement. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Tilburg, Netherlands.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Araujo, T. B., Bernritter, S. F., Rietberg, E., & Vliegenthart, R. (2017). Cross media Effects on Consumer Engagement on Facebook: The Differential Effects of Advertising Spend.. Abstract from International Conference on Research in Advertising, Ghent, Belgium.


    • Rauwers, F., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Neijens, P. C. (2016). The Impact of Communication Features in Digital Magazines.
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., Vandeberg, L., & Smit, E. G. (2016). A Diary Study into the Prevalence of Multiscreening. Abstract from ICORIA 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., Vandeberg, L., & Smit, E. G. (2016). An Eye-Tracking Study into Multiscreening: Viewing Behavior, Reporting, and Effects.. Abstract from International Communication Association (ICA) 66th Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., Vandeberg, L., & Smit, E. G. (2016). Consumers’ Multiscreening Viewing Behavior, Reporting, and Effects: An Eye-Tracking Study. 107. Abstract from 2016 Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Seattle, WA, United States.
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., Vandeberg, L., Zwinkels, E. Y. M., & Smit, E. G. (2016). Is the TV still the first screen? An eye-tracking study on viewing behavior, reporting and effects of multiscreening. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., Muntinga, D. G., & Bronner, A. E. (2016). Social media experiences and appreciation for brand communication: the differentiating role of type of platform. Paper presented at ICORIA 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
    • Wottrich, V. M., van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2016). The effect of educational programs on consumers’ online behavioral advertising and cookie perceptions: Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan.. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA) 66th Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.


    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2015). Multitasking with second screen media. The persuasive effects and underlying mechanisms of multiscreening. 114. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2015). The persuasive effects and underlying mechanisms of multitasking with second screen media. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2015). The persuasive effects and underlying mechanisms of multitasking with second screen media. Abstract from Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising.
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2015). The persuasive effects and underlying mechanisms of multitasking with second screen media. Abstract from Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico..
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & Neijens, P. C. (2015). Do readers learn more or less from digital newspapers on tablets? A comparison of paper and digital newspaper reading and its effects. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Antwerp, Belgium, .
    • Wottrich, V. M., van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2015). "I agree": The effect of consumer educational programs on consumer perceptions of online behavioral advertising and cookies. Abstract from Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2015.
    • Wottrich, V. M., van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2015). "I agree"; The effects of consumer educational programs on consumer perceptions of online behavioral advertising and cookies. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • Wottrich, V. M., van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2015). The effects of consumer educational programs on consumer perceptions of online behavioral advertising and cookies. Abstract from Paper presented at the Amsterdam Privacy Conference, Amsterdam.
    • van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., Wottrich, V. M., & Smit, E. G. (2015). Online behavioral advertising and cookie practices: Do educational programs empower consumers?. Abstract from Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising, London, UK.


    • Smit, E. G., van de Giessen, W., Vandeberg, L., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2014). Advertising effects in a media multitasking environment. 57. Abstract from Paper presented at the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising. Atlanta, GA.
    • Vandeberg, L., Murre, J. M. J., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2014). Effects of cross-media advertising: Explicit versus implicit measures.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Wageningen.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Segijn, C. M., Ketelaar, P., & Smit, E. G. (2014). Investigating the prevalence and predictors of media multitasking across countries.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Wageningen.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Segijn, C. M., Ketelaar, P., & Smit, E. G. (2014). Investigating the prevalence and predictors of media multitasking across countries.. Abstract from Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, USA.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Smit, E. G., Neijens, P. C., Segijn, C. M., & Bronner, A. E. (2014). Are online buyers driven by offline search? The role of online & offline media in the purchase process of different types of products. 68. Abstract from Paper presented at the conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Atlanta, GA.
    • Wottrich, V. M., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2014). Advertisers go creative! The effect of creative media choice on consumers' word-of-mouth and purchase intention. Abstract from Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Amsterdam.


    • Smit, E. G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & van Noort, G. (2013). Online behavioral advertising: How privacy concerned groups cope with online behavioral advertising. Paper presented at Paper presented at the AAA Global Conference.
    • Smit, E. G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & van Noort, G. (2013). Online behavioral advertising: do we know how to cope?. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Vandeberg, L., Murre, J. M. J., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2013). Explicit and implicit brand memory and evaluation in cross-media advertising. Abstract from Paper presented at the bi-annual Winter Conference of the NVP (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie), Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
    • Vandeberg, L., Murre, J. M. J., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Smit, E. G. (2013). The effects of cross-media advertising on explicit and implicit memory and brand choice. Abstract from Paper presented at the ICORIA Conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & Viswanathan, V. (2013). Observing how people multitask when watching different television genres.. Abstract from Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising, Zagreb, Croatia, .
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Fakkert, M. S., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2013). How materialistic women’s copy-cat behavior is influenced by watching fashion TV series. Abstract from Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising, Zagreb, Croatia.
    • van Noort, G., Smit, E. G., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2013). Disclosing online behavioral advertising: Effects of the cookie-icon. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • van de Giessen, W., Smit, E. G., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2013). "Background Noise". A study on the processing of radio advertising while media multitasking.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • van der Goot, M. J., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2013). Age differences in media multitasking: A diary study. Abstract from Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, London, UK, .


    • Smit, E. G., Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., & Roosendaal, A. (2012). Online behavioural advertising: Do we know how to cope?. 38. Abstract from Paper presented at the Amsterdam Privacy Conference, Amsterdam.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & Valkenburg, S. M. (2012). The fit factor: The role of fit between ads in understanding cross-media synergy. Paper presented at Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising, European Advertising Academy, Stockholm, .
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & van der Goot, M. J. (2012). Media multitasking across age groups.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Leuven, Belgium, .
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Bronner, A. E., Neijens, P. C., & Smit, E. G. (2012). A new instrument to measure crossmedia consumer behavior in the purchase process.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising, Stockholm.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Smit, E. G., Neijens, P. C., & Bronner, A. E. (2012). Media guiding consumers across different stages of the purchase process (Abstract). 90. Abstract from 2012 Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Smit, E. G., Neijens, P. C., & Bronner, F. E. (2012). Media guiding consumers across different stages of the purchase process. 35-36. Abstract from 2012 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States. [details]
    • van Noort, G., Smit, E. G., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2012). Effects of disclosing online behavioral advertising. Paper presented at Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising, European Advertising Academy, Stockholm.
    • van Noort, G., Smit, E. G., van Doodewaard, J., van Tijn, S., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2012). Fortune cookies? The effectiveness of the ‘cookie-icon’ as a warning for behavioural advertising.. 35-36. Abstract from Paper presented at the Amsterdam Privacy Conference, Amsterdam.


    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & van Steenbergen, N. (2011). The effectiveness of cross-media advertising under simultaneous media exposure.
    • van Noort, G., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2011). Social media in multimedia campaigns: examining the effect on perceived persuasive intent, brand and campaign responses. Paper presented at 10th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA).


    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Neijens, P. C., & Smit, E. G. (2010). (2010, February). Measuring interactivity of global brand websites..
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Neijens, P. C., & Smit, E. G. (2010). Exploring the link between objectively assessed interactivity and interactivity perceptions.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Neijens, P. C., & Smit, E. G. (2010). Measuring interactivity of global brand websites.
    • van Noort, G., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2010). (2010) An online flow perspective on consumer responses to website interactivity.
    • van Noort, G., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2010). An online flow perspective on consumer responses to website interactivity. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2010.
    • van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2010). Understanding Website Interactivity Effects. Paper presented at EMAC 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    • van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2010). Understanding website interactivity effects. Paper presented at 39th EMAC Conference: the six senses - the essentials of marketing.
    • van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2010). Understanding website interactivity effects. Paper presented at EMAC 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    • van Noort, G., Voorveld, H. A. M., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2010). Website interactivity effects explained by consumers’ online flow experience. Paper presented at 60th Annual ICA Conference, Singapore.


    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Neijens, P. C., & Smit, E. G. (2009). Exploring the relationship between actual and perceived interactivity.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Neijens, P. C., & Smit, E. G. (2009). Hoe consumenten reageren op websites. Een overzicht van tien jaar onderzoek..



    Prize / grant

    • van Berlo, Z. & Voorveld, H. (2025). Journal of Advertising Best Article of the Year Award 2024.
    • Voorveld, H., van Noort, G., Muntinga, D. & Bronner, F. (2025). Arnold Barban Most Impactful Article Award.
    • Voorveld, H. & van Reijmersdal, E. (2024). Exposure to and consequences of gambling marketing communication for vulnerable groups: a multi-method approach.
    • Voorveld, H., Pfeuffer, A. & Walraven, M. (2024). Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences Impact Education Grant.
    • Voorveld, H. & van Reijmersdal, E. (2023). Exposure to and consequences of gambling marketing communication for vulnerable groups: a multi-method approach.
    • Voorveld, H., Araujo, T., Vliegenthart, R. & Bernritter, S. (2019). AMMA runner-up for best media research. The most important media awards handed out by MWG (media work group)..
    • Voorveld, H., van Noort, G., Muntinga, D. & Bronner, F. (2019). Runner up outstanding article award Journal of Advertising (2018)..
    • Voorveld, H. (2018). Runner-up Insights Scientist of the Year award (theme: digital advertising)..
    • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M. & Smit, E. G. (2017). ASCoR Baschwitz Young Scholar Award.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (2014). Jonge Haan 2014. Young talent award from the Genootschap voor Reclame (Society for Advertising) for a person (< 30 years) who brings innovative ideas to the advertising and marketing communication industry..
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (2013). Research Fellowship Award by American Academy of Advertising..
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Neijens, P. C. & Smit, E. G. (2012). The relation between actual and perceived interactivity. What makes the websites of top global brands truly interactive?.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (2010). Outstanding Paper Award 2010. Best article of the year published in Internet Research, entitled: "Consumers' responses to brand websites: An interdisciplinary review" Initiated by Emerald.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Neijens, P. C. & Smit, E. G. (2010). Outstanding Paper Award 2010. Best article of the year published in Internet Research, entitled: "Consumers' responses to brand websites: An interdisciplinary review".

    Membership / relevant position

    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (2014). Board member., European Advertising Academy.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (2011). Member of the organizing committee, responsible for paper review, International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) 2011 Berlin.
    • Smit, E. G. & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2011). Organiser, ICORIA, annual conference of EAA.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • Voorveld, H. (editor) (2024-). Journal of Advertising (Journal).
    • Voorveld, H. (editor) (2019-2022). Journal of Advertising (Journal).
    • Voorveld, H. (editor) (2019). Journal of Advertising (Journal).
    • Voorveld, H. (editor) (2019-2022). Journal of Advertising (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Voorveld, H. (speaker) (28-3-2024). Algoritmes, AI en reclame: hoe gaan consumenten ermee om? (en helpt transparantie?)​, DDMA Industry Meetup: Responsible AI, Amsterdam.
    • Voorveld, H. (speaker) (28-2-2024). Algoritmes, AI en reclame: hoe gaan consumenten ermee om?, SWOCC symposium 2024, Amsterdam.
    • Voorveld, H. (speaker) (15-2-2024). Empowering vulnerable individuals in a digital society, ASCoR 25th Anniversary Symposium, Amsterdam.
    • Voorveld, H. (invited speaker) (10-2019). The hidden influence of algorithmic persuasion, University of Southern Denmark.
    • Voorveld, H. (speaker) (6-2019). Managing your supervisors, ICORIA 2019.
    • Voorveld, H. (speaker) (6-2019). Managing your supervisors, ICORIA 2019.
    • Voorveld, H. (speaker) (26-4-2018). Engagement with social media and social media advertising: The differentiating role of platform type, Symposium Digital Advertising , Amsterdam.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (invited speaker) (1-11-2017). Mediaorkestratie: masterclass Digital Marketing & Communicatie., Amsterdam Advanced Graduate School (AAGS).
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (invited speaker) (5-2017). Mediaorkestratie, Cultuurmarketing.
    • Meijers, M. (speaker), Eelen, J. (speaker) & Voorveld, H. A. M. (speaker) (2016). Creative Media Advertising, SWOCC book presentation, Amsterdam.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (invited speaker) (26-6-2014). Managing your supervisors., Presentation at the PhD colloquium of European Advertising Academy, Amsterdam.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (speaker) (27-1-2014). De toekomst van het marketing communicatie vakgebied., Lecture at the Genootschap voor Reclame, Amsterdam.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (speaker) (13-9-2012). Media multitasking en de effectiviteit van cross-media campagnes, Presentation given at the symposium 15 jaar SWOCC, Amsterdam.
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (speaker) (2010). (2010, February). Websites in brand communication: Interactivity and cross-media effects., Invited talk at UX University, a group of practitioners working in the field of internet and marketing..


    • Voorveld, H. (organiser), Fenner, L. (organiser) & van Hoof, M. (organiser) (15-11-2024). Spui 25 event: Artificial Elections: the role of AI in the 2024 election year, Amsterdam. Opening event of the RPA AI & Politics (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Reijmersdal, E. A. (organiser) & Voorveld, H. A. M. (organiser) (26-6-2014). Organizer PhD colloquium, Amsterdam, June 26 2014, no. of participants: 36. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Noort, G. (organiser), van Reijmersdal, E. A. (organiser), Voorveld, H. A. M. (organiser), Neijens, P. C. (organiser), Smit, E. G. (organiser) & Verlegh, P. W. J. (organiser) (26-6-2014 - 28-6-2014). Organizer of the International Conference on Research In Advertising (ICORIA), Amsterdam, June 26-28, 180 participants., Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Voorveld, H. A. M. (organiser) (2013). Member of the organizing committee, responsible for paper review of the International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) 2013 Zagreb, organized by the European Advertising Academy. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Smit, E. G. (organiser) & Voorveld, H. A. M. (organiser) (2012). Organizing Review proces ICORIA, annual conference of EAA. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Voorveld, H. A. M., Neijens, P. C., & Smit, E. G. (2011). A 360° View of Multimedia Consumer Behavior. (MSI working paper). MSI.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • SWOCC
      Lid Raad van Advies
    • Kansspelautoriteit
      Consultancy (10 hours)