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Dr. C.W. (Christel) van Eck

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Corporate Communication
Photographer: Popupartists

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Christel W. van Eck is an Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. Her main research interests include climate change communication, science communication, and polarization. Supported by an NWO Veni grant, Christel currently focuses on the boundaries of climate activism by scientists. 

    She also investigates the role of online media in climate change polarization processes, building upon her PhD Research at Wageningen University (NWO Research Talent grant). Further, Christel analyzes communication, polarization, and deliberation practices in the Dutch Energietransitie

    Next to her research activities, Christel is passionate about communicating her research beyond academia. She regularly gives workshops and presentations in which she tries to bridge the science and practice of climate change communication. She serves as an Advisory Board Member for the KlimaatHelpdesk.

    Expertise and research fields

    • Climate change communication
    • Science communication
    • Climate change polarization
    • Climate activism and scepticism
    • Online media
    • Energy transition
  • Research

    Reseach methods

    • Mixed methods
    • Interviews and focus group discussions
    • Discourse analysis

    Research grants & honours

    • NWO Research Talent 
    • NWO Veni

    Research priority area (involved in)

    • Polarization
    • Emotion
    • Sustainability
  • Teaching & PhD supervision


    • Climate Change Communication
    • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication
    • Qualitative Research Methods
    • Thesis Communication
  • Publications


    • Wonneberger, A., Kroon, A., van den Heijkant, L., van Eck, C., & Jonkman, J. (2024). Contested Issues and Organisations: Media Debates about Sustainability and Diversity. In T. Araujo, & P. Neijens (Eds.), Communication Research into the Digital Society: Fundamental Insights from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (pp. 139-154). Amsterdam University Press., [details]
    • van Eck, C. W. (2024). Opposing Positions, Dividing Interactions, and Hostile Affect: A Systematic Review and Conceptualization of 'Online Climate Change Polarization'. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Climate Change, Article e906. Advance online publication.
    • van Eck, C. W., Messling, L., & Hayhoe, K. (2024). Challenging the neutrality myth in climate science and activism. npj Climate Action, 3, Article 81. [details]
    • van Eck, C. W., Roozenbeek, J., Stevens, T., & Dewulf, A. (in press). Platform cultures and emotional communication about climate change: A comparison of affective and emotional language in the climate change blogosphere and on Twitter. International Journal of Communication.
    • van Eck, C. W., Wonneberger, A., Jonkman, J., & Burgers, C. (2024). ‘Climate-Solutions Polarization’: A value-based approach to understanding polarization dynamics around biomass in Dutch media discourse. Environmental Communication. Advance online publication.




    • van Eck, C. W., Mulder, B., & Dewulf, A. (2020). Online climate change polarization: Interactional Framing Analysis of Climate Change Blog Comments. Science Communication, 42(4).
    • van Eck, C. W., Mulder, B., & van der Linden, S. (2020). Climate Change Risk Perceptions of Audiences in the Climate Change Blogosphere. Sustainability, 12(9).
    • van Eck, C. W., Mulder, B., & van der Linden, S. (2020). Echo Chamber Effects in the Climate Change Blogosphere. Environmental Communication, 15(2).


    • van Eck, C. W., Mulder, B., & Dewulf, A. (2019). "The truth is not in the middle": Journalistic norms of climate change bloggers. Global Environmental Change, 59.


    • van Eck, C. W. (2016). Drawing Boundaries: Boundary Arrangements of the IPCC Working Groups. Glocality, 2(1).


    • van Eck, C. W. (2015). Audiences at the Heart of the IPCC: Exploratory Research Into the IPCC’s Communications. Student Undergraduate Research e-Journal, 1.


    • van Eck, C. (2016). Scepsis, idealen en realiteit: 10 Nederlanders over klimaatverandering. (ClimateContact-Consultancy). ClimateContact-Consultancy.


    • Corner, A., & van Eck, C. (2014). Science & Stories: Bringing the IPCC to Life. Climate Outreach.


    • Jonkman, J. G. F., van Eck, C. W., & Burgers, C. F. (2023). More or less optimistic: Citizen perspectives on the Dutch energy transition in five different audience segments. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Wonneberger, A., van Eck, C. W., Jonkman, J. G. F., & Burgers, C. F. (2023). From slaughtering trees to the complexities of renewable energy: Biomass discourses in the Netherlands. Abstract from Conference on Communication and Environment, Harrisonburg, VA, United States.
    • Wonneberger, A., van Eck, C. W., Jonkman, J. G. F., & Burgers, C. F. (2023). From slaughtering trees to the complexities of renewable energy: Biomass discourses in the Netherlands. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Enschede.
    • van Eck, C. W., Wonneberger, A., Jonkman, J. G. F., & Burgers, C. F. (2023). From slaughtering trees to the complexities of renewable energy: Biomass discourses in the Netherlands. Abstract from International Communication Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


    Prize / grant

    • van Eck, C. (2023). Environmental Communication Dissertation Award.
    • van Eck, C. (2023). Distinguished Women Scientists Fund.
    • van Eck, C. (2023). Veni.
    • van Eck, C. (2020). Nomination for best teacher award.
    • van Eck, C. (2017). NWO Research Talent Grant.
    • van Eck, C. (2017). Duurzame Jonge 100.
    • van Eck, C. (2015). Nomination for best bachelor thesis of the Netherlands and Flanders.
    • van Eck, C. (2014). Nomination for ''Windesheims Beste''.
    • van Eck, C. (2010). Best proposal for energy awareness event in European sustainable energy week.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (10-12-2024). Wetenschap met (g)een mening, NWO-debat: Wetenschap met (g)een mening, Amsterdam.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (2-5-2024). We need to act on the climate emergency, right now! Value-driven science communication in the climate change debate, Vrije Universiteit.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (18-4-2023). Climate change and academia: What role to play?, Climate Change and Academia: What Role to Play?, Amsterdam.
    • Jonkman, J. (speaker) & van Eck, C. (speaker) (16-3-2023). Vijf Nederlanden: Burgerperspectieven op de Nederlandse energietransitie, VPRO Tegenlicht Meet Up about the energy transition on, Amsterdam.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (3-10-2022). Climate Science Communication in Polarized Debates.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (29-9-2022). Climate Science Communication in Polarized Debates, Freudenthal Instituut Universiteit Utrecht.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (19-9-2022). Tegenstelling in het klimaatdebat en de energietransitie: van dialoog naar debat, Mensenrechtenlezing, Gemeente Bunnik.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (6-9-2022). Klimaatcommunicatie: van een-ver-van-mijn-bed show naar klimaatactie, Het energievraagstuk: hoe voorzien we in onze energiebehoefte, Utrecht.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (2-9-2022). Effectively communicating my research to the public: A Science Communication Workshop, Summer School on “Sea level change: evidence, challenges and policy”.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (2-6-2022). The Next Generation of Climate Scientists and Science Communicators, Kick-Off event ECoLab.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (20-4-2022). Effectieve klimaatcommunicatie, KlimaatHelpdesk.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (13-4-2022). The challenges of communicating climate change, Climate Change, Conservation and Ecology.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (4-4-2022). The role of scientists on a planet in crisis, The role of scientists on a planet in crisis.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (4-2-2022). Conceptualizing 'online climate change polarization', Hot Politics Lab.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (28-1-2022). Interactive XR-webinar: The science behind effective climate activism, Extinction Rebellion NL.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (4-11-2021). Panel discussion on climate science and climate policy, NESSC Days 2021, Egmond aan Zee.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (4-11-2021). Communication & media workshop, NESSC Days, Egmond aan Zee.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (16-9-2021). Climate Communication: From Awareness to Action, Scientists4Future.
    • van Eck, C. (speaker) (22-9-2016). Klimaat & Energie Jury, Springtij, Terschelling.


    • van Eck, C. (visiting researcher) (1-10-2023 - 28-10-2023). The New Institute (visiting an external institution).
    • van Eck, C. (visiting researcher) (1-2020 - 2-2020). University of Cambridge, UK (visiting an external institution).


    • van Eck, C. W. (2021). Opposing positions, dividing interactions, and hostile affect: A multi-dimensional approach to climate change polarization in the blogosphere. [Thesis, fully external, Wageningen University and Research]. Wageningen University, Communicatiewetenschap.


    • van Eck, C. W., Jonkman, J. G. F., Wonneberger, A. & Burgers, C. (2024). “Climate-Solutions Polarization”: A Value-based Approach to Understanding Polarization Dynamics around Biomass in Dutch Media Discourse. Taylor & Francis.



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  • Ancillary activities
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