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Dr. M.H. (Hao) Nguyen

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Persuasive Communication
Photographer: Popupartists

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Geber, S., Nguyen, M. H., & Büchi, M. (2024). Conflicting Norms—How Norms of Disconnection and Availability Correlate with Digital Media use Across Generations. Social Science Computer Review, 42(3), 719-740. [details]
    • Minh Hao Nguyen, Büchi, M., & Geber, S. (2024). Everyday disconnection experiences: Exploring people's understanding of digital well-being and management of digital media use. New Media & Society , 26, 3657-3678.
    • Nguyen, M. H., & Hargittai, E. (2024). Digital disconnection, digital inequality, and subjective well-being: a mobile experience sampling study. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 29(1), Article zmad044. [details]
    • Vanden Abeele, M. M. P., & Nguyen, M. H. (2024). Digital media as ambiguous goods: Examining the digital well-being experiences and disconnection practices of Belgian adults. European Journal of Communication, 39(2), 122-144. [details]
    • Volk, S. C., Schulz, A., Blassnig, S., Marschlich, S., Nguyen, M. H., & Strauβ, N. (2024). Selecting, avoiding, disconnecting: a focus group study of people’s strategies for dealing with information abundance in the contexts of news, entertainment, and personal communication. Information Communication and Society. Advance online publication.



    • Gruber, J., Hargittai, E., & Nguyen, M. H. (2022). The value of face-to-face communication in the digital world: What people miss about in-person interactions when those are limited. Studies in Communication Sciences, 22, 417-435.
    • Karaoglu, G., Hargittai, E., & Nguyen, M. H. (2022). Inequality in online job searching in the age of social media. Information, Communication & Society, 25, 1826-1844. Advance online publication.
    • Marler, W., Hargittai, E., & Nguyen, M. H. (2022). Can you see me now? Video gatherings and social connectedness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Information Society, 38, 36-50.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Gruber, J., Marler, W., Hunsaker, A., Fuchs, J., & Hargittai, E. (2022). Staying connected while physically apart: Digital communication when face-to-face interactions are limited. New Media and Society, 24, 2046-2067.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Hunsaker, A., & Hargittai, E. (2022). Older adults' online social engagement and social capital: the moderating role of internet skills. Information, Communication & Society, 25, 942-958.
    • Vanden Abeele, M. M. P., & Nguyen, M. H. (2022). Digital well-being in an age of mobile connectivity: An introduction to the special issue. Mobile Media & Communication, 10, 174-189.


    • Gerosa, T., Gui, M., Hargittai, E., & Nguyen, M. H. (2021). (Mis)informed during COVID-19: How education level and information sources contribute to knowledge gaps. International Journal of Communication, 15, 2196-2217.
    • Karaoglu, G., Hargittai, E., Hunsaker, A., & Nguyen, M. H. (2021). Changing technologies, changing lives: Older adults' perspectives on the benefits of using new technologies. International Journal of Communication, 15, 3887-3907.
    • Nguyen, M. H. (2021). Managing social media use in an "always-on" society: Exploring digital wellbeing strategies that people use to disconnect. Mass Communication & Society, 24, 795-817.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Hargittai, E., & Marler, W. (2021). Digital inequality in communication during a time of physical distancing: The case of COVID-19. Computers in Human Behavior, 120.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Hargittai, E., Fuchs, J., Djukaric, T., & Hunsaker, A. (2021). Trading spaces: How and why older adults disconnect from and switch between digital media. Information Society, 37, 299-311.


    • Hargittai, E., Nguyen, M. H., Fuchs, J., Gruber, J., Marler, W., Hunsaker, A., & Karaoglu, G. (2020). From zero to a national data set in 2 weeks: Reflections on a COVID-19 collaborative survey project. Social Media + Society, 6.
    • Hunsaker, A., Nguyen, M. H., Fuchs, J., Karaoglu, G., Djukaric, T., & Hargittai, E. (2020). Unsung helpers: older adults as a source of digital media support for their peers. The Communication Review, 23, 309-330.
    • Nguyen , M. H., Bol, N., & Lustria, M. L. A. (2020). Perceived active control over online health information: Underlying mechanisms of mode tailoring effects on website attitude and information recall. Journal of Health Communication, 25, 271-282.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Bol, N., & King, A. J. (2020). Customisation versus personalisation of digital health information: Effects of mode tailoring on information processing outcomes. European Journal of Health Communication, 1, 30-54.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Gruber, J., Fuchs, J., Marler, W., Hunsaker, A., & Hargittai, E. (2020). Changes in digital communication during the COVID-19 global pandemic: implications for digital inequality and future research. Social Media + Society, 6.


    • Bol, N., Høie, N. M., Nguyen, M. H., & Smit, E. S. (2019). Customization in mobile health apps: Explaining effects on physical activity intentions by the need for autonomy. Digital Health, 5. [details]
    • Hunsaker, A., Nguyen, M. H., Fuchs, J., Djukaric, T., Hugentobler, L., & Hargittai, E. (2019). “He explained it to me and I also did It myself”: How older adults get support with their technology uses. Socius, 5, 1-13.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Bol, N., van Weert, J. C. M., Loos, E. F., Tytgat, K. M. A. J., Geijsen, D., Drenth, E., Janse, M., & Smets, E. M. A. (2019). Optimizing eHealth tools for older patients: Collaborative redesign of a hospital website. European Journal of Cancer Care, 28(1), Article e12882. [details]
    • Nguyen, M. H., Smets, E. M. A., Bol, N., Bronner, M. B., Tytgat, K. M. A. J., Loos, E. F., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2019). Fear and forget: How anxiety impacts information recall in newly diagnosed cancer patients visiting a fast-track clinic. Acta oncologica, 58(2), 182-188. [details]
    • Nguyen, M. H., Smets, E. M. A., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., van Laarhoven, H. W. M., Geijsen, D., van Berge Henegouwen, M. I., Tytgat, K. M. A. J., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2019). Tailored Web-Based Information for Younger and Older Patients with Cancer: Randomized Controlled Trial of a Preparatory Educational Intervention on Patient Outcomes. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(10), Article 14407. [details]


    • Bronner, M. B., Nguyen, M. H., Smets, E. M. A., van de Ven, A. W. H., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2018). Anxiety during cancer diagnosis: Examining the influence of monitoring coping style and treatment plan. Psycho-Oncology, 27(2), 661-667. [details]
    • Nguyen, M. H., Smets, E. M. A., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2018). How tailoring the mode of information presentation influences younger and older adults’ satisfaction with health websites. Journal of Health Communication, 23(2), 170-180. [details]


    • Nguyen, M. H., van Weert, J. C. M., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., Tytgat, K. M. A. J., van de Ven, A. W. H., & Smets, E. M. A. (2017). Tailoring the mode of information presentation: Effects on younger and older adults’ attention and recall of online information. Human Communication Research, 43(1), 102-126. [details]
    • de Bruijn, G-J., Nguyen, M. H., Rhodes, R. E., & van Osch, L. (2017). Effects of preparatory and action planning instructions on situation-specific and general fruit and snack intake. Appetite, 108, 161-170. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Graaf, A., van den Putte, B., Nguyen, M-H., Zebregs, S., Lammers, J., & Neijens, P. (2017). The effectiveness of narrative versus informational smoking education on beliefs, attitudes, and intentions of low educated adolescents. Psychology & Health, 32(7), 810-825. [details]


    • Cai, S., Nguyen, M. H., & van Berlo, Z. M. C. (2025). The effectiveness of health belief model in predicting intentions for environmentally sustainable behavior: A meta-analysis. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2025, Brugge, Belgium.


    • Schulz, A., Volk, S. C., Blassnig, S., Marschlich, S., Nguyen, M. H., & Strauß, N. (2023). Information Abundance – Curse or Blessing? A Focus Group Study on How People Perceive Today’s Information Flows. Abstract from European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) Political Communication Section Conference, Berlin, Germany.
    • Volk, S. C., Schulz, A., Blassnig, S., Marschlich, S., Strauß, N., & Nguyen, M. H. (2023). Putting Avoidance in a Positive Light: A Focus Group Study of People’s Coping Strategies with Information Abundance in Different Media Contexts. Paper presented at International Communication Association ICA Pre-Conference News Avoidance, Resistance, and Related Audience Practices: Definitions, Predictors, and Consequences.


    • Bol, N., Høie, N., Nguyen, M. H., & Smit, E. S. (2018). How to make people move: The role of need for autonomy in explaining customization effects in mobile health apps. Abstract from Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, United States.
    • Bronner, M. B., Nguyen, H., Smets, E. M. A., van de Ven, A. W. H., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2018). Angst tijdens de diagnostische fase van kanker: de rol van informatiecopingstijl en behandeladvies.. Paper presented at Nederlandse Vereniging Psychosociale Oncologie, Utrecht, Netherlands.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Bol, N., & King, A. J. (2018). Differentiating customization & personalization in mode tailoring research: Implications for health communication. Abstract from International Communication Association, Prague 2018.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Bol, N., & Lustria, M. (2018). Putting the user in control: A model examining user-initiated message tailoring effects. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Gent, Belgium.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Bol, N., & Lustria, M. (2018). Tailoring online health information: Explaining mode tailoring effects on website attitude and information recall. Abstract from Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, United States.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Smets, E. M. A., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2018). Online behavior, offline consequences: How use of a tailored website influences patient satisfaction and patient participation during cancer consultations. Abstract from European Association for Communication in Healthcare, Porto, Portugal.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Smets, E. M. A., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2018). The relation between anxiety and information recall in newly diagnosed cancer patients. Abstract from European Association for Communication in Healthcare, Porto, Portugal.
    • Nguyen, M. H., van Weert, J. C. M., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & Smets, E. M. A. (2018). Fear and Forget: What predicts recall of medical information in newly diagnosed cancer patients?. Abstract from Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, United States.


    • Bronner, M. B., Nguyen, M. H., Smets, E. M. A., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2017). Exploring anxiety at the point of cancer diagnosis. Paper presented at Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health Conference (ARPH), Leiden, Netherlands.
    • Nguyen, M. H. (2017). Can one size fit all? Tailoring the mode of information presentation of health information online. Paper presented at ‘Innovative ideas in online computer-tailoring’ Symposium at the European Health Psychology Society Conference, Padova, Italy.
    • Nguyen, M. H. (2017). Optimizing online health tools for older cancer patients: Systematic redesign of an existing hospital website. Paper presented at DC Health Communication Conference (DCHC), Washington DC, United States.
    • Nguyen, M. H. (2017). Tailoring the mode of information delivery: Younger and older adults’ satisfaction with online health information. Abstract from DC Health Communication Conference (DCHC), Washington DC, United States.
    • Nguyen, M. H. (2017). Younger vs. older adults' satisfaction with health websites: Results from a mode tailoring experiment. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, San Diego, CA, United States.
    • Nguyen, M. H., & Bol, N. (2017). All stakeholders involved: A multi-method roadmap to developing an evidence-based online intervention for older cancer patients. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, San Diego, CA, United States.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Bol, N., Bolle, S., Linn, A. J., Schouten, B. C., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2017). Tailored eHealth interventions for ageing patient populations. Abstract from International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, San Diego, CA, United States.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Bol, N., Smets, E. M. A., Loos, E. F., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2017). Demonstration of an evidence-based mode-tailored website for older cancer patients. Abstract from Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health Conference (ARPH), Leiden, Netherlands.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Bol, N., Smets, E. M. A., van Weert, J. C. M., & Loos, E. F. (2017). Developing an evidence-based website for older cancer patients: A collaborative multi-method study. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Tilburg, Netherlands.
    • Nguyen, M. H., Bronner, M. B., Smets, E. M. A., van de Ven, A. W. H., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2017). Angst gedurende de diagnostische fase van kanker: De rol van informatiecopingstijl en behandelmethode. Paper presented at Symposium Kanker bij Ouderen, Ede, Netherlands.
    • Nguyen, M. H., van Weert, J. C. M., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & Smets, E. M. A. (2017). Effects of an interactive mode tailoring tool on younger and older adults' website satisfaction. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Tilburg, Netherlands.


    • Bronner, M. B., Nguyen, M. H., van Weert, J. C. M., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & Smets, E. M. A. (2016). The effect of mode tailoring on younger and older adults’ recall of cancer-related information. Abstract from 2016 Conference of the European Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH) , Heidelberg, Germany.
    • Nguyen, M. H. (2016). Mode tailoring online health information: Effects on attention and recall among older and younger adults. Paper presented at Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington KY, United States.
    • Nguyen, M. H. (2016). The effect of mode tailoring on younger and older adults’ recall of online health information. Paper presented at 2016 Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.
    • Nguyen, M. H., van Weert, J. C. M., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & Smets, E. M. A. (2016). Mode tailoring online health information: Effects on attention and recall among older and younger adults. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Nguyen, M. H., van Weert, J. C. M., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & Smets, E. M. A. (2016). Persuasive technologies: How to effectively tailor online information to older patients’ mode preferences?. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    • Nguyen, M. H., van Weert, J. C. M., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & Smets, E. M. A. (2015). Does tailoring the mode of information delivery enhance older and younger adults’ recall of cancer-related information?. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the European Association for Communication in Healthcare Summer Event Conference.
    • Nguyen, M. H., van Weert, J. C. M., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & Smets, E. M. A. (2015). Tailoring online health information to older adults’ mode preferences to increase information recall and website satisfaction. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Nguyen, M. H., van Weert, J. C. M., Bol, N., Loos, E. F., & Smets, E. M. A. (2015). The effect of mode tailoring on older adults’ recall of online health information. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association Young Scholars Preconference on Visual Methods.
    • van den Putte, B., Nguyen, M. H., de Graaf, A., Zebregs, S., & Neijens, P. C. (2015). Improving the effectiveness of tobacco education for low-educated adolescents: Giving information or telling a story?. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the meeting of the European Health Psychology Society.


    • de Bruijn, G-J., Nguyen, M. H., & van Osch, L. (2014). Comparing action planning and preparatory planning instructions on changes in fruit intake behaviour and planning in a two-week period: A randomized controlled intervention. Abstract from Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Society of Behavioural Medicine and Physical Activity.

    Prize / grant

    • van der Ark, A., Jansen, B. & Nguyen, H. (2023). Joint relations of digital literacy, time use and academic performance in primary and secondary education.
    • Nguyen, M. H., van Weert, J. C. M., Bol, N. & Loos, E. F. (2018). Honorable mention poster award at the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication (KCHC).
    • Nguyen, H. (2017). UvA385 Lustrum Grant (3.000,- euros).
    • Nguyen, M. H. (2016). Top Student Paper Award: Mode Tailoring Online Health Information: Effects on Attention and Recall Among Older and Younger Adults..

    Talk / presentation

    • Nguyen, H. (speaker) (4-2017). Optimizing information provision for Dutch older cancer patients: The interplay between online and offline communication channels, Invited guest lecture for the course “International and Comparative Media”, College of Communication & Information, Florida State University, Tallahassee.
    • Nguyen, H. (speaker) (4-2017). Optimizing Online Health Tools for Older Cancer Patients: Systematic redesign of a hospital website, Doctoral colloquium School of Information, Florida State University, Tallahassee.
    • Nguyen, H. (speaker) (4-2017). Can one size fit all? Tailoring online health information to older cancer patients modality preferences, Doctoral colloquium School of Communication, Florida State University, Tallahassee.
    • Nguyen, H. (speaker) & Bol, N. (speaker) (6-10-2016). Using videos to convey health information to colorectal cancer patients, ARPH Symposium: Using videos for research in health psychology, Utrecht.
    • Nguyen, H. (speaker) (19-4-2016). How to effectively tailor online information to older cancer patients’ mode preferences, Landelijk Platform voor Radiotherapie bij Ouderen (LPRO), Utrecht.
    • Nguyen, H. (speaker) (21-10-2015). How to effectively tailor online information to older cancer patients’ mode preferences: A randomized controlled trial, Colorectal cancer (CRC) research meeting, Amsterdam.


    • Nguyen, H. (visiting researcher) (1-4-2017 - 30-5-2017). School of Communication & Information, Florida State University, Tallahassee (visiting an external institution).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities