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Dr. H. (Helle) Larsen

Associate Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Developmental Psychology
Area of expertise: mental health, behavioural health, problematic smartphone use, developmental psychology

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Room number: 1.17
Postal address
  • Postbus 15916
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Research interests

    I am Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology and conduct interdisciplinary research that focuses on social and cognitive processes related to mental (depression, anxiety) and behavioural health (alcohol use, smoking, and problematic smartphone and social media use) in adolescents and young adults. I am especially interested in the complexity between the social context (e.g., peers, parents) and individual risk factors (e.g., motivational processes, self-regulation).

    In my research, and collaborations, I combine developmental psychology with insights from pedagogical, medical, and methodological disciplines and applied research. In addition to conducting assessment studies to get a refined understanding of the processes involved in psychopathologies and healthy behavior, I conduct intervention studies. For instance, I am involved in the development of a targeted digital game-based prevention intervention for impulsive and sensation seeking youth aged 13-16 years as well as online intervention studies aiming at decreasing alcohol use, smoking, and anxiety.

    I have a great passion for teaching and mentoring students and junior scholars.

    Next to my teaching and research, I am board member of Research Priority Area 'Youth Digitality' and academic director of the UvA Summer School 'Mental Health, Youth and Society'. Also, I am chair of the 'Dutch Society for Developmental Psychology' (VNOP).

    Other links

    • RPA Youth Digitality: takes a multidisciplinary approach to gain insight into the ways in which digital environments affect the development of young people, exploring the how, why, and when behind these impacts.
    • UvA Summer School:  Mental Health, Youth and Society 
    • Dutch Society for Developmental Psychology: VNOP


  • Teaching

    Master: Health Promotion and Behaviour Change

    Bachelor: Clinical Developmental Psychology  

  • Publications


    • Nuijs, M. D., Larsen, H., Klein, A. M., Grasman, R. P. P. P., Wiers, R. W., de Voogd, E. L., & Salemink, E. (2025). Combining Unguided Web-Based Attentional Bias Modification and Affective Working Memory Training to Decrease Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Cognitive Therapy and Research, Article e103974. Advance online publication.







    • Larsen, H., Salemink, E., Grond, I., Wiers, R. W., & Anderson, K. G. (2018). Validation of a contextualized assessment of smoking behaviour in students. Addiction, 113(5), 907-913. [details]
    • Wiers, R. W., & Larsen, H. (2018). Training cognitive-motivational processes underlying self-control in addiction. In D. de Ridder, M. Adriaanse, & K. Fujita (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Self-Control in Health and Well-Being: concepts, theories, and central issues (pp. 460-470). (Routledge international handbooks). Routledge. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Weckler, H., Kong, G., Larsen, H., Cousijn, J., Wiers, R. W., & Krishnan-Sarin, S. (2017). Impulsivity and approach tendencies towards cigarette stimuli: Implications for cigarette smoking and cessation behaviors among youth. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 25(5), 363-372. [details]




    • Janssen, T., Larsen, H., Peeters, M., Pronk, T., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Wiers, R. W. (2014). Interactions between parental alcohol-specific rules and risk personalities in the prediction of adolescent alcohol use. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 49(5), 579-585. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Larsen, H., Kong, G., Becker, D., Cousijn, J., Boendermaker, W., Cavallo, D., Krishnan-Sarin, S., & Wiers, R. (2014). Implicit motivational processes underlying smoking in American and Dutch adolescents. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 5, Article 51. [details]


    • Larsen, H., Engels, R. C. M. E., Granic, I., & Huizink, A. C. (2013). Does stress increase imitation of drinking behavior? An experimental study in a (semi-)naturalistic contex. Alcoholism - Clinical and Experimental Research, 37(3), 477-483. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Larsen, H., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., Kuntsche, E., Granic, I., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2013). Drinking in a micro-perspective: the role of engagement in imitation of sips of alcoholic beverages. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 4(3), 226-238. [details]
    • Voogt, C. V., Larsen, H., Poelen, E. A. P., Kleinjan, M., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2013). Longitudinal associations between descriptive and injunctive norms of youngsters and heavy drinking and problem drinking in late adolescence. Journal of Substance Use, 18(4), 275-287. [details]


    • Larsen, H., Engels, R. C. M. E., Wiers, R. W., Granic, I., & Spijkerman, R. (2012). Implicit and explicit alcohol cognitions and observed alcohol consumption: three studies in (semi)naturalistic drinking settings. Addiction, 107(8), 1420-1428. [details]
    • Larsen, H., Overbeek, G., Granic, I., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2012). The strong effect of other people’s drinking: two experimental observational studies in a real bar. American journal on addictions, 21(2), 168-175. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Teunissen, H. A., Spijkerman, R., Larsen, H., Kremer, K. A., Kuntsche, E., Gibbons, F. X., Scholte, R. H. J., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2012). Stereotypic information about drinkers and students' observed alcohol intake: an experimental study on prototype-behavior relations in males and females in a naturalistic drinking context. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 125(3), 301-306. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van der Zwaluw, C. S., Larsen, H., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2012). Best friends and alcohol use in adolescence: the role of the dopamine D4 receptor gene. Addiction Biology, 17(6), 1036-1045. [details]


    • Larsen, H., van der Zwaluw, C. S., Overbeek, G., Granic, I., Franke, B., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2011). De invloed van het DRD4 VNTR polymorfisme op adaptatie aan andermans alcoholconsumptie: een onderzoek naar een genomgevinginteractie. Psychologie & Gezondheid, 39(1), 5-11. [details]


    • Larsen, H., Engels, R. C. M. E., Souren, P. M., Granic, I., & Overbeek, G. (2010). Peer influence in a micro-perspective: imitation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Addictive Behaviors, 35(1), 49-52. [details]
    • Larsen, H., Overbeek, G., Granic, I., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2010). Imitation of alcohol consumption in same-sex and other-sex dyads. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 45(6), 557-562. [details]
    • Larsen, H., Overbeek, G., Vermulst, A. A., Granic, I., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2010). Initiation and continuation of best friends and adolescents' alcohol consumption: Do self-esteem and self-control function as moderators? International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34(5), 406-416.
    • Larsen, H., van der Zwaluw, C. S., Overbeek, G., Granic, I., Franke, B., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2010). A variable-number-of-tandem-repeats polymorphism in the dopamine D4 receptor gene affects social adaptation of alcohol use: investigation of a gene-environment interaction. Psychological Science, 21(8), 1064-1068. [details]
    • Spijkerman, R., Larsen, H., Gibbons, F. X., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2010). Students' drinker prototypes and alcohol use in a naturalistic setting. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 34(1), 64-71.


    • Larsen, H., Engels, R. C. M. E., Granic, I., & Overbeek, G. (2009). An experimental study on imitation of alcohol consumption in same-sex dyads. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 44(3), 250-255.


    • van der Valk, I., Spruijt, E., de Goede, M., Larsen, H., & Meeus, W. (2008). Family traditionalism and family structure: Attitudes and intergenerational transmission of parents and adolescents. European Psychologist, 13(2), 83-95.


    • Larsen, H., Branje, S. J. T., van der Valk, I., & Meeus, W. H. J. (2007). Friendship quality as a moderator between perception of interparental conflicts and maladjustment in adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31(6), 549-558.


    • Larsen, H., Kong, G., Becker, D., Cavallo, D. A., Cousijn, J., Salemink, E., Collot D'Escury-Koenigs, A., Krishnan-Sarin, S., & Wiers, R. (2015). Cognitive bias modification combined with cognitive behavioral therapy: A smoking cessation intervention for adolescents. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 146, Article e168. [details]


    • Wiers, R. W., Larsen, H., & Salemink, E. (2015). Middelgebonden stoornissen en verslaving. In H. T. van der Molen, E. Simon, & J. van Lankveld (Eds.), Klinische psychologie: theorieën en psychopathologie (3e ed., pp. 265-290). Noordhoff Uitgevers. [details]


    • Hensums, M., van den Bos, W., Overbeek, G. J., & Larsen, H. (2023). YouTube Vloggers Set the Stage: How Public (Non)Compliance With COVID-19 Regulations Affects Adolescents. Paper presented at Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD), United States.


    • Hensums, M., Brummelman, E., Larsen, H., van den Bos, W., & Overbeek, G. J. (2022). YouTube Vloggers set the Stage: A First Exploration of COVID-19 Related Norms on the Internet. Paper presented at 18th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.
    • Hensums, M., Larsen, H., Brummelman, E., van den Bos, W., & Overbeek, G. J. (2022). Self-Serving Behavior in Adolescence: An Experimental Test of the Influence of Peer Norms, Agentic Goals, and Narcissism. Paper presented at 18th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland.
    • Hensums, M., Larsen, H., Brummelman, E., van den Bos, W., & Overbeek, G. J. (2022). Self-Serving Behavior in Adolescence: An Experimental Test of the Influence of Peer Norms, Agentic Goals, and Narcissism. Paper presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), New Orleans, United States.
    • Hensums, M., Larsen, H., Brummelman, E., van den Bos, W., & Overbeek, G. J. (2022). Self-Serving Behavior in Adolescence: An Experimental Test of the Influence of Peer Norms, Agentic Goals, and Narcissism. Paper presented at VNOP Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.


    • Hensums, M., Brummelman, E., Larsen, H., van den Bos, W., & Overbeek, G. J. (2021). Social Goals and Gains of Adolescent Bullying: A Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at EADP Summer Tour, Stavanger, Norway.
    • Hensums, M., Brummelman, E., Larsen, H., van den Bos, W., & Overbeek, G. J. (2021). Social Goals and Gains of Adolescent Bullying: A Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at VNOP Conference 2021.
    • Hensums, M., Brummelman, E., Larsen, H., van den Bos, W., & Overbeek, G. J. (2021). Social Goals and Gains of Adolescent Bullying: A Meta-Analysis. Poster session presented at SRCD Biennial Meeting.


    • Hensums, M., Larsen, H., Brummelman, E., van den Bos, W., & Overbeek, G. J. (2020). Fostering Positive High-School Climates With a Social Network Intervention: A Pilot Study. Paper presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA).


    • Fischer, K., van den Akker, A. L., Larsen, H., Jorgensen, T. D., & Overbeek, G. J. (2019). Dopamine functioning and child externalizing behavior: A longitudinal analysis of polygenic susceptibility to parenting. 14. Poster session presented at
      19th Biennial ISRCAP Scientific Meeting , Los Angeles, California, United States.
    • Hendriks, H., Scholz, C., Larsen, H., de Bruijn, G. J., & van den Putte, B. (2019). Intervening through conversations: How instructions influence conversational valence and binge drinking determinants. Abstract from Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH) conference.


    • Fischer, K., van den Akker, A. L., Larsen, H., & Overbeek, G. J. (2017). Children’s genetic and psychophysiological susceptibility to reward- and punishment-based parenting. Poster session presented at 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, ECDP 2017, Utrecht, Netherlands.
    • Wen, S., Larsen, H., Cao, M. L., Kong, P., Maric, M., Tang, Y. L., & Wiers, R. W. H. J. (2017). Combining Cognitive Bias Modification with Motivational Interviewing to Increase Smoking Cessation in Chinese Smokers: A Pilot Study using A Single-Case Experimental Design. Poster session presented at SRNT 23rd Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy.

    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Larsen, H. (2013). Member and coordinator of Research Priority Area (i.e., RPA) Yield, Research Priority Area (i.e., RPA) Yield.


    • Larsen, H. (organiser) (2013). VGCt najaarscongres 2013: Cognitieve training en behandeling van verslaving: wat is de toekomst?, Veldhoven. Organisation of symposium at VGCt najaarscongres 2013: Cognitieve training en behandeling van verslaving: wat is de toekomst? (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities