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Dr. K.A.E. (Kathleen) Beckers

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Political Communication & Journalism
Photographer: Bastiaan Heus

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Profile

    Kathleen Beckers is an assistant professor of political communication and journalism at the University of Amsterdam. She gained her PhD from the University of Antwerp (Belgium). Her primary research interest is the relationship between journalism and public opinion. Here, she focuses on how public opinion is represented in the news; and how these representations influence audiences. In broader terms, she focuses on how several societal trends such as polarization and platformization impact journalism, studying how this comes about explicitly in journalists’ news reporting, but also more implicitly in their daily work routines.

    Expertise and research fields

    • Journalism
    • Public opinion
    • News content diversity
    • Opinion polls
    • Vox pops
  • Research

    Research methods

    • Experiments
    • Content analysis
    • Survey research
    • Interviews 

    Research grants & honours

    • December 2021 - December 2022: University of Antwerp, Research Board Award 2021 (Promotor): Award Deleeck: Social Sciences and Humanities, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • April 2021 - March 2022: Small Research Grant BOF UA (Promotor). Research Council of the     University of Antwerp. Title: “Does diverse news lead to a diverse audience? The influence of news content diversity on people's opinions, issue perceptions, and news item evaluation.”
    • December 2019 - December 2020: Postdoctoral fellowship awarded by the Belgian American Educational Foundation (B.A.E.F.). Title: “Public opinion in the news during the 2020 U.S. elections”
    • October 2018 - October 2022: Postdoctoral fellowship awarded by Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO; Research Foundation – Flanders). Title: “The Voice of the People. Displays of Public Opinion in the News and Their Influence on Audiences.”
    • April 2018 - March 2019: Small Research Grant BOF UA (Promotor). Research Council of the     University of Antwerp.    Title: “Vox Pops or Polls? Effects of Vox Pops and Opinion Polls on Perceived Public Opinion, Personal Opinion and News Item Evaluation.”
  • Teaching & PhD supervision


    • Investigative Journalism (77644K019Y)
    • Journalism and the Media (77644SP03Y)
    • Research Methods Tailored to the Thesis (Experiments) (7764000V3Y)

    PhD students

    Tillemans Hanne (2021-2025): “Impartiality in the news: A multiperspective study on how journalists, citizens and politicians understand impartial journalism.” Co-supervisor: Peter Van Aelst (UAntwerpen)

  • Publications



    • Doll, M. E., Moy, P., & Beckers, K. (2023). In Peace Journalism we Trust? Effects of Peace Journalism on News-item Credibility and Media Trust. Journalism Studies, 24(16), 1999-2019. [details]
    • Soontjens, K., Beckers, K., & van Remoortere, A. (2023). Journalistiek uit balans? Inhoud, percepties, en gevolgen van partijdigheid van de Vlaamse media. ASP. [details]
    • Soontjens, K., Beckers, K., Walgrave, S., van der Goot, E., & van der Meer, T. G. L. A. (2023). Not All Parties are Treated Equally Journalist Perceptions of Partisan News Bias. Journalism Studies, 24(9), 1194-1213. [details]
    • Verleyen, E., & Beckers, K. (2023). European refugee crisis or European migration crisis? How words matter in the news framing (2015–2020) of asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants. Journalism and Media, 4, 727-742. [details]


    • Beckers, K. (2022). Power of the people or the expert? The influence of vox pop and expert statements on news-item evaluation, perceived public opinion, and personal opinion. Communications : The European Journal of Communication Research, 47, 114-135.
    • Beckers, K., & Doll, M. E. (2022). The representation of public opinion in routine U.S. network news. Mass Communication & Society, 1-24.
    • Peter, C., & Beckers, K. (2022). Vox pops vs. poll results : effects of consonant and dissonant displays of public opinion in news coverage. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34, Article edac017.


    • Beckers, K. (2021). "According to the polls opinion poll coverage in network evening news during the 2020 U.S. election campaign. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 33, 1050-1061.
    • Beckers, K., & Moy, P. (2021). Public opinion in the news : examining portrayals and viewpoint heterogeneity. Journalism Practice, 1-18.
    • Beckers, K., Van Aelst, P., Verhoest, P., & Leen, DH. (2021). What do people learn from following the news? A diary study on the influence of media use on knowledge of current news stories. European Journal of Communication, 36, 254-269.
    • Soontjens, K., Van Remoortere, A., & Beckers, K. (2021). Belgium. In Handbuch Politischer Journalismus / Prinzing, M. [edit.]; Blum, R. [edit.] (pp. 756-761). Herbert von Halem-Verlag.
    • Van Aelst, P., & Beckers, K. (2021). Actordiversiteit in het nieuw : welke stemmen worden (niet) gehoord? In Nieuws, diversiteit en democratie : trends, bedreigingen en nieuwe paden / Verhoest, P. [edit.]; d L. [edit.] (pp. 39-54). ASP.



    • Beckers, K. (2019). Vox pops : forms of journalism. In The international encyclopedia of journalism studies / Vos, Tim P. [edit.]; et al. (pp. 1-3). Wiley-Blackwell.
    • Beckers, K. (2019). What vox pops say and how that matters : effects of vox pops in television news on perceived public opinion and personal opinion. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 96, 980-1003.
    • Beckers, K., & Harder, R. (2019). "Twitter just exploded" : social media as alternative vox pop. In The future of journalism : risks, threats and opportunities / Allan, S. [edit.]; et al. [edit.] (pp. 910-920). (Journalism studies : theory and practice). Routledge.
    • Beckers, K., & Van Aelst, P. (2019). Did the European migrant crisis change news coverage of immigration? A longitudinal analysis of immigration television news and the actors speaking in it. Mass Communication & Society, 22, 733-755.
    • Beckers, K., & Van Aelst, P. (2019). Look who's Talking. An analysis of actors in television news (2003-2016). Journalism Studies, 20, 872-890.
    • Beckers, K., Masini, A., Sevenans, J., van der Burg, M., De Smedt, J., Van den Bulck, H., & Walgrave, S. (2019). Are newspapers’ news stories becoming more alike? Media content diversity in Belgium, 1983–2013. Journalism, 20(12), 1665-1683.
    • Beckers, K., Walgrave, S., Wolf, H., Lamot, K., & Van Aelst, P. (2019). Right-wing bias in journaliststextquotesingle perceptions of public opinion. Journalism Practice, 1-16.





    • Beckers, K. A. E., & Tillemans, H. (2023). Examining Impartiality in Journalistic Ethics Codes: A Comparative Study. Paper presented at Ninth conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
    • Lamot, K., Beckers, K. A. E., & Van Aelst, P. (2023). Silencing the Fourth Estate: Understanding the Origins and Impact of Intimidation and Harassment Against Political Journalists.. Paper presented at Ninth conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
    • Soontjens, K., Beckers, K. A. E., Walgrave, S., van der Goot, E. S., & van der Meer, G. L. A. (2023). “Not all parties are treated equally”. Journalist perceptions of partisan news bias.. Paper presented at International Communication Association, Toronto, Canada.
    • Verleyen, E., & Beckers, K. A. E. (2023). European Refugee Crisis or European Migration Crisis? How Words Matter in the Framing of Asylum Seekers, Refugees, and Migrants in Belgian Coverage (2015-2020).. Paper presented at International Communication Association, Toronto, Canada.

    Prize / grant

    • Beckers, K. (2022). Alumni award of the Belgian American Educational Foundation.
    • Beckers, K. (2021). Award of the Research Board 2021 - Award Deleeck: Social Sciences and Humanities.
    • Beckers, K. (2021). Does diverse news lead to a diverse audience? The influence of news content diversity on people's opinions, issue perceptions, and news item evaluation..
    • Beckers, K. (2019). Public opinion in the news during the 2020 U.S. elections.
    • Beckers, K. (2018). The Voice of the People. Displays of Public Opinion in the News and Their Influence on Audiences..
    • Beckers, K. (2018). Vox Pops or Polls? Effects of Vox Pops and Opinion Polls on Perceived Public Opinion, Personal Opinion and News Item Evaluation..

    Media appearance


    • Beckers, K. (2017). Vox pops : the content, selection and influence of vox pops in news coverage. [Thesis, fully external, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen]. Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Departement Communicatiewetenschappen.


    • Beckers, K. (2014). Het nieuws door de ogen van de financieel-economische expert : een inhoudsanalyse van voorkomen, kenmerken en uitspraken van experten in financieel-economisch televisienieuws. Steunpunt Media.
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