Marcus Spaan (1970) attended the University of Amsterdam , where he obtained a MSc in Psychonomics. Since 1999 he works at the University of Amsterdam . First he worked as a research assistant under supervision of Richard Ridderinkhof and subsequently (2000) as a member of the "Technical Support Psychology" staff. Currently Marcus' jobs include "neuro" lab support (EEG, TMS & fMRI) and "stim" lab support.
Elton, M., Spaan, M., & Ridderinkhof, K.R. (2004). Why do we produce errors of commission? An ERP study of stimulus deviance detection and error monitoring in a choice go/no-go task. European Journal of Neuroscience , 20, 1960-1968.
Ridderinkhof, K. R., de Vlugt, Y., Bramlage, A., Spaan, M., Elton, M., Snel, J., & Band, G. P. H. (2002). Alcohol consumption impairs the detection of performance errors by mediofrontal cortex. Science , 298 , 2209-2211.
Elton, M., Ridderinkhof, R., Spaan, M. & Schoutsen, I. (2004). Mismatch negativity, lateralized readiness potential, and error negativity and positivity in a go/no-go task. In: M. Ullsperger & M. Falkenstein (eds.) Errors, Conflicts and the Brain. Current Opinions on Performance Monitoring. Leipzig: MPI of Cognitive Neuroscience , pps. 111-117.
Harsay HA, Spaan M, Wijnen JG, Ridderinkhof KR. (2012). Error awareness and salience processing in the oddball task: shared neural mechanisms. Front Hum Neurosci. 2012 Aug 27;6:246.
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