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M.C. (Brittany) Chan MSc

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Docenten & onderzoekers CW

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Social media
  • Publications



    • Chan, M. C., Suurmond, J., van Weert, J. C. M., & Schouten, B. C. (2024). Migrant patients and informal caregivers’ perspectives on the communication strategies used in language discordant consultations. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
    • Chan, M. C., van Weert, J. C. M., Suurmond, J., & Schouten, B. C. (2024). Communication strategies used in language discordant consultations: Perspectives of migrant patients and informal caregivers. Paper presented at International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2024, Zaragoza, Spain.


    • Chan, B. M. C., Suurmond, J., van Weert, J. C. M., & Schouten, B. C. (2023). Getting-by in language discordant consultations: Healthcare providers’ use of (non-professional) interpreters and other communication strategies. Paper presented at 6th International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation, Nicosia, Cyprus.
    • Chan, M. C., Schouten, B. C., Suurmond, J., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2023). Developing and evaluating a digital decision-aid to address language barriers. Abstract from 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.
    • Chan, M. C., Schouten, B. C., Suurmond, J., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2023). What communication strategies do healthcare providers use with migrant patients in language discordant consultations?. Paper presented at Etmaal Communicatiewetenschap 2023, Enschede, Netherlands.
    • Chan, M. C., Suurmond, J., van Weert, J. C. M., & Schouten, B. C. (2023). Using gestures, lingua franca, and informal interpreters with migrant patients in language discordant consultations. Paper presented at ECHC 2023: European Conference on Health Communication, Klagenfurt, Austria.


    • Chan, M. C., Schouten, B. C., Boukes, M., Mansueto, A. C., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2022). Mental health and wellbeing in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 11th Annual Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health Conference, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
    • Chan, M. C., Schouten, B. C., Suurmond, J., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2022). Healthcare professionals’ use of communication strategies in language discordant consultations [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at
      International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Glasgow, United Kingdom.


    • Chan, M. C., Schouten, B. C., Boukes, M., Mansueto, A. C., & van Weert, J. C. M. (2021). The effects of online media consumption and social distancing rules on emotional wellbeing and alcohol consumption. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2021.


    • Chan, B. M. C. . (editor) (30-10-2021). PLoS ONE (Journal) (peer review of a publication).
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