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Dr. S. (Sarah) Marschlich

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Corporate Communication
Area of expertise: Public relations, Strategic communication, Organizational reputation, Organizational legitimacy, Neo-Institutional theory, Corporate social responsibility, Corporate diplomacy, Social media affordances
Photographer: Popupartists

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Sarah Marschlich is an Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at the Department of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam. She is affiliated with ASCoR, the Program Group Corporate Communication. After gaining her PhD at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), she worked as a senior research and teaching associate at the Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich (IKMZ). She was a guest researcher at Zayed University, College of Communication and Media Sciences (United Arab Emirates), and serves as Head of Scientific Committee of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA). Moreover, I serve as a board member of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research, supporting the matters of young and emerging scholars.
    In her research and teaching, Sarah Marschlich focuses on:

    1. The role of strategic communication and public relations in building organizational reputation and legitimacy.
    2. The challenges of corporate communication in the social media and news media environments.
    3. Organizations' social and political roles, including CSR, public diplomacy, and lobbying.  
  • Research

    Research methods

    • Survey
    • Experimental research design
    • Expert interview
    • Focus group

    Current research projects

    Exploring individuals’ imagined social media affordances using self-report measures and donated log-based data  

    Research grants & honours

    • 2022        Research funding by the Digital Communication Methods Lab, University of Amsterdam for the research project on “Exploring individuals’ imagined social media affordances using self-report measures and donated log-based data”
    • 2021        Best Paper Award for the paper “CSR in Hypermodern Times: Towards a New Measurement of Segmentation of Socially and Environmentally Conscious Publics” by the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA)
    • 2021        Research funding by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Sciences (SACM) and by the Swiss Association of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW) for the research project “Current situation of the mid-level staff at Swiss universities” 
    • 2019        Research grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for the research project “Corporate Diplomacy in the United Arab Emirates” 
    • 2019/2020    Fellow of the Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication
  • Publications


    • Dhanesh, G., & Marschlich, S. (in press). Gender representations and user engagement in social media posts of companies: Dream Crazier or Keep Walking?”. Business Horizons.
    • Storie, L., & Marschlich, S. (in press). Cultural citizenship processes on social media: How women negotiate identity online. Media, Culture and Society.


    • Eisele, O., Brugman, B. C., & Marschlich, S. (2024). The moral foundations of responsible business: Using computational text analysis to explore the salience of morality in CSR communication. Public Relations Review, 50(2), Article 102453. [details]
    • Marschlich, S., & Bernet, L. (2024). Corporate social advocacy and gender equality: how call-to-action messages influence corporate reputation. Corporate Communications, 29(7), 21-38. [details]
    • Marschlich, S., & Dhanesh, G. (2024). Corporate Social Responsibility in Hypermodern Times: How to Identify Socially Responsible Consumers. American Behavioral Scientist. Advance online publication.
    • Marschlich, S., & Eisenegger, M. (2024). Personalization of tech corporations: Examining personalized news and the media reputation of Google, Facebook, and Apple in Swiss news media. Journalism. Advance online publication.
    • Volk, S. C., Schulz, A., Blassnig, S., Marschlich, S., Nguyen, M. H., & Strauβ, N. (2024). Selecting, avoiding, disconnecting: a focus group study of people’s strategies for dealing with information abundance in the contexts of news, entertainment, and personal communication. Information Communication and Society. Advance online publication.


    • Marschlich, S., & Ingenhoff, D. (2023). The role of local news in constructing media legitimacy: How news media frames the sociopolitical efforts of multinational corporations in host countries. Corporate Communications, 28(7), 1-18. [details]
    • Marschlich, S., & Vogler, D. (2023). Public Debates about the Social Responsibility of Media Companies: A Longitudinal Analysis of Swiss Media Companies from 2010 to 2019. In F. Weder, L. Rademacher, & R. Schmidtpeter (Eds.), CSR Communication in the Media: Media Management on Sustainabililty at a Globel Level (pp. 141-157). (CSR, sustainability, ethics & governance). Springer. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Oehmer-Pedrazzi, F., & Marschlich, S. (2023). Lobbyismus aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. In A. Polk, & K. Mause (Eds.), Handbuch Lobbyismus (pp. 123-136). Springer VS.,
    • Storie, L., & Marschlich, S. (2023). Listening across borders: Global considerations for listening and public diplomacy. In K. R. Place (Ed.), Organizational listening for strategic communication: Building theory and practice (pp. 269-287). (Routledge Research in Public Relations). Routledge. [details]


    • Eisenegger, M., & Marschlich, S. (2022). Schlüsselbegriffe der Public Relations: Issues, Frames und Thematisierung. In P. Szyszka, R. Fröhlich, & U. Röttger (Eds.), Handbuch der Public Relations (pp. 1-22). Springer.
    • Marschlich, S. (2022). Corporate Diplomacy: How Multinational Corporations Gain Organizational Legitimacy. A Neo-Institutional Public Relations Perspective. (Organisationskommunikation). Springer.
    • Marschlich, S. (2022). Content analysis in the research field of public diplomacy. In F. Oehmer-Pedrazzi, S. H. Kessler, E. Humprecht, K. Sommer, & L. Castro (Eds.), Standardisierte Inhaltsanalyse in der Kommunikationswissenschaft – Standardized Content Analysis in Communication Research (pp. 329-338). Springer.
    • Marschlich, S., & Ingenhoff, D. (2022). Public-private partnerships: How institutional linkages help to build organizational legitimacy in an international environment. Public Relations Review, 48, Article 102124.
    • Marschlich, S., & Storie, L. (2022). The past, the present, and the future of public diplomacy research. In J. Falkheimer, & M. Heide (Eds.), Research Handbook on Strategic Communication (pp. 301-318). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Oehmer-Pedrazzi, F., & Marschlich, S. (2022). Lobbyismus aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. In A. Polk, & K. Mause (Eds.), Handbuch Lobbyismus (Living ed.). Springer VS., [details]
    • Ryffel, Q., Marschlich, S., Fürst, S., & Thai, S. (2022). From precarious conditions to permanent positions? Problems, responsible actors, and solutions for strengthening the academic mid-level staff in Switzerland. Studies in Communication Sciences, 22(3), 575-582. [details]
    • Storie, L., & Marschlich, S. (2022). Identity, social media and politics: How young Emirati women make sense of female politicians in the UAE. International Journal of Press/Politics, 27, 789-807.


    • Marschlich, S., & Ingenhoff, D. (2021). Stakeholder engagement in a multicultural context: The contribution of (personal) relationship cultivation to social capital. Public Relations Review, 47, Article 102091.
    • Marschlich, S., & Ingenhoff, D. (2021). The role of public relations in corporate diplomacy: how relationship cultivation increases organizational legitimacy. Journal of Public Relations Research, 33, 86-105.



    • Marschlich, S., & Thiele, F. (2023). Wer Karriere (fördern) will, muss auch über Karriere sprechen. Aviso, 76, 20-21. [details]




    • Marschlich, S. (2018). Bildmotive in der Migrationsberichterstattung im Wandel? [Images in News Coverage on Migration in Change?]. In C. Bonnen, K. Löpke, & F-A. Meyer (Eds.), Flüchtlingsbilder, Rechtspopulismus und Schweigespirale reloaded: Aktuelle Perspektiven Politischer Kommunikation [Images of Refugees, Right Wing Populism, and the Spiral of Silence Revisted] (pp. 9-30). Shaker.


    • Marschlich, S., Jacobs, S. H. J., & Dardis, F. (2024). Covering the issue of (in)equality: Associations between organizations in issue news and their media reputation. Abstract from EUPRERA 2024 Congress, Bucharest.
    • Marschlich, S., Jacobs, S. H. J., & Dardis, F. (2024). Covering the issue of (in)equality: Associations with organizations and their media reputation.


    • Eisele, O., Brugman, B. C., & Marschlich, S. M. (2023). The Moral Foundations of Responsible Business: Using Computational Text Analysis to Explore the Salience of Morality in CSR Communication. Paper presented at 24th Annual Conference of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Marschlich, S. M. (2023). Wellbeing, employer engagement & the role of gender in the PR industry. Abstract from 24th Annual Conference of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Marschlich, S. M., Strauß, N., & Vogler, D. (2023). On the Quality of Business Journalism in News Media: A Comparison of Business Reporting with Reporting in Other Spheres. Abstract from Etmaal Communicatiewetenschap 2023, Enschede, Netherlands.


    • Bernet, L., & Marschlich, S. M. (2022). Corporate Political Advocacy and Gender Equality: How Informing and Mobilizing Message Strategies Influence Corporate Reputation. Abstract from ECREA 2022 9th European Communication Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.

    Prize / grant

    • Marschlich, S. (2021). Current situation of the mid-level staff at Swiss universities.
    • Marschlich, S. (2021). Best Paper Award for the paper “CSR in Hypermodern Times: Towards a New Measurement of Segmentation of Socially and Environmentally Conscious Publics".
    • Marschlich, S. (2019). Corporate Diplomacy in the United Arab Emirates.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Marschlich, S. (2024-). Head of Scientific Committee, European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA).
    • Marschlich, S. (2020-2024). Board Member, Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Marschlich, S. (speaker) (28-11-2023). Responsibility Online: CSR Communication in the Digital Era, Perspective - talk about the future, Amsterdam.


    • Marschlich, S. (visiting researcher) (27-3-2023 - 31-3-2023). BI Norwegian Business School (visiting an external institution).
    • Marschlich, S. (visiting researcher) (1-2019 - 12-2019). Zayed University, College of Communication & Media Sciences (visiting an external institution).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities