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Dr. K. (Kobe) De Keere

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Cultural Sociology
Photographer: Kobe de Keere

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B6.04
Postal address
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile


    Kobe De Keere is an associate professor of sociology who spends much of his time figuring out the moral and cultural dimensions of our economic lives. He holds Master’s degrees in philosophy (Ghent University) and sociology (Free University of Brussels) and received a Ph.D. in sociology from the Free University of Brussels. He teaches several courses in economic and cultural sociology at the Bachelor's and (Research) Master's levels.

    He published on topics such as social class, moral justification, cultural meaning-making, and gatekeeping mechanisms. His main research focuses on subjects such as economic valuation, employee hiring, and the cryptocurrency market.

    He is a member of the program group Cultural Sociology of the Department of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam and a fellow of the Norbert Elias Foundation. He held the Gak Fellowship (2021) at The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (KNAW) and is affiliated scholar of the Weatherhead Research Cluster on Comparative Inequality and Inclusion (Harvard University)

    He has been a part of the TOR-research group of the Free University of Brussels and was visiting scholar at the Affective Science Group of the Social Psychology Department at the University of Oslo. Recently, he has also been a Visiting Fellow at the Polytechnic University of Turin and the London School of Economics and Political Science.

    He has received several research grants from the Dutch Research Council (Veni and Open competition XS Grant) and is a member of the editorial boards of Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change and Cultural Sociology.


    For an overview of current research projects visit (e)valuating work(ers) and Imagining a crypto world



  • Publications


    • De Keere, K., & Burchartz, L. M. (2025). Entering finance: Justifying career choices in a stigmatized industry. American Journal of Cultural Sociology. Advance online publication.
    • De Keere, K., Trans, M. B., & Milan, S. (2025). The value of crypto? Sociotechnical imaginaries on cryptocurrency in YouTube content. Socio-Economic Review, Article mwae081. Advance online publication.


    • De Keere, K., & Novokreshchenov, M. (2024). A crypto way out: Cryptocurrency, techno-economic imaginaries, and crisis in Russia. Journal of Cultural Economy. Advance online publication.


    • De Keere, K. (2023). Justifying employee gatekeeping: A video-elicitation and comparative study on resolving the moral unease of hiring. Organization. Advance online publication.







    • Spruyt, B., De Keere, K., Keppens, G., Roggemans, L., & Van Droogenbroeck, F. (2016). What is it worth? An empirical investigation into attitudes towards education amongst youngsters following secondary education in Flanders. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 37(4), 586-606. [details]


    • De Keere, K., de Korte, K., & Glorieux, I. (2015). Daarna eentje drinken? Profiel en activiteiten van bezoekers aan cultuur- en gemeenschapscentra. In J. Lievens, J. Siongers, & H. Waege (Eds.), Participatie in Vlaanderen 2: Eerste analyses van de participatiesurvey 2014 (pp. 91-106). Leuven: Acco.
    • De Keere, K., de Korte, K., & Glorieux, I. (2015). Should I stay or should I go. Ongelijke uitval bij bibliotheekgangers. In J. Lievens, J. Siongers, & H. Waege (Eds.), Participatie in Vlaanderen 2: Eerste analyses van de participatiesurvey 2014 (pp. 71-90). Leuven: Acco.


    • De Keere, K. (2014). From the self-made to the already made man: A historical content analysis of professional advice literature. Acta Sociologica, 57(4), 311-324.


    • De Keere, K. (2013). Van zelfcontrole naar zelfexpressie: een analyse van de transformatie van de geest van het kapitalisme. Sociologie, 9(1), 50-72.
    • De Keere, K., Spruyt, B., & Elchardus, M. (2013). Individualisme ontleed. Een theoretische en empirische analyse van individualisme-discoursen. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 34(3/4), 307-339.
    • Elchardus, M., & De Keere, K. (2013). Republicanism in Mediated Society; A comparative analysis on public and private evaluation guided by the theory of symbolic society. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 26(3), 273-290.


    • Elchardus, M., & de Keere, K. (2012). Social control and institutional trust: Reconsidering the effect of modernity on social malaise. The Social Science Journal, 50(1), 101-111.
    • de Keere, K., & Elchardus, M. (2012). Persoonlijk geluk en maatschappelijke verzuring. Een analyse naar de effecten van modernisering op de publieke en private evaluatie. In M. Elchardus, & I. Glorieux (Eds.), Voorspelbaar Uniek Leuven: LannooCampus.


    • de Keere, K., & Elchardus, M. (2011). Narrating linguistic conflict: a storytelling analysis of the language conflict in Belgium. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 3(32), 211-234.


    • Elchardus, M., & de Keere, K. (2010). Institutionalizing the new self. A comparative analysis. European Societies, 12(5), 743-764.
    • de Keere, K. (2010). Wantrouwen in wetenschap: een kwestie van reflexiviteit of maatschappelijk onbehagen? Sociologie, 6(1), 26-45.


    • de Keere, K., Elchardus, M., & Servais, O. (2011). Un Pays/Deux Langues. La Belgique au quotidien. Leuven: LannooCampus.
    • de Keere, K., Elchardus, M., & Servais, O. (2011). Één Land/Twee Talen. België uit het leven gegrepen. Leuven: LannooCampus.


    • Bouris, D., Boussaid, F., Bracke, S., Fontana, S., Pallister-Wilkins, P., Bala, S., de Cesari, C., Dekker, M., De Keere, K., Ferrari Braun, A., Gaddam, S., Hamdan, A., Hegazy, M., Jansen, Y., Işleyen, B., Korkmaz, A., Loken, M., Moors, A., Pali, B., ... Vertommen, S. (2024). De ondraaglijke lichtheid van UvA’s neutraliteit. Web publication or website, Folia.



    • De Keere, K. (2017). Searching for the moral field: homology between class and morality. Paper presented at ESA Conference, Athens, Greece.
    • De Keere, K. (2017). The moral field? A homology between class and moral thought styles.. Paper presented at Michèle Lamont workshop, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    • De Keere, K. (2016). 'Prophets in the pay of state’: a historical analysis of the transformation of teachers’ pedagogical discourse.. Paper presented at Annual BSA Conference 2016, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
    • De Keere, K., & Flemmen, M. (2016). Political distinction and the space of social classes: comparing Norway and Flanders. Paper presented at BSA Bourdieu Study Group’s Inaugural Biennial Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom.

    Prize / grant

    • De Keere, K. (2017). Hiring on taste: revealing the hidden power of cultural capital within occupational recruitment procedures (NWO-Veni Grant).

    Journal editor

    • De Keere, K. (member of editorial board) (2015-2018). Sociologos (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • De Keere, K. (invited speaker) (30-10-2017). Morality and Social Class.
    • De Keere, K. (invited speaker) (21-10-2017). Between fatalism and populism: a homology between class, morality and politics, Populism conference: between resentment and resistance, Amsterdam.
    • De Keere, K. (speaker) & Achterberg, P. (speaker) (9-6-2016). Science to the people: What about class?, Dag van de Sociologie, Tilburg.
    • De Keere, K. (speaker) (2016). 'Prophets in the pay of state’: a historical analysis of the transformation of teachers’ pedagogical discourse., Annual BSA Conference 2016, Birmingham.
    • De Keere, K. (invited speaker) (2016). Science to the people: What about class?, dag van de sociologie 2016, Tilburg.
    • De Keere, K. (speaker) (2016). Political distinction: search for a structural similarity between politics and class, sociology seminar, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • De Keere, K. (speaker), Flemmen, M. (speaker), Spruyt, B. (speaker) & Vandebroeck, D. (speaker) (2016). Political distinction and the space of social classes: comparing Norway and Flanders, BSA Bourdieu Study Group’s Inaugural Biennial Conference, Bristol.


    • De Keere, K. (organiser) & Bracke, S. A. E. (organiser) (23-11-2017). Getting Respect in The Netherlands: between redistribution and respect, Amsterdam. University of Amsterdam/ AISSR and Erasmus Prize Foundation (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • De Keere, K. (organiser), Weenink, D. (organiser), Velthuis, O. J. M. (organiser) & van Venrooij, A. T. (organiser) (19-6-2017 - 20-6-2017). Cultural Sociology Lowlands, 2017, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Vonk, L. A. (2024). A matter of appearances: How workers’ aesthetics are regulated in advice, hiring, and at work. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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