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G. (Gustavo) Couto de Jesus

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Political Communication & Journalism

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I am a PhD Researcher in the IP-PAD (Interdisciplinary perspectives on the Politics of Adolescence & Democracy) PhD project, at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (University of Amsterdam).
    With a background in Neurobiology and Social and Affective Neuroscience, my work focuses on bridging the gap between Psychophysiology and Politics, in an attempt towards explaining the development and biological underpinnings of Ideological and Partisan Identity.

    Research interests

    • Social Neuroscience
    • Peripheral Psychophysiology (Skin Conductance and Heart Rate)
    • Electroencephalography
    • Emotions
    • Personality

    Other links

  • Publications


    • Couto de Jesus, G., Homan, M. D., Petropoulos Petalas, D., Bakker, B. N., Bathelt, J. M. C., & Schumacher, G. (2024). An EEG-study on the extent to which partisanship conditions the processing of politicians’ faces. Web publication or website, PsyArXiv. Advance online publication.

    Media appearance

    • Schumacher, G., Bakker, B., Kasper, J., Zaslove , M., Couto de Jesus, G. & Laffineur, C. (28-11-2024). Fact Sheet - Jongeren en de Politiek: Minder interesse, maar actiever dan volwassenen [Web] OSFHOME. Alarmisme over antidemocratische jongeren is misplaatst.
    • Crone, E., Te Brinke, L., Sweijen, S., Bakker, B., Schumacher, G., Kasper, J., Laffineur, C. & Couto de Jesus, G. (09-11-2023). Wat vinden jonge mensen van de politiek? [Web] Young people show more interest in specific political subjects than in Dutch politics. Young people show more interest in specific political subjects than in Dutch politics.

    Talk / presentation

    • Couto de Jesus, G. (speaker) (25-10-2024). Neural processing of party cues within social context.
    • Couto de Jesus, G. (invited speaker) (15-3-2024). ERP and partisanship: how are the faces of political leaders processed?, The American College of Greece.
    • Couto de Jesus, G. (speaker) (23-2-2024). Politics at face value: Early Event-Related Potentials as Indices of Partisan Bias.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities