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Dr. H. (Hannes) Cools

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Political Communication & Journalism

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: C8.00
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Hannes Cools is a postdoctoral researcher at the AI, Media, and Democracy Lab at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He is also a postdoctoral researcher at the Digital Democracy Centre (DDC) at the University of Southern Denmark. His research interests include (generative) AI, computational journalism, algorithmic recommender systems and newsroom innovation. He is also an affiliated researcher at the Brown Institute of the Columbia Journalism School in New York City. From 2018 till 2022, he was a PhD-candidate at the Institute for Media Studies (IMS), University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium where he studied AI in journalism. Before, he worked as a journalist at De Morgen (DPG Media) in Belgium where he covered technology and international politics.

    Expertise and research groups

    • Artificial Intelligence
    • News automation
    • Newsroom Innovation
    • AI in News
    • Generative AI
  • Research

    Research methods

    • Qualitative methods
  • Publications


    • Cools, H. (2024). Hoe algoritmen een extra laag toevoegen aan de journalistiek: Op zoek naar bewijs van redacties en hun innovatielabs. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 52(1), 83-105. [details]
    • Cools, H., & Diakopoulos, N. A. (2024). Uses of Generative AI in the Newsroom: Mapping Journalists' Perceptions of Perils and Possibilities. Journalism Practice. Advance online publication.
    • Cools, H., & Koliska, M. (2024). News Automation and Algorithmic Transparency in the Newsroom: The Case of the Washington Post. Journalism Studies, 25(6), 662-680. [details]
    • Cools, H., Opgenhaffen, M., & van Gorp, B. (2024). Newsroom Engineering Teams as “Survival Entities” for Journalism? Mapping the Process of Institutionalization at The Washington Post. Digital Journalism, 13, 171–190.
    • Cools, H., Van Gorp, B., & Opgenhaffen, M. (2024). New Organizations, Different Journalistic Roles, and Innovative Projects: How Second-generation Newsroom Innovation Labs are Changing the News Ecosystem. Journalism Practice, 18, 1605-1620.
    • Cools, H., Van Gorp, B., & Opgenhaffen, M. (2024). Where exactly between utopia and dystopia? A framing analysis of AI and automation in US newspapers. Journalism, 25, 3-21.
    • Lamot, K., Cools, H., & Gevers, I. (2024). Exploring the Relationship Between Stylistic Featuresand Reactions on Facebook: A Comparative Analysisof Newspaper Headlines and Status Messages. Journalism Studies. Advance online publication.


    • Cools, H., Van Gorp, B., & Opgenhaffen, M. (2023). The levels of automation and autonomy in the AI-augmented newsroom: Toward a multi-level typology of computational journalism. In S. Nah (Ed.), Research handbook on artificial intelligence and communication (pp. 284-299). Edward Elgar. [details]



    • Cools, H., Van Gorp, B., & Opgenhaffen, M. (2021). When algorithms recommend what’s new(S): New dynamics of decision‐making and autonomy in newsgathering. Media and Communication, 9(4), 198-207.


    • Diakopoulos, N., Cools, H., Helberger, N., Li, C., Kung, E., & Rinehart, A. (2024). Generative AI in Journalism: The Evolution of Newswork and Ethics in a Generative Information Ecosystem. Associated Press. [details]


    Prize / grant

    • Cools, H. (2024). Marie Curie Fellowship.


    • Naudts, L. (organiser), Helberger, N. (organiser), Cools, H. (organiser), Piasecki, S. (organiser), Sara, S. (organiser), Rinehart, A. (participant), Diakopoulos, N. (participant), Caswell, D. (participant) & de Lima Santos, M. (participant) (30-4-2023). The Impact We Generate #2. For our second session, we will explore the practical challenges of Generative AI for news media. How does the integration of Generative AI benefit (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Cools, H. (2022). How algorithms are augmenting the journalistic institution: In search of evidence from newsrooms and its innovation labs.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities