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Dr. L.B. (Laure) Michon

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Urban Geographies

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
  • Publications



    • van Heelsum, A., Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2016). New voters, different votes? A look at the political participation of immigrants in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. In A. Bilodeau (Ed.), Just ordinary citizens? Towards a comparative portrait of the political immigrant (pp. 29-45). University of Toronto Press. [details]


    • Vermeulen, F., Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2014). Immigrant political engagement and incorporation in Amsterdam. In N. Foner, J. Rath, J. W. Duyvendak, & R. van Reekum (Eds.), New York and Amsterdam: immigration and the new urban landscape (pp. 230-256). New York University Press. [details]



    • Groenendijk, K., van Heelsum, A., Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2010). Participación política de los inmigrantes en los Países Bajos. In D. Moya Malapeira, & A. Viñas Ferrer (Eds.), Sufragio y participación política de los extranjeros extraxomunitarios en Europa (pp. 109-152). Fundació Pi i Sunyer. [details]
    • Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2010). Party choices among immigrants and visible minorities in comparative perspective. The Netherlands. In K. Bird, T. Saalfeld, & A. M. Wüst (Eds.), The political representation of immigrants and minorities: voters, parties and parliaments in liberal democracies (pp. 76-79, 101). (Routledge/ECPR studies in European political science; No. 70). Routledge. [details]
    • Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2010). Voter turnout among immigrants and visible minorities in comparative perspective. The Netherlands. In K. Bird, T. Saalfeld, & A. M. Wüst (Eds.), The political representation of immigrants and minorities: voters, parties and parliaments in liberal democracies (pp. 33-36, 59). (Routledge/ECPR studies in European political science; No. 70). Routledge. [details]


    • Michon, L. (2008). Over de politieke integratie van migranten. In B. Snels, & N. Thijssen (Eds.), De grote kloof: Verhitte politiek in tijden van verwarring (pp. 149-161). Boom. [details]


    • Michon, L. B., & Tillie, J. N. (2003). Politische Partizipation von Migrantinnen in Amsterdam 1986-2002. Wiener Hefte zu Migration und Integration in Theorie und Praxis, 1(1), 98-112. [details]


    • Leiwakabessy, C. A. E., Vermeulen, F. F., Michon, L. B., & Rubingh, S. (2022). Opkomst en stemgedrag van Amsterdammers met een migratieachtergrond tijdens de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 16 maart 2022. Gemeente Amsterdam, Dienst Onderzoek en Statistiek.





    • Michon, L. B. (2007). Carrières politiques locales d'immigrés à Amsterdam, 1990-2007. Migrations Société, 19(114), 115-128. [details]



    • Michon, L. B., & Tillie, J. N. (2003). Amsterdamse polyfonie. Opkomst en stemgedrag van allochtone Amsterdammers bij de gemeenteraads- en deelraadsverkiezingen van 6 maart 2002. IMES/IPP/O&S. [details]
    • Michon, L. B., & Tillie, J. N. (2003). Politieke participatie van migranten in Nederland sinds 1986. In H. Pellikaan, & M. Trappenburg (Eds.), Politiek in de multiculturele samenleving. (pp. 126-159). Amsterdam: Boom. [details]


    • Fennema, M., Michon, L. B., & Nell, L. M. (2002). Evaluatie van de Stedelijke Adviescommissie Multiculturele Stad (SAMS) in Rotterdam. Amsterdam: IMES. [details]


    • Mugge, L. M., & Michon, L. B. (2012). Intersectionality and Political Representation: Ethnic Minority Women’s Interests in Dutch Parliament. Paper presented at 9th Annual IMISCOE Conference, .


    • Vermeulen, F. F., Tillie, J. N., & Michon, L. B. (2011). How are immigrants entering the precincts of power in Amsterdam?. Paper presented at Amsterdam and New York: the impact of immigration in two global cities.


    • Michon, L. B., Tillie, J. N., & van Heelsum, A. J. (2007). Turn out and party choice in the local elections in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 'Experts' Seminar on Political Participation of Foreigners in Public Local Life', Public Law Institute, Barcelona, .
    • Michon, L. B., van Heelsum, A. J., & Tillie, J. N. (2007). Political participation of migrants in the Netherlands since 1986. Paper presented at Paper presented at ther ECPR Joint Sessions, Helsinki, .

    Membership / relevant position

    • Michon, L. B. (2008-2009). Guest researcher, The CEVIPOF, Centre de Recherches de Sciences Po Paris, France.

    Talk / presentation

    • Mügge, L. (speaker) & Michon, L. (speaker) (28-8-2012). Intersectionality and Political Representation: Ethnic Minority Women’s Interests in Dutch Parliament, Paper presented at the IMISCOE annual conference, Amsterdam.
    • Michon, L. B. (speaker) & Mügge, L. M. (speaker) (13-10-2011). Who Represents Migrant Women in Parliament?, UITSLUITEND EMANCIPATIE. Paradoxen van emancipatie en integratie in Nederland, Amsterdam.
    • Tillie, J. N. (speaker), Michon, L. B. (speaker) & Vermeulen, F. F. (speaker) (20-1-2010). How are immigrants entering the precincts of power in Amsterdam?, paper at conference: Amsterdam and New York: The Impact of Immigration in Two Global Cities, Amsterdam.
    • Michon, L. (speaker) (16-5-2008). Political careers of ethnic minority municipal councillors in Amsterdam and the region of Paris, 1990-2007, Paper presented at the IMISCOE B3 Workshop on substate, suprastate and national citizenship Edinburgh, May 15-16, 2008, Edinburgh.
    • Michon, L. (speaker) (8-2-2008). Political careers of ethnic minority councillors in Paris and its region, 1992-2007, Paper presented at IMISCOE PhD Workshop, Hamburg 6-8 feb. 2008, Hamburg.
    • Michon, L. B. (speaker) (24-11-2007). The integration of ethnic minorities in the local political arene. Political careers of ethnic minority municipal councillors in Amsterdam and Paris, 1990-2007, Paper presented at the Fourth Challenge Training School, Brussels.
    • Michon, L. B. (speaker) (10-11-2007). Historique et état des lieux du droit de vote des étrangers aux Pays Bas, Presentation at the colloquium "Actualité du droit de vote des résidents étrangers", organised by the Association de soutien à l'expression des communautés d'Amiens (ASECA), Amiens, France.
    • Michon, L. B. (speaker) & Vermeulen, F. F. (speaker) (31-5-2007). Turkish councillors and their ties with Turkish organisations in Amsterdam, Paper presented at the Dag van de Sociologie, Rotterdam.
    • Michon, L. B. (speaker) (5-12-2003). L'intégration sociale et politique des musulmans aux Pays-Bas. Ouvertures, limites et dilemmes du système d'intégration néerlandais., Paper presented at the conference 'Les identités néerlandaises et la germanité', organized by the Université de Metz et l'Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg), Strasbourg.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Gemeente Amsterdam
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