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Dr. A.J. (Anja) van Heelsum

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Challenges to Democratic Representation

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B9.21
Postal address
  • Postbus 15578
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Doomernik, J., & van Heelsum, A. (2024). The Poor Integration Results of the Common European Asylum System Compared to the Temporary Protection Directive: The Case of the Netherlands. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 25(4), 2049–2069. [details]
    • Kirişçioğlu, E., & van Heelsum, A. (2024). Stuck in a Whirlpool? The Role of Hope and Despair in Dealing with Risks During Afghan Migration Journeys. Journal of Refugee Studies. Advance online publication.
    • Poberezhna, A., Burlyuk, O., & van Heelsum, A. (2024). Superhero Army, Courageous People and Enchanted Land: Wartime Political Myths and Ontological Security in the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Czech Journal of International Relations, 59(1), 59-92. [details]





    • Kassaye, A., Ashur, I., & van Heelsum, A. (2016). The relationship between media discourses and experiences of belonging: Dutch Somali perspectives. Ethnicities, 16(6), 773-797. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2016). Why migration will continue: Aspirations and capabilities of Syrians and Ethiopians with different educational backgrounds. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(8), 1301-1309. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., & Koomen, M. (2016). Ascription and identity. Differences between first- and second-generation Moroccans in the way ascription influences religious, national and ethnic group identification. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(2), 277-291. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2016). New voters, different votes? A look at the political participation of immigrants in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. In A. Bilodeau (Ed.), Just ordinary citizens? Towards a comparative portrait of the political immigrant (pp. 29-45). University of Toronto Press. [details]


    • van Heelsum, A. (2014). Moroccan associations in the Netherlands: how organisation leaders deal with the stigmatisation of the Moroccan community. In I. Handzlik, & Ł. Sorokowski (Eds.), Found in multiculturalism: acceptance or challenge? (pp. 91-106). (Warsaw studies in politics and society; No. 1). Peter Lang. [details]


    • Koomen, M., & van Heelsum, A. (2013). The impact of public debates on Muslim representative in Western Europe: the agenda setting function of mass media. In M. Kortmann, & K. Rosenow-Williams (Eds.), Islamic organizations in Europe and the USA: a multidisciplinary perspective (pp. 79-94). (Palgrave studies in European political sociology). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Koomen, M., Tillie, J., van Heelsum, A., & van Stiphout, S. (2013). Discursive framing and the reproduction of integration in the public sphere: a comparative analysis of France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany. Ethnicities, 13(2), 191-208. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2013). The 'ethno-cultural position' reconsidered: an investigation into the usefulness of the concept when it comes to Moroccans. In A. van Heelsum, & B. Garcés-Mascareñas (Eds.), Migration and integration research: filling in Penninx's heuristic model (pp. 91-104). (IMISCOE). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2013). The influence of interviewers' ethnic background in a survey among Surinamese in the Netherlands. In J. Font, & M. Méndez (Eds.), Surveying ethnic minorities and immigrant populations: methodological challenges and research strategies (pp. 111-130). (IMISCOE research). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., & Garcés-Mascareñas, B. (2013). Introduction. In A. van Heelsum, & B. Garcés-Mascareñas (Eds.), Migration and integration research: filling in Penninx's Heuristic Model (pp. 7-9). (IMISCOE). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Vermeulen, F., & van Heelsum, A. (2012). Group-related or host state-related? Understanding the historical development of Surinamese organisations in Amsterdam, 1965-2000. In U. Bosma (Ed.), Post-colonial immigrants and identity formations in the Netherlands (pp. 77-97). (IMISCOE research). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Groenendijk, K., van Heelsum, A., Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2010). Participación política de los inmigrantes en los Países Bajos. In D. Moya Malapeira, & A. Viñas Ferrer (Eds.), Sufragio y participación política de los extranjeros extraxomunitarios en Europa (pp. 109-152). Fundació Pi i Sunyer. [details]






    • Berger, M., Fennema, M., van Heelsum, A., Tillie, J. N., & Wolff, R. P. (2001). L'integration politique des minorités ethniques aux Pays-Bas. Migrations Société, 13(77), 109-130. [details]
    • Fennema, M., Tillie, J. N., van Heelsum, A., Berger, M., & Wolff, R. P. (2001). De politieke integratie van etnische minderheden in Nederland. Migrantenstudies, 17(3), 142-157. [details]


    • van Heelsum, A. (1997). De etnisch-culturele positie van de tweede generatie Surinamers. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [details]



    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2019). Ethiopia as a transit country?. Manuscript submitted for publication In Proceedings ICES20 : 20th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Mek'ele, Ethiopia






    • van Heelsum, A. (2007). Moroccan Berber youngsters in the Netherlands and their associations. Africa e Mediterraneo, 62(4), 69-71. [details]


    • den Exter, J., van Heelsum, A., & Hessels, T. (2006). Organisaties van minderheden. In J. E. Overdijk-Francis, A. Boot, H. Smeets, & J. A. C. Verheyden (Eds.), Handboek minderheden (pp. 1-42). (7/1050). Houten/Den Haag: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum/SDU. [details]



    • den Exter, J., van Heelsum, A., & Hessels, T. (2004). Organisaties van minderheden. In J. E. Overdijk-Francis, & J. S. M. Boot (Eds.), Handboek Minderheden (pp. 1-39). (7; No. 1050). Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum/Den Haag: SDU. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2004). Migrantenorganisaties in Nederland. Deel 1: Aantal en soort organisaties en ontwikkelingen. Forum. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2004). Migrantenorganisaties in Nederland. Deel 2: Het functioneren van de organisaties. Forum. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., & Vermeulen, F. F. (2004). De invloed van de opportunity structuur. Landelijk beleid. In A. J. van Heelsum (Ed.), Migrantenorganisaties in Nederland. Deel 2: Het functioneren van de organisaties (pp. 75-80). Forum. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., & Vermeulen, F. F. (2004). De invloed van de opportunity structuur. Plaatselijk beleid. In A. J. van Heelsum (Ed.), Migrantenorganisaties in Nederland. Deel 2: Het functioneren van de organisaties (pp. 81-95). Forum. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., Fennema, M., & Tillie, J. (2004). Moslim in Nederland: Islamitische organisaties in Nederland. (SCP-werkdocument; No. 106e). Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP). [details]







    • Spencer, S., Martiniello, M., Gsir, S., Perrin, N., Cangiano, A., Shutes, I., Torre, A., Wirth Forsberg, K., Heckmann, F., Bosswick, W., Lüken-Klaßen, D., Penninx, R., van Heelsum, A., Fassmann, H., Görgl, P., & Kohlbacher, J. (2008). Equality and diversity in jobs and services: City policies for migrants in Europe. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2008). Evaluatie van het traject ‘Meedoen, bouwen aan burgerschap' in stadsdeel De Baarsjes: Derde ronde. Instituut voor Migratie en Etnische Studies. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2008). De rol van migrantenorganisaties in het integratiedebat. In W. Vissers (Ed.), De veranderende rol van migranten vrijwilligersorganisaties: Verslag provinciale bijeenkomst 16 februari 2008 (pp. 7-11). Palet, adviseurs diversiteit. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2008). Political participation and associations of immigrants in the Netherlands. Migration citizenship education: information platform. [details]



    • van Heelsum, A. (2006). Evaluatieonderzoek van het traject ‘Bouwen aan burgerschap’ in stadsdeel De Baarsjes: Verslag van de eerste onderzoeksronde (dec 2005-mei 2006). Instituut voor Migratie en Etnische Studies. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., & Hessels, T. (2006). Afrikanen uit Angola, DR Congo, Ethiopië, Eritrea, Nigeria en Sudan in Nederland: Een profiel. Ministerie van Justitie, Directie Coördinatie Integratiebeleid Minderheden. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., & Tillie, J. N. (2006). Opkomst en partijvoorkeur van migranten in de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 7 maart 2006. LOM/IMES. [details]


    • Tillie, J. N., & van Heelsum, A. (2005). Islamitische organisaties in de civil society. Eutopia, 9(5), 19-24. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2005). [Review of: D.J. Griffiths (2002) Somali and Kurdish refugees in London. New identities in the diaspora]. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31(2), 423-424. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2005). [Review of: L. Hagendoorn, W. Veenman, J. & Vollebergh (2003) Integrating immigrants in the Netherlands: Cultural versus socio-economic integration]. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28(3), 589-590. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., Collyer, M., & Lacroix, T. (2005). Inventory of expertise of persons and institutes in Morocco in the field of migration, IMISCOE Deliverable 2 (Secondary deliverable Cluster C5 Twinning Activities). Amsterdam: IMISCOE. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., Collyer, M., & Lacroix, T. (2005). Participation of Moroccan researchers in the work of cluster A2. IMISCOE Deliverable 1 (Primary deliverable Cluster C5 Twinning Activities). Amsterdam: IMISCOE. [details]


    • Penninx, R., & van Heelsum, A. (2004). Bondgenoot of Spelbreker? Organisaties van immigranten en hun mogelijke rol in integratieprocessen. Forum. [details]
    • Tillie, J. N., van Heelsum, A., & Fennema, M. (2004). Islamitische organisaties in 'the civil society'. Eutopia, 9(5), 19-24. [details]


    • van Heelsum, A. (2003). Advies Migrantenbeleid Stadsdeel Oost/Watergraafsmeer. IMES. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2003). Organisaties van immigranten en hun omgeving: kansen en belemmeringen. Amsterdam: IMES. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2003). Reacties van zelforganisaties op stigmatisering. In S. Harchaoui, & C. Huinder (Eds.), Stigma: Marokkaan! Over afstoten en insluiten van een ingebeelde bevolkingsgroep (pp. 93-108). Utrecht: Forum. [details]


    • Kraal, K., & van Heelsum, A. (2002). Een dynamisch mozaïek. Nieuwe trends bij Marokkaanse organisaties. Utrecht: IMES/SMT. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2002). Marokkaanse organisaties in Amsterdam in 2001. Aksant. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., & Voorthuijsen, E. (2002). Surinaamse organisaties in Nederland. Een netwerkanalyse. Aksant. [details]


    • Berger, M., Fennema, M., van Heelsum, A., Tillie, J., & Wolff, R. (2001). Politieke participatie van etnische minderheden in vier steden. (IMES Rapportenreeks). Instituut voor Migratie en Etnische Studies. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2001). Marokkaanse organisaties in Nederland: een netwerkanalyse. Het Spinhuis. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A. (2001). Turkse organisaties in Amsterdam: Een netwerkanalyse. Het Spinhuis. [details]


    • Fennema, M., Tillie, J., van Heelsum, A., Berger, M., & Wolff, R. (2000). Sociaal kapitaal en politieke participatie van etnische minderheden. Instituut voor Migratie en Etnische Studies. [details]
    • Tillie, J. N., Fennema, M., & van Heelsum, A. (2000). De Etnische Stem. Opkomst en stemgedrag van migranten tijdens de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 1986-1998. Utrecht: Forum. [details]
    • van Heelsum, A., & Tillie, J. N. (2000). Stemgedrag van migranten in de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 1998. In J. Tillie, M. Fennema, & A. van Heelsum (Eds.), De Etnische Stem. Opkomst en stemgedrag van migranten tijdens de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 1986-1998 (pp. 18-92). Utrecht: Forum. [details]


    • van Heelsum, A., & Tillie, J. (1999). Turkse organisaties in Nederland: Een netwerkanalyse. Het Spinhuis. [details]


    • Berger, M., Feenstra, A., van Heelsum, A., Fennema, M., & Tillie, J. N. (1998). Surinaamse en Antilliaanse/Arubaanse organisaties in Amsterdam. Een netwerkanalyse. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [details]
    • Berger, M., van Heelsum, A., Fennema, M., & Tillie, J. N. (1998). Ghanese organisaties in Amsterdam. Een netwerkanalyse. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [details]


    • Lindo, M. P., van Heelsum, A., & Penninx, M. J. A. (1997). Op zoek naar eigen kracht. Vrijwilligerswerk en burgerschap onder minderheden. Achtergrondstudie bij 'Uitsluitend vrijwillig!? Maatschappelijk actief in vrijwilligerswerk'. Rijswijk/Den Haag: Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling/SDI. [details]


    • Motlaq, D., & van Heelsum, A. J. (2024). Asylum Seekers Centres in the Netherlands’s Total Institution Characteristics and its Effect on Refugees' Sense of Belonging.
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2024). Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia: the role of education in migration decision making. Paper presented at IMISCOE Conference 2024, Lisbon, Portugal.


    • Doomernik, J. M. J., & van Heelsum, A. J. (2023). The Poor Integration Results of the Common European Asylum System compared to the Temporary Protection Directive: the Case of the Netherlands. Paper presented at IMISCOE Anual Conference 2023 Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2019). Migration decisions in the transit situation: what determines the onward move?. Paper presented at 26th International Conference of European Studies, Madrid, Madrid, Spain.


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2018). The Aspirations Approach and its use in situations of Transit. Paper presented at 14th IMISCOE Conference in Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2018). Transit Migration of refugees explained: Safety, Livelihood and Aspirations. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ATINER Conference, Athens, Greece.
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2018). Transit migration explained: Turkey, Jordan and Ethiopia: Paper for the International Conference of Ethiopian Studies ICES20, in Mek’ele, Ethiopia. Pannel 1002: Trends and dynamics of international migration in Ethiopia..


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2017). 'Explaining voters preferences for migrant parties in the Dutch elections of 2017': Paper for the International Metropolis Conference, Den Haag, 19-22 Sept 2017. Paper presented at International Metropolis Conference 2017, The Hague, Netherlands.
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2017). 'Explaining voters preferences for migrants parties in the Dutch elections of 2017': Paper for the Conference of European Studies, Glasgow, 12-14 July. Paper presented at Conference of European Studies, Glasgow.
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2017). Aspirations and frustrations: experiences of recent refugees in the Netherlands: Paper for the Conference of European Studies, 12-14 July, Glasgow. Paper presented at Conference of European Studies, Glasgow.


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2016). Why Migration will continue: Aspirations and Capabilities of Ethiopians and Syrians with different educational backgrounds. Paper presented at Paper presented at the IMISCOE Conference, Prague, .


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2015). Coping with anti-Muslim sentiments, how representatives of organisations handle prejudice. Paper presented at Paper on the "Middle East Research Convention 2015" organised by ACMES, Amsterdam, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2015). Long lasting refugee camps: a sustainable solution? Supporting agency of refugees and the role of UN institutions, NGO’s and the state. Paper presented at Discussion paper presented at the MSF-UvA event “People on the Move”, University of Amsterdam, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2015). The organisations of Muslims in Europe: diversity and adjustment. Paper presented at Paper for de "Sociologendagen", Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2015). The organisations of Muslims in Europe: diversity and adjustment. Paper presented at Paper for the IMISCOE Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J., & Kassaye, A. (2015). Muslim immigrants in six European countries and the debate in the media: how Muslim leaders cope with prejudice. Paper presented at Paper for the 22nd CES (Council of European Stuies), Paris, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J., & Koomen, M. W. (2015). Ascription and identity. Differences between first- and second-generation Moroccans in the way ascription influences religious, national and ethnic group identification. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Symposium Religie en Samenleving, Utrecht, .


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2014). The organisations of Muslims in Europe: diversity and adjustment. Paper presented at paper at the IMISCOE Conference, Madrid, .


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2013). Ethnic identity of Turks and Moroccans in Western Europe: position acquisition and position allocation. Paper presented at 10th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Malmo, .



    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2009). Building Citizenship, a project to enhance social capital in Amsterdam. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ISHSS Amsterdam, Amsterdam, .


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2008). Cities Local integration policies: a comparison of Amsterdam and Terrassa. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Metropolis conference, Bonn (Germany), .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2008). Interviewer effects in survey interviews. Paper presented at paper for the workshop Surveying immigrant populations in studies of social and political participation: Methodological and technical challenges, Madrid, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J., & Vermeulen, F. F. (2008). Group- or host state-related? Understanding the historical development of Suriname organisations in Amsterdam, 1965-2000. Paper presented at Paper presented on the workshop Postcolonial Immigration and Identity Formation in Europe since 1945: Towards a comparative Perspective, IISG, Amsterdam.


    • Michon, L. B., Tillie, J. N., & van Heelsum, A. J. (2007). Turn out and party choice in the local elections in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 'Experts' Seminar on Political Participation of Foreigners in Public Local Life', Public Law Institute, Barcelona, .
    • Michon, L. B., van Heelsum, A. J., & Tillie, J. N. (2007). Political participation of migrants in the Netherlands since 1986. Paper presented at Paper presented at ther ECPR Joint Sessions, Helsinki, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2007). African associations in the Netherlands: differences in number, type, interconnectedness and transnational ties. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 4th IMISCOE conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2007). African associations in the Netherlands: differences in number, type, interconnectedness and transnational ties. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), Leiden, .


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2006). Anti-immigrant sentiments in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the UCLA Diaspora Programme, Los Angeles, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2006). Moroccan youngsters: Berber identity and transnational ties. Paper presented at Paper presented at the conference ‘Middle East and North African immigrants and their descendants, Diaspora/Homeland relations. Transnationalism and the reconstruction of identities in Europe, Oxford, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2006). Turnout and party choice in the local elections in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper for the Metropolis conference, Lisbon, .


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2005). Moroccan Berber immigrants in Western Europe, Canada and the USA. The quest for identity and recognition.. Paper presented at Paper at the conference 'Morocco between tradition', Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2005). Moroccan Berber immigrants in Western Europe, Canada and the USA. The quest for identity and recognition. Paper presented at Paper at the IMISCOE workshop 'New Moroccan migrations', University of Sussex, Sussex, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2005). Transnational links of Moroccan Berber organisations. Paper presented at Paper at the first annual IMISCOE conference, Coimbra, .


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2003). The concept diaspora clarified. The case of Moroccan Berbers in Western Europe. Paper presented at Paper presented at the workshop 'Diaspora and Islam. Exportability and Portability'., UCLA, Los Angeles, .


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2002). Explaining trends and activities of Moroccan organisations. The case of the Berbers.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Studiedagen, Amsterdam, 30-31 May, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2002). Political participation of migrants in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the workshop 'Migration in Europe' ( European Institute), Brighton, Sussex, U.K., .


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2001). Political participation of migrants in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Sixth International Metropolis Conference, Rotterdam, .


    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2000). Political participation of migrants in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Metropolis Conference, Vancouver, .
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2000). Political participation of migrants in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Workshop on 'Citizenship and the Rights of Immigrants', Fiesole (Italy), .


    • Doomernik, J. M. J., & van Heelsum, A. (2005). MIDET, a database on the subject of Migration, Integration, Diversity, Extremism and Terrorism. Ministry of Justice.

    Prize / grant

    • van Heelsum, A. & Burlyuk, O. (2025). Best article 2024 award.
    • van Heelsum, A. J. (2018). H2020 Consortium Grant: Advancing Alternative Migration Governance (ADMIGOV).

    Membership / relevant position

    • van Heelsum, A. (2020-2028). Member of advisory board of the PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development, PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development.
    • van Heelsum, A. (2013). Member of advisory committee 'SOMALIS IN AMSTERDAM - AT HOME IN EUROPE PROJECT', Open Society Foundations and University of Utrecht.
    • van Heelsum, A. (2009). Member of a group of researchers workong on associations of immigrants and member of the evaluation group, IISG (Internat. Instute for Social History).
    • van Heelsum, A. (2007-2009). Member of advisory committee on Alevites in the Netherlands, Ibo Yerden for the Alevi Federation in The Netherlands.
    • van Heelsum, A. (2007-2008). Advisor, The 'Turkish Knowledge Network Amsterdam'.
    • van Heelsum, A. (2007-2008). Member of the advisory committee, The European project INVOLVE (Voluntary work and integration in Europe).
    • van Heelsum, A. (2007-2009). Member of the evaluation group of the project 'Bouwen aan Burgerschap', Stadsdeel De Baarsjes.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    Talk / presentation

    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (12-4-2023). Addressing the quality of migration governance, the ADMIGOV approach, Koc University.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (9-7-2021). Workshop Governing Migration Governance, IMISCOE Conference 2021, Luxembourg.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (2019). Advancing Alternative Migration Governance: Input on the future of the common European Asylum System, CEASEVAL Conference, Chemnitz.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (22-11-2018). Advancing Alternative Migration Governance, AISSR Harvest Day 2018, Amsterdam.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (6-11-2014). Muslim immigrants in six European countries and the debate in the media, International Metropolis Conference, Milano.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) & Koomen, M. (speaker) (20-6-2012). EURISLAM: Interviews with Muslim leaders, EURISLAM Conference 20-21 June, Brussel.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (15-9-2011). Cities local integration policies: housing policies in Amsterdam, Meeting of Finnish delegation from the municipality of Turku, Amsterdam.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (9-9-2011). Local policies of European cities on de-radicalisation, IMISCOE conference, Warsaw. Heelsum Cities Local policies on Deradicalisation.pdf
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (15-6-2011). Why Somali's move, an investigation into migratory processes among Somalis, 4th European Conference on African Studies, Upsalla.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (27-11-2010). Maatschappelijke participatie van migranten en faciliterend lokaal beleid, Lezing op het congres 'Samen KansRijk', Harderwijk.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (18-3-2010). Migrantenorganisaties en de lokale overheid, Lezing voor de bijeenkomst 'Zelforganisaties', Delft.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (29-10-2008). Cities Local integration policies: a comparison of Amsterdam and Terrassa, Presentation on the IMISCOE conference, Bilbao (Spain).
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (28-10-2008). Cities Local integration policies: a comparison of Amsterdam and Terrassa, Paper presented at the Metropolis conference, Bonn (Germany).
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (22-4-2008). Immigrants and Housing in Amsterdam, Lezing op het IMES voor 25 bezoekers uit Berlijn, Amsterdam.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (22-11-2006). Migrantenorganisaties en integratie, Lecture held at the expertmeeting of the Gemeente Rotterdam, Rotterdam.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (13-11-2006). Opkomst en stemgedrag van migranten bij de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 7 maart, Lecture presented at the concluding session of the Landelijk Overleg Minderheden of the campaign ‘Wie stemt beslist’, Amsterdam.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (27-10-2006). Bondgenoot of spelbreker?, Lecture presented at the PBR Jubilee, Rotterdam.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (27-4-2005). Politieke participatie van migranten, Lecture at 'Provinciaal debat', Eindhoven.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (23-4-2005). De rol van zelforganisaties bij integratie, Lecture at the Stichting Mondiale Samenleving, Soesterberg.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (21-10-2004). Bondgenoot of spelbreker, Lecture for the Forum conference, Utrecht.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (11-6-2004). De rol van migrantenorganisaties in Stadsdeel Bos en Lommer, Lecture for Stadsdeel Bos en Lommer, Amsterdam.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (11-4-2003). Migrantenorganisaties in Nederland., Lecture presented in the course 'Cultureel Erfgoed Migranten', Universiteit Leiden.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (12-2-2003). The development of organisations of immigrants and ethnic minorities in the Netherlands., Lecture presented at the 'Migration Seminar' of the Sussex Centre for Migration Research at the University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (27-6-2002). Het dynamisch mozaïek. Nieuwe trends bij Marokkaanse organisaties, Lecture presented at the Samenwerkingsverband Marokkanen en Tunesiërs (SMT), Utrecht.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (26-11-2001). Political participation of migrants in the Netherlands, Paper presented at the Sixth International Metropolis Conference, Rotterdam.
    • van Heelsum, A. (speaker) (24-11-2000). 'Zelforganisaties' als civic communities, Lezing voor de Marokkaanse Culturele Vereniging Bades, Roosendaal.


    • van Heelsum, A. (participant) (3-7-2023). IMISCOE Anual Conference 2023 Warsaw, Warsaw. Organising a workshop entitled "Advancing Alternative Migration Governance", workshop #33 at the IMISCOE Conference with 5 paper presenters. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Heelsum, A. (organiser) & Jeandesboz, J. (organiser) (19-1-2023). AdMiGov Final Conference, Brussels. We organised the AdMiGov Final Conference for the research team to presented final results in Brussels. The results include our final output (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Heelsum, A. (organiser), Rajabzadeh, I. (participant), Ustubici, A. (participant), Claes, J. (participant) & Trovato, G. (participant) (30-6-2022). IMISCOE Conference 2023 Oslo, Oslo. Panel - The relationship between development interventions and migration aspirations in Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mali and TurkeyThe ADMIGOV team is (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Heelsum, A. (organiser) & Papataxiarchis, A. (organiser) (8-6-2022 - 10-6-2022). Workshop Mediation in Migration Governance. The Multiple Facets of Protection, Mitylene. AdMiGov Workshop on Protection of Migrants (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Heelsum, A. (organiser), Matusz, P. (participant), Doomernik, J. (participant), Aivaliotou , E. (participant), Garces-Mascarenas, B. (participant) & Guell, B. (participant) (26-1-2021). Zooming in on Migration and Asylum #7 "Seasonal migrant workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic". The Covid-19 pandemic dramatically changed the situation of temporary labour migrants in the agricultural sector all through Europe. Besides border (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Heelsum, A. (organiser) (21-1-2021 - 1-1-2024). Massive Open Online Course Advancing Alternative Migration Governance (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Heelsum, A. (organiser) (1-1-2021 - 1-1-2024). Massive Open Online Course Advancing Alternative Migration Governance: Introduction (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Heelsum, A. (participant), Lemberg-Pedersen, M. (participant), Matusz, P. (participant) & Pallister-Wilkins, P. (participant) (29-9-2020). Zooming in on Migration and Asylum #3: Access to Europe: Governing the Entry of third-country nationals in the European Union. With a view to contributing to the discussion on the EU’s “New Pact on Migration and Asylum”, the webinar examines these questions and presents the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Heelsum, A. (organiser) (1-9-2020 - 31-12-2021). Zooming in on Migration and Asylum Webinar Series. A number of EU-funded Horizon 2020 research and innovation projects focus on migration and asylum, issues which remain at the top of the agenda for (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Heelsum, A. (organiser) (2019). Advancing Alternative Migration Governance, Malmö (organising a conference, workshop, ...).



    • van Heelsum, A. J. (1997). De etnisch-culturele positie van de tweede generatie Surinamers. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [details]


    • Hoksbergen, H. W., Tillie, J., Koomen, M. W., van Heelsum, A. & Damstra, A. (6-10-2015). Eurislam survey - data & codebook. Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS).
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