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Dr. M.J. (Margot) van der Goot

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Persuasive Communication

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: C9.10
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Social media
  • Profile

    I am a senior assistant professor of Persuasive Communication & New Media Technologies at the Department of Communication Science. I am a born and raised communication scholar (BA, MA, PhD), with a lifelong fascination for people’s interpretations, perceptions, drives, goals, feelings, and meanings of life. Over the years, my empirical research has investigated how people respond to various forms of (persuasive) communication. I am eager to further refine concepts that are used in communication research, and —although I also conduct quantitative research— qualitative research is most close to my heart. A specific target group of interest in my research have been older adults because life-span and generational theories strongly suggest age differences in responses to (persuasive) communication.

    Research expertise

    • Human-machine communication
    • Chatbots
    • AI
    • User perceptions

    Roles in academia

    I have served as president of NeFCA (the Netherlands-Flanders Communication Association) and as secretary for the ICA interest group Human-Machine Communication

  • Research

    Research methods

    • Qualitative research
    • Mixed method research

    Human-machine communication: vision

    In 2019, I shifted my research focus to human-machine communication, and in particular to users’ perceptions of their interactions with (AI-enabled) chatbots. This started with my intuition that with the increasing use of this type of AI-enabled communication we run the risk of losing something fundamentally human, for instance because communication becomes more superficial. I see chatbots and other AI-enabled communicators as “evocative objects” or “philosophical provocateurs” (following among others Turkle’s work, see van der Goot & Etzrodt, 2023) that elicit questions about what being human actually means. For me, a distinctive characteristic of us humans is that we can reflect on ourselves, and “seek within” through introspection and for example meditation. From this place “within” we can connect with each other, in an embodied way, and be compassionate with each other. Obviously, we are very far from perfect in that. In that sense, the current hype around large language models such as ChatGPT and GPT-4 does not only invite us to consider what we are losing when we outsource part of our communication to such language models, but also how we as humans can use our own potential to the fullest— particularly by “seeking within” and truly embodying values such as compassion.

    Human-machine communication: empirical research

    My empirical studies are often based on qualitative interviews and/or experiments. I am particularly interested in users’ social responses to chatbots, and I have investigated concepts such as source orientation (who or what do people think they are communicating with?), anthropomorphism, and social presence (van der Goot, 2022). One specific aspect of chatbots that I have looked into are disclosures, i.e., explicit statements that clarify to the user that they are interacting with a chatbot and not with a human (van der Goot et al., 2022). In terms of types of chatbots, I have looked into customer service chatbots (e.g., van der Goot et al., 2021) and into how users respond when the output of a language model is adapted to their age group (e.g., Jansen et al., 2022). In my current studies I turn the attention to interactions with chatbots in the mental health context (e.g., Henkel et al., 2023) and for social purposes, and will continue to take a critical stance.

  • Teaching

    I teach in the BA and MA program Communication Science, and in the BA Computational Social Sciences, particularly on qualitative research methods in a communication context.

  • Publications


    • Balaji, D., de Bruijn, G.-J., Bosse, T., Ischen, C., van der Goot, M., & Wiers, R. (2024). Designing a Couples-Based Conversational Agent to Promote Safe Sex in New, Young Couples: A User-Centred Design Approach. In ACM CUI 2024 : Conversational User Interfaces : 8-10th July 2024, Luxembourg: Proceedings of the 6th Conference on ACM Conversational User Interfaces (CUI 2024) : 8-10th July 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg Article 4 Association for Computing Machinery.
    • Etzrodt, K., Kim, J., van der Goot, M. J., Prahl, A., Choi, M., Matthew J. A., C., Dehnert, M., Engesser, Frehmann, Grande, Leo‑Liu, Liu, D., Mooshammer, Rambukkana, Rogge, Sikström, Son, Wilkenfeld, Xu, ... Edwards, C. (2024). What HMC teaches us about authenticity. Human-Machine Communication , 8, 227‑251.
    • Fransen, M. L., Haverkort, Kniep, & van der Goot, M. J. (2024). Weerstand in de praktijk: Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar hoe communicatieprofessionals omgaan met weerstand tegen overtuigende boodschappen. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 52(2), 177 - 202.
    • Noon, M. F. A., Kroon, A. C., van der Goot, M. J., Vliegenthart, R., & van Selm, M. (2024). Bias in candidate sourcing communication: Investigating stereotypical gender- and age-related frames in online job advertisements at the sectoral level. Public Relations Review, 50(3), Article 102456. [details]
    • Peter, J., Araujo, T. B., Ischen, C., Shaikh, S. J., van der Goot, M. J., & van Straten, C. L. (2024). Human–machine communication. In A. Theo, & N. Peter (Eds.), Communication Research into the Digital Society (pp. 205-220). Amsterdam University Press.
    • Zhang, D., Boerman, S. C., Hendriks, H., van der Goot, M. J., Araujo, T., & Voorveld, H. (2024). "They Know Everything": Folk Theories, Thoughts, and Feelings About Dataveillance in Media Technologies. International Journal of Communication, 18, 2710-2730. [details]
    • van der Goot, M. J., Koubayová, N., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2024). Understanding users’ responses to disclosed vs. undisclosed customer service chatbots: A mixed methods study. AI & Society.


    • Henkel, T., Linn, A. J., & van der Goot, M. J. (2023). Understanding the intention to use mental health chatbots among LGBTQIA+ individuals: Testing and extending the UTAUT. In A. Følstad, T. Araujo, S. Papadopoulos, EL.-C. Law, E. Luger, M. Goodwin, & P. B. Brandtzaeg (Eds.), Chatbot Research and Design: 6th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 22–23, 2022 revised selected papers (pp. 83-100). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13815). Springer. [details]
    • van der Goot, M. J., & Etzrodt, K. (2023). Disentangling two fundamental paradigms in human-machine communication research: Media equation and media evocation. Human-Machine Communication , 6, 17-30. [details]


    • Heckert, R., & van der Goot, M. J. (2022). Newsworthiness of multiple identity organizations. Social sciences and humanities open, 6, Article 100344. [details]
    • Jansen, L., Laichter, Š. L., Sinclair, A., van der Goot, M. J., Fernández, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2022). Controllable Text Generation for All Ages: Evaluating a Plug-and-Play Approach to Age-Adapted Dialogue. In A. Bosselut, K. Chandu, K. Dhole, V. Gangal, S. Gehrmann, Y. Jernite, J. Novikova, & L. Perez-Beltrachini (Eds.), 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation and Metrics: GEM 2022 : proceedings of the workshop : December 7, 2022 (pp. 172-188). Association for Computational Linguistics. [details]
    • van der Goot, M. J. (2022). Source orientation, anthropomorphism, and social presence in human-chatbot communication: how to proceed with these concepts. Publizistik, 67(4), 555–578. [details]


    • Jansen, L., Sinclair, A., van der Goot, M. J., Fernández, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2021). Detecting age-related linguistic patterns in dialogue: Toward adaptive conversational systems. In E. Fersini, M. Passarotti, & V. Patti (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics: Milan, Italy, June 29-July 1, 2022 Article 47 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 3033). CEUR-WS. [details]
    • Rozendaal, E., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & van der Goot, M. J. (2021). Children’s perceptions of sponsorship disclosures in online influencer videos. In M. K. J. Waiguny, & S. Rosengren (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XI): Designing and Communicating Experience (pp. 273-287). (European Advertising Academy). Springer Gabler. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van der Goot, M. J., Bol, N., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2021). Age differences in preferences for emotionally-meaningful versus knowledge-related appeals. Communications : The European Journal of Communication Research, 46(2), 205-228. [details]
    • van der Goot, M. J., Hafkamp, L., & Dankfort, Z. (2021). Customer service chatbots: A qualitative interview study into the communication journey of customers. In A. Følstad, T. Araujo, S. Papadopoulos, EL-C. Law, E. Luger, M. Goodwin, & P. B. Brandtzaeg (Eds.), Chatbot Research and Design: 4th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2020, Virtual Event, November 23–24, 2020 : revised selected papers (pp. 190-204). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12604). Springer. [details]
    • van der Goot, M. J., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Zandbergen, S. (2021). Sponsorship disclosures in online sponsored content: Practitioners’ considerations. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 36(3), 154-169. Advance online publication. [details]


    • van der Goot, M. J., & Pilgrim, T. (2020). Exploring age differences in motivations for and acceptance of chatbot communication in a customer service context. In A. Følstad, T. Araujo, S. Papadopoulos, EL-C. Law, O-C. Granmo, E. Luger, & P. B. Brandtzaeg (Eds.), Chatbot Research and Design: Third International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 19–20, 2019 : revised selected papers (pp. 173-186). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11970). Springer. [details]


    • Linn, A. J., van der Goot, M. J., Brandes, K., van Weert, J. C. M., & Smit, E. G. (2019). Cancer patients’ needs for support in expressing instrumental concerns and emotions. European Journal of Cancer Care, 28(6), Article e13138. [details]
    • van der Goot, M. J., Bol, N., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2019). Translating socioemotional selectivity theory Into persuasive communication: Conceptualizing and operationalizing emotionally-meaningful versus knowledge-related appeals. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 13, 1416-1437. [details]




    • van der Goot, M. J. (2016). Older Adults’ Mediated Communication: Current Perspectives among Communication Scholars. In J. F. Nussbaum (Ed.), Communication Across the Life Span (pp. 79-89). (ICA International Communication Association Annual Conference Theme Book Series; Vol. 3). Peter Lang. [details]
    • van der Goot, M. J., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Kleemans, M. (2016). The effects of emotional television advertising on older and younger adults. In P. Verlegh, H. Voorveld, & M. Eisend (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. VI): The Digital, the Classic, the Subtle, and the Alternative (pp. 115-124). (European Advertising Academy). Springer Gabler. [details]





    • Hoeken, H., van der Geest, T., van der Goot, M., Hornikx, J., Jongenelen, M., & Kruikemeier, S. (2011). De rol van begrijpelijke taal in een digitale context: ontwikkelingen op de domeinen Leven Lang Leren, complexe financiële producten, bestuur en politiek, en gezondheid. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 33(3), 266-286. [details]


    • van Gorp, B., & van der Goot, M. J. (2009). Van Frankenstein tot de Goede Moeder: De inzet van frames in de strategische communicatie over duurzaamheid. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 37, 303-316.
    • van der Goot, M. J. (2009). Televisiekijken in het leven van ouderen: een literatuuroverzicht. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 37(3), 254-267.




    • van der Goot, M. J., Beentjes, J. W. J., & van Selm, M. (2004). Elderly people’s media use in the context of personal meaning: A theoretical model. In K. Renckstorf, D. McQuail, J. E. Rosenbaum, & G. Schaap (Eds.), Action theoretical approaches in European Communication Research. Theory, methods and findings (pp. 163-176). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.




    • van Selm, M., van der Goot, M. J., Klinkenberg, I. G., & Peters, O. (2009). Het Etmaal van de Communicatietwetenschap 2009: een gelegenheid tot ontmoeting. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 37(4), 271-273.





    • van der Goot, M. J., Dolinšek, S., Jansen, L., Sinclair, A. J., Fernandez Rovira, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2023). Adapting the language of conversational systems to different age groups: An experimental study. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Enschede.


    • Etzrodt, K., & van der Goot, M. J. (2022). Computers AS social actors, or computers ARE social actors? A comparison of two approaches. Paper presented at Pre-Conference Human-machine communication at the International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference, Paris , France.
    • Fatah Elrahman Abdulqadir, N. M. I. A., Kroon, A. C., van Selm, M., van der Goot, M. J., & Vliegenthart, R. (2022). Bias in candidate sourcing communication: Investigating stereotypical gender- and age-related frames in online job advertisements at the sectoral level. Paper presented at 72nd International Communication Association (ICA) Annual
      Conference, Paris, France.
    • Zhang, D., Boerman, S. C., Hendriks, H., van der Goot, M. J., Araujo, T. B., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2022). “They Know Everything”: Folk Theories, Thoughts, and Feelings About Surveillance in Media Technologies. Paper presented at 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Koubayová, N., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2022). Understanding users’ responses to disclosed vs. undisclosed customer service ahatbots: A mixed methods study. Abstract from Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Paris , France.


    • Heckert, R., & van der Goot, M. J. (2021). How do journalists reflect on the media portrayal of multiple identity organizations. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Jansen, L., Sinclair, A. J., van der Goot, M. J., Fernandez Rovira, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2021). Detecting age-related linguistic patterns in dialogue: Toward adaptive conversa-tional systems. Paper presented at CLIC-it 2021: Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics , Milan, Italy.
    • Zhang, D., van der Goot, M. J., Hendriks, H., Boerman, S. C., Araujo, T. B., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2021). Mapping users’ perceptions of surveillance in media technologies. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2021.
    • Zhang, D., van der Goot, M. J., Hendriks, H., Boerman, S. C., Araujo, T. B., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2021). Thoughts, feelings, and folk theories about surveillance in media technologies. Paper presented at ICORIA 2021.
    • van der Goot, M. J. (2021). Source orientation, anthropomorphism, and social presence in human-chatbot communication. Paper presented at ICA 2021 - 71st Annual ICA Conference.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Georgiou, M., Dolinšek, Š., Jansen, L., Sinclair, A. J., Fernández, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2021). Exploring the potential of adapting conversational systems to different age groups: A pilot study. Paper presented at Conversations 2021.
    • van der Goot, M. J., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Zandbergen, S. K. P. (2021). Practitioners’ considerations regarding disclosures of online sponsored content: An interview study. Paper presented at International Conference on Research in Advertising ICORIA, Bordeaux, France.


    • van Reijmersdal, E. A., Rozendaal, E., Metske, E., & van der Goot, M. J. (2020). How do children experience disclosures for sponsored influencer videos? A qualitative study. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Hafkamp, L., & Dankfort, Z. (2020). Customer service chatbots: A qualitative interview study into customers’ communication journey. Paper presented at CONVERSATIONS 2020, 4th international workshop on chatbot research. [details]


    • van Reijmersdal, E. A., Rozendaal, E., & van der Goot, M. J. (2019). Children’s perceptions of sponsorship disclosures in online influencer videos. Paper presented at ICORIA 2019.
    • van der Goot, M. J. (2019). Hoe ervaren mensen chatbots als communicatiepartners?. Paper presented at ACHC Symposium Conversational agents in gezondheidscommunicatie, Amsterdam, .
    • van der Goot, M. J., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2019). Age differences in preferences for emotionally-meaningful versus knowledge-related appeals. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, United States.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Bol, N., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2019). Differences between older and younger adults in preferences for emotionally-meaningful versus knowledge-related appeals. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Rodriguez Hidalgo, C., & Pilgrim, T. (2019). Conceptualizing anthropomorphism and social presence in human-chatbot communication in a customer service context. Paper presented at Human-Machine Communication Pre-Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, D.C., United States.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Zandbergen, S., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2019). Sponsorship disclosures in online sponsored content: Practitioners’ considerations. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, United States.


    • Brandes, K., van der Goot, M. J., Smit, E. G., van Weert, J. C. M., & Linn, A. J. (2018). A framework for developing interventions to support cancer patients in expressing concerns. Paper presented at 15th EACH conference on Communication in Healthcare, Porto, Portugal.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Zandbergen, S., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2018). What’s in it for me? Practitioners’ (un)willingness to use sponsorship disclosures in online sponsored content. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghent, Belgium.


    • Kniep, A., van der Goot, M. J., & Fransen, M. L. (2017). Experts’ views on resistance towards persuasion. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, .
    • van der Goot, M. J., Bol, N., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2017). Translating Socioemotional Selectivity Theory into persuasive communication: Conceptualizing and operationalizing emotionally-meaningful versus knowledge-related appeals.. Paper presented at ICORIA, Ghent, Belgium.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Bol, N., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2017). Translating Socioemotional Selectivity Theory into persuasive communication: Conceptualizing and operationalizing emotionally-meaningful versus knowledge-related appeals. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.


    • Brandes, K., van der Goot, M. J., Smit, E. G., van Weert, J. C. M., & Linn, A. J. (2016). Patients’ concerns during and after cancer: How can online and offline communication offer support?. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Brandes, K., van der Goot, M. J., Smit, E. G., van Weert, J. C. M., & Linn, A. J. (2016). Patients’ descriptions of concerns during and after cancer and sources they use to communicate about concerns: New possibilities for the VR-CoDES?. Abstract from Verona network on sequence analyses XIV invitational workshop, Verona, Italy.


    • van der Goot, M. J., Rozendaal, E., Ketelaar, P., & Smit, E. G. (2015). Media generations and their advertising attitudes and avoidance: A six country comparison. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Rozendaal, E., Ketelaar, P., & Smit, E. G. (2015). Media generations and their advertising attitudes and avoidance: A six country comparison. Abstract from Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
    • van der Goot, M. J., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Kleemans, M. (2015). Age differences in recall and liking of arousing television commercials. Abstract from Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


    • Hameleers, M., & van der Goot, M. J. (2014). Transparency in qualitative research: Lessons from studies recently published in communication journals.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Wageningen, .
    • van der Goot, M. J., Rozendaal, E., Ketelaar, P., & Smit, E. G. (2014). Age differences in advertising avoidance and attitude toward advertising across media: A six country comparison.. Abstract from Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising, Amsterdam.
    • van der Goot, M. J., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Kleemans, M. (2014). The effects of emotional television advertising on older and younger adults.. Abstract from Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising, Amsterdam.


    • van der Goot, M. J., & Voorveld, H. A. M. (2013). Age differences in media multitasking: A diary study. Abstract from Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, London, UK, .
    • van der Goot, M. J., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Kleemans, M. (2013). Differences between younger and older adults in responses to emotional television commercials. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Rotterdam.


    • Voorveld, H. A. M., & van der Goot, M. J. (2012). Media multitasking across age groups.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Leuven, Belgium, .
    • van der Goot, M. J., & van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2012). Age differences in liking and recall of arousing television commercials.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Leuven, Belgium.


    • Hoeken, H., Jongenelen, M., Kruikemeier, S., van der Goot, M. J., & Hornikx, J. (2011). Begrijpelijke taal II: Vier verkenningen over de gevolgen van digitalisering voor de rol van begrijpelijke taal.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the meeting of Taalbeheersingscongres of the Vereniging voor Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, Leiden, The Netherlands, .
    • van der Goot, M., & Sikkel, D. (2011). Effects of life events on amount of television viewing and content preferences. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Enschede, The Netherlands, .


    • van Gorp, B., & van der Goot, M. J. (2010). (2010, June). Talking about sustainability: Responses to frames in persuasive messages about sustainable agriculture and food.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Beentjes, J. W. J., & van Selm, M. (2010). (2010, June). A life-span perspective on media use: Television viewing in the lives of older adults.
    • van der Goot, M. J., van Selm, M., & Beentjes, J. W. J. (2010). (2010, February). Contributions of television viewing to relatedness and autonomy in older adults’ social relationships.

    Prize / grant

    • van der Goot, M. (2023). ASCoR Baschwitz Award 2023 for the article: Source orientation, anthropomorphism, and social presence in human-chatbot communication: How to proceed with these concepts.
    • van der Goot, M. (2020). Top paper nomination (top 3) for the article: Customer service chatbots: A qualitative interview study into customers’ communication journey.
    • Pezzelle, S., Fernández, R. & van der Goot, M. (2020). Exploring Adaptation of Conversational Systems to Different Age Groups.
    • van der Goot, M. J., van Reijmersdal, E. A. & Kleemans, M. (2015). Top Paper Award for Article: Age differences in recall and liking of arousing television commercials. Conference Theme: Communication Across the Life-Span.
    • van der Goot, M., Rozendaal, E. & Smit, E. G. (2015). Top paper award for article Media generations and their advertising attitudes and avoidance: A six country comparison..

    Membership / relevant position

    • van der Goot, M. (2023-2025). President, NeFCA, The Netherlands – Flanders Communication Association.
    • van der Goot, M. (2021-2023). Secretary for the ICA Interest Group Human-Machine Communication, Interest Group of the International Communication Association (ICA).
    • van der Goot, M. (2017-2023). Board member, NeFCA, The Netherlands – Flanders Communication Association.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • van der Goot, M. (speaker) (2022). Panel discussion: evaluating chatbots, Conversations 2022: 6th international workshop on chatbot research.
    • van der Goot, M. (speaker) (2019). Hoe ervaren mensen chatbots als communicatiepartner?, Logeion.
    • van der Goot, M. J. (speaker) (11-9-2012). Drukke reclames: wel voor jong, maar niet voor oud? [Arousing commercials: Good for young, but not for old?]., Presentation at the SWOCC Symposium 2012, Amsterdam.
    • van der Goot, M. J. (speaker) (2010). (2010, June). Televisiekijken in het leven van ouderen [Television viewing in the lives of older adults]., Lecture given at InCompanyMedia-seminar, Maastricht.


    • van der Goot, M. J. (2009). Television viewing in the lives of older adults.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities