Annemiek Linn is an Associate Professor in Health Communication. In her research line, she focuses on how technology and offline health communication are becoming intertwined. Her main interests are how the internet and patient-provider communication are converging and how new technologies can contribute to patient-centric care.
In 2013, Annemiek Linn achieved the successful defense of her thesis, which focused on tailored communication to promote medication intake behavior. Following the completion of her PhD, she remained at the University of Amsterdam, initially as an assistant professor and later as an associate professor specializing in Health Communication. Her research centers on the intertwining of technology and offline health communication. She is particularly intrigued by the convergence of technology and patient-provider communication, and she explores how emerging technologies can contribute to patient-centric care. Additionally, Annemiek dedicates one day each week to work as a project manager at Amsterdam UMC where she is involved in the project "Fall-risk increasing drugs: implementing a computerized clinical decision support system for effective withdrawal." Additionally, Annemiek serves on the editorial board of Patient Education Counseling: Innovation and holds the position of associate editor for Health Literacy & Communication Open. Furthermore, she is an esteemed member of several international networks, including the International Communication Association, the Center for Adherence Research Netherlands (NeSCoR), and NeFCA. She holds positions on several scientific committees, further solidifying her commitment to advancing healthcare communication and patient well-being.
A. J. Linn & F. te Poel (2021). Interview Nederlanders meer online voor gezondheid maar lopen risico.
A. J. Linn & Vromans, R. (2020, November). Interview for BNU health care edition. In de eerste golf was alles nieuw, iedereen was best braaf.
A. J. Linn (2020, August). Interview Avotros Op 1. Waarom studenten zich minder goed aan de regels houden (en hoe je dat wél bereikt)
Van Weert et al., (2020, April). Blog on Sociaalweb. Corona-apps in de exit-strategie voor ouderen: Intelligent of paradoxaal?
A. J. Linn (2020, March). Interview Volkskrant. Asocialen in het park? Nee Adviezen waren te vaag.
A.J. Linn (2018). Blog on Versvak: Doe niet zo overdreven! (
A.J. Linn (2018). Blog on Versvak Blog on Versvak: Dr. google mee op gesprek met de arts (
A.J. Linn (2017). Blog on Versvak Blog on Versvak: Onderbuikgevoelens in geneesmiddelengebruik (
A. J. Linn (2018, September). Interview Volkskrant. Campaign with patients should get teenagers vaccinated.
A. J. Linn (2014, April). Interview by Karien Visser. ‘Communicatie-op-maat’ geeft patiënten een positievere houding over medicijnen. Uitsluitend voor Apothekersassistenten (4), 2 pp 48-49.
A. J. Linn (2013, June 15). Interview by Hilber Meijer. Gezond slikken bespaart miljarden. Nederlands Dagblad, 15 juni 2013.
PIPA: MaPping the collective wIsdom of online rare disease communities: a Patient-driven Algorithm
INTERCOM: Dr Google in the consultation room – how does cancer patients’ internet use affect patient-clinician communication and patients’ well-being?
ADFICE_IT: Alerting on adverse Drug reactions: Falls prevention Improvement through developing a Computerized clinical support system: Effectiveness of Individualized medication withdrawal A. J. Linn (2013). Hoeveel onthouden patiënten? Wekker-Wakker Radio 5 [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from
On TRACk: a blended intervention incorporating TRaining, prepAration and Counseling to improve inhalation technique and medication adherence in patients with a lung disease.
The pros and cons of using online health information: Unraveling underlying mechanisms of synergy effects in health communication
OVAST - Optimizing the ‘Valanalyse’ Screening and assessment Tool & training
SNOWDROP: Seniors empowred via big data to joint-manage their medication-related Risk of falling in primary care
FAMICOM project: Family members’ concerns and providers’ reactions when dealing end of life decisions at the PICU/NICU and IC
Optimizing shared decision-making in oral cancer patients using precisely animated audio-visualizations
NWO-XS Main applicant: MaPping the collective wIsdom of online rare disease communities: a Patient-driven Algorithm (PIPA project)
VWS Co-applicant: OVAST – Optimizing, implementing and evaluating the ‘Valanalyse’ Screening and assessment Tool
LUMC Co-applicant: Molecular mechanisms and gene therapies for FoxP1 syndrome Co-applicant: Proof of concept OVAST – Optimizing, implementing and evaluating the ‘Valanalyse’ Screening and assessment Tool
KWF Co-applicant: Dr. Google in the consultation room – how does cancer patients’ internet use affect patient-clinician communication and patients’ well-being
GGG Open ronde (ZonMw) Co-applicant: on TRACk: a blended intervention incorporating TRaining prepAration and Counseling to improve inhaler technique and medication adherence in patients with a chronic lung disease
Research Priority ASCoR Co-applicant: Theorizing Personalization vs. Customization Effects in Mobile Communication Technologies Using Behavioral Tracking Data
TRIAGE STIP (ZonMw) Co-applicant: Triage in the Pharmacy: exploring medication-related problems.
Reumafonds Co-applicant: Rheumatologist’s implicit and explicit medication attitudes as possible target for improving medication adherence in patients using conventional disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs
COMMA STIP (ZonMw) Co-applicant: Communicatieadvies op maat voor apotheekmedewerkers in de apotheek: ontwikkeling en implementatie van een online feedback interventie
Merck Sharp & Dohme Main applicant: Communicatie-op-maat
Abbvie Co-applicant: Evaluating an instrument to assess the needs of IBD patients during a consultation
Amsterdam School of Communication Research Main applicant: Travel grant
Amsterdam School of Communication Research Main applicant: Adherence as a lifetime effort; The value of tailored communication for chronic patients
Merck Sharp & Dohme Main applicant: Promoting Recall of Information and Treatment Adherence in IBD patients
Pharmachemie Main applicant: Promoting Recall of Information and Treatment Adherence in IBD patients
Sanne Prins FAMICOM project: Family members’ concerns and providers’ reactions when dealing end of life decisions at the PICU/NICU and IC
Leonie Westerbeek SeNiors empOWered via big Data to joint-manage their medication-related Risk Of falling in Primary care)
Song Duimel Optimizing shared decision-making in oral cancer patients using precisely animated audio-visualizations
Sara Groos Proof of concept OVAST – Optimizing, implementing and evaluating the ‘Valanalyse’ Screening and assessment Tool (expected 2025; Amsterdam Medical Centre)
Roland van der Plas On TRACk: a blended intervention incorporating TRaining prepAration and Counseling to improve inhaler technique and medication adherence in patients with a chronic lung disease
Kelly de Wildt Alerting on adverse Drug reactions: Falls prevention Improvement through developing a computerized clinical support system: Effectiveness of individualized medication withdrawal
Kimberly Ploegmakers Cardiovascular AbnoRmalities and mEdication-related Fall Risk (CAREFREE): Development and feasibility testing of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) and patient portal