Dr. Linda Bos is an Associate Professor of Political Communication and Journalism at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. She is the Program Group Director of the Program Group of Political Communication and Journalism at the University of Amsterdam, Board member of the Amsterdam School of Communication Research, a full member of the Center for Politics and Communication and affiliated to the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies. Linda is the co-chair of the Standing Group on Political Communication of the European Consortium for Political Research.
Linda is an expert in the broad field of populist political communication, studying the role of communication in the success of populist parties. Her broader research line centres on the relation between political elites, media and voters, focusing on the content and effects of political communication for democracy.
Linda is one of the PI’s on the ACES Interdisciplinary Research Project on Emotions in European Politics, and a member of the DigiWorld team, studying digital election campaigning worldwide. From 2014 to 2018 Linda was a Management Committee Member of the COST action on Populist Political Communication in Europe.
Linda was awarded with the NESCoR dissertation award 2012 for her dissertation on “Public Images of Right-Wing Populist Leaders: the Role of the Mass Media”, defended at the University of Amsterdam in May 2012. Together with Kees Brants, she was awarded with the European Journal of Communication Top Article Award of 2014 for their article on Populist rhetoric in politics and media: A longitudinal study of the Netherlands.
Linda published 25+ articles in ISI-ranked journals such as Political Communication, Communication Research, Party Politics, European Journal of Political Research, International Journal of Press/Politics, Political Psychology and Political Studies.
Linda is a member of the Works Council of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, chair of the Exam Board of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Journalism, Media and Globalization, and a member of the PhD Program Committee of the Graduate School of Communication.
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