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Dr. S.E. (Susanne) Baumgartner

Associate Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Youth & Media Entertainment
Area of expertise: Media multitasking, Effects of digital media, Digital well-being, Smartphones, Stress and Sleep
Photographer: Bram Belloni

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: C8.00
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Susanne Baumgartner (PhD) is an Associate Professor at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), at the University of Amsterdam. She is a member of the Youth and Media Entertainment program group, the Center for Research on Children, Adolescents, and the Media, and the Digital Communication Methods Lab. After studying Communication Science, Social Psychology and English Literature at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and a research visit at the Annenberg School for Communication (Univesrity of Southern California), she gained her PhD at the UvA (2013). Her research focuses on the role of digital media in adolescent development. Specifically, she is interested in media multitasking and how this affects the cognitive development of youth. Moreover, she studies the effects of digital media on stress and sleep. To study the impact of digital media, she employs innovative methodological approaches, such as experience sampling, smartphone tracking data, and eye-tracking. She received several rewards and grants, among others from the International Communication Association and from NWO (Aspasia grant, 2022).

    Relevant links

  • Research

    Research methods

    • Smartphone tracking
    • Experience sampling methodology
    • Longitudinal data analysis

    Current research projects 

    • Media multitasking: The effects of media multitasking on cognition and emotion
    • Disengagement by Design: The effects of design features on digital media use and overuse
    • Digi Sleep lab: The effects of smartphone use and sleep
    • Digital communication methods lab: Several projects on the development of methodological advancements related to communication science methods

    Research grants and honours

    • 2022        NWO Aspasia grant (120,000€)  
    • 2021        Top-paper award at the conference of the Media Reception and Effects division of the German Association of Communication, Munich, Germany, for the paper: “Online vigilance and goal conflict stress smartphone users out: An in-situ approach to digital stress” (authors: A. Gilbert, S. E. Baumgartner & L. Reinecke).
    • 2018-2022 Funding from the Digital Communication Methods Lab for several projects (total approx. 30,000 Euro, plus additional research time) 
    • 2016        Teaching innovation award for the master elective: The blind spot: Tracking young media users.
    • 2016        Best published article award from the Children, Adolescents, and Media Division of the International Communication Association, for the article: Van der Schuur, W. A., Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2015). The consequences of media multitasking for youth: A review. Computers in Human Behavior, 53, 204-215.   This award recognizes an article published in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that reflects a significant contribution to the field of children, adolescents, and the media.
    • 2013        Internal research grant for the doctoral project “Media Multitasking and Attention Problems: Causality and Individual Differences”, Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam.
    • 2013        Top-paper award at the annual conference of the Media Effects division of the German Communication Association, Vienna, January 2013.
    • 2013        ASCoR Baschwitz Young Scholar Award. Awarded for the best article first-authored by an ASCoR PhD candidate in a peer-reviewed journal in 2013
    • 2013        Dissertation award from NZZ Campus and MakingScienceNews, Switzerland for societal relevant dissertations (4th price, 1,600€)
    • 2013         Jacobs Foundation Fellowship to attend the European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2013 (1,000€). Nomination for the best-poster award.
    • 2011        Jacobs Foundation Fellowship to attend the European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Bergen, Norway, 2011 (1,200€).
    • 2011        Teaching award for best method teacher of the department 
    • 2010        Top-paper award at the annual meeting of the Children, Adolescent and Media division of the International Communication Association, Singapore, June, 2010
    • 2010        Top-paper award at the annual conference of the Media Effects division of the German Communication Association (DGPuk), Berlin, January 2010.
  • Teaching & PhD supervision
    • MA elective: Tech for good: Responsible technology in the digital society
    • PhD: Disengagement by design: Cynthia A. Dekker
  • Publications


    • Dekker, C. A., Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., & Ohme, J. (2025). Beyond the buzz: Investigating the effects of a notification-disabling intervention on smartphone behavior and digital well-being. Media Psychology, 28(1), 162–188.




    • Baumgartner, S. E., & Wiradhany, W. (2022). Not All Media Multitasking Is the Same: The Frequency of Media Multitasking Depends on Cognitive and Affective Characteristics of Media Combinations. Psychology of Popular Media, 11(1), 1-12. [details]



    • Möller, A. M., Kühne, R., Baumgartner, S. E., & Peter, J. (2020). A social identity perspective on the effect of social information on online video enjoyment. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 14(4), Article 6. [details]
    • van der Schuur, W. A., Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2020). Exploring the long-term relationship between academic-media multitasking and adolescents’ academic achievement. New Media and Society, 22(1), 140-158. [details]





    • te Poel, F., Baumgartner, S. E., Hartmann, T., & Tanis, M. (2016). The curious case of cyberchondria: A longitudinal study on the reciprocal relationship between health anxiety and online health information seeking. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 43, 32-40. [details]



    • Baumgartner, S. E., & Leydesdorff, L. (2014). Group-based trajectory modeling (GBMT) of citations in scholarly literature: dynamic qualities of "transient" and "sticky knowledge claims". Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(4), 797-811. [details]
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., Peter, J., Valkenburg, P. M., & Livingstone, S. (2014). Does country context matter? Investigating the predictors of teen sexting across Europe. Computers in Human Behavior, 34, 157-164. [details]
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Weeda, W. D., van der Heijden, L. L., & Huizinga, M. (2014). The relationship between media multitasking and executive function in early adolescents. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 34(8), 1120-1144. [details]



    • Baumgartner, S. E., & Hartmann, T. (2011). The role of health anxiety in online health information search. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(10), 613-618. [details]
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2011). The influence of descriptive and injunctive peer norms on adolescents' risky sexual online behavior. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(12), 735-758. [details]


    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2010). Assessing causality in the relationship between adolescents' risky sexual online behavior and their perceptions of this behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(10), 1226-1239. [details]
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2010). Unwanted online sexual solicitation and risky sexual online behavior across the lifespan. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 31(6), 439-447. [details]


    • Baumgartner, S. E. (2022). The effects of digital media and media multitasking on attention problems and sleep. In J. Nesi, E. H. Telzer, & M. J. Prinstein (Eds.), Handbook of Adolescent Digital Media Use and Mental Health (pp. 317-337). Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Kühne, R., & Baumgartner, S. E. (2018). Youth and media – An outline of key developments. In R. Kühne, S. E. Baumgartner, T. Koch, & M. Hofer (Eds.), Youth and media: Current perspectives on media use and effects (pp. 7-18). (Reihe Rezeptionsforschung; Vol. 38). Nomos. [details]
    • Kühne, R., Baumgartner, S. E., Koch, T., & Hofer, M. (Eds.) (2018). Youth and media: Current perspectives on media use and effects. (Reihe Rezeptionsforschung; Vol. 38). Nomos. [details]


    • Baumgartner, S. E., Weeda, W. D., & Huizinga, M. (2014). Der Zusammenhang zwischen medialem Multitasking, Aufmerksamkeitsfähigkeit und Hyperaktivität bei Jugendlichen. In K. Kleinen von Königslöw, & K. Förster (Eds.), Medienkonvergenz und Medienkomplementarität aus Rezeptions- und Wirkungsperspektive (pp. 181-194). (Rezeptionsforschung; No. 31). Nomos. [details]



    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2012). Unwanted online sexual solicitation and online sexual risk behavior. In Z. Yan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior. - Vol. 2 (pp. 828-836). Information Science Reference, IGI Global. [details]
    • Baumgartner, S., Sumter, S., Valkenburg, P., & Peter, J. (2012). The development of adolescents’ online sexual risk behavior and its relationship to negative online experiences. Conference papers: International Communication Association: annual meeting, 2012. [details]
    • Sumter, S., Baumgartner, S., Valkenburg, P., Peter, J., & van der Hof, S. (2012). Developmental trajectories of peer victimization: offline and online experiences during adolescence. Conference papers: International Communication Association: annual meeting, 2012. [details]


    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2011). Risikoverhalten Jugendlicher im Internet: Eine Längsschnittstudie zum kausalen Zusammenhang von Wahrnehmungen und Verhalten. In M. Suckfüll, H. Schramm, & C. Wünsch (Eds.), Rezeption und Wirkung in zeitlicher Perspektive (pp. 167-183). (Reihe Rezeptionsforschung; No. 22). Nomos, Edition Fischer. [details]



    • Siebers, T., Beyens, I., Baumgartner, S. E., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2024). Adolescents' digital nightlife: The comparative effects of day- and nighttime smartphone use on sleep quality. Abstract from ECREA European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
    • Siebers, T., Beyens, I., Baumgartner, S. E., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2024). Adolescents' digital nightlife: The comparative effects of day- and nighttime smartphone use on sleep quality. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


    • Baumgartner, S. E., & Sumter, S. R. (2020). Tracking smartphone use and sleep. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2020.
    • Möller, A. M., Baumgartner, S. E., Kühne, R. J., & Peter, J. (2020). Sharing the fun? How social information affects viewers' video enjoyment and video evaluations. Abstract from Cyberspace International Conference, Brno, Czech Republic.
    • Möller, A. M., Kühne, R. J., Baumgartner, S. E., & Peter, J. (2020). A social identity perspective on the effects of social information. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2020.
    • Möller, A. M., Kühne, R. J., Baumgartner, S. E., & Peter, J. (2020). A social identity perspective on the effects of social information. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.


    • Möller, A. M., Baumgartner, S. E., Kühne, R. J., & Peter, J. (2019). Attention to user comments on YouTube: An eye tracking study. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.
    • Möller, A. M., Baumgartner, S. E., Kühne, R. J., & Peter, J. (2019). Attention to user comments on YouTube: An eye tracking study. Poster session presented at International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, United States.


    • Baumgartner, S. E., & Wiradhany, W. (2018). Testing a multidimensional model of media multitasking selection. Paper presented at 68th International Communication Association Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Möller, A. M., Baumgartner, S. E., Kühne, R. J., & Peter, J. (2018). Social information on YouTube. Poster session presented at 9th CAT MCIG Doctoral Consortium, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Möller, A. M., Kühne, R. J., Baumgartner, S. E., & Peter, J. (2018). Exploring user responses to entertainment and political videos: An automated content analysis of YouTube. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghen, Belgium.


    • Baumgartner, S. E., van der Schuur, W. A., & te Poel, F. (2017). Media multitasking and attention problems in adolescents: Disentangling within- and between-person effects. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.


    • Baumgartner, S. E., & Sumter, S. R. (2016). Dealing with media distractions: An observational study on computer-based multitasking among children and adults. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA) 66th Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
    • te Poel, F., & Baumgartner, S. E. (2016). A Longitudinal Multilevel Approach to Examine Media Effects: Introducing the Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model to Communication Research. Paper presented at 18th Annual Conference of the Methods Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • te Poel, F., Baumgartner, S. E., Hartmann, T., & Tanis, M. (2016). A Longitudinal Study on the Reciprocal Relationship Between Health Anxiety and Online Health Information Seeking. Paper presented at 66th International Communication Association Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.


    • Baumgartner, S. E., & Lemmens, J. S. (2015). Media multitasking and attention problems in adolescents: Assessing causality. Abstract from Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
    • te Poel, F., Tanis, M. A., Hartmann, T., & Baumgartner, S. E. (2015). What happens when you go online to check your health? Implications of online health information seeking for health anxious people. Paper presented at 2015 International Communication Association (ICA) Conference.
    • van der Schuur, W. A., Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2015). The consequences of media multitasking for youth: A research synthesis. Abstract from ICA 2015.


    • Baumgartner, S. E., Weeda, W. D., & Huizinga, M. (2014). Development of a short measure of media multitasking for adolescents (MMM-S). Abstract from Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, USA.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Weeda, W. D., & Huizinga, M. (2014). The relationship between media multitasking and executive function in early adolescents. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
    • Sumter, S. R., Baumgartner, S. E., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2014). Does online peer victimization make teen victims even more sick and unhappy?. Poster session presented at Conference Cyberbullying: A Challenge for researchers and practitioners, Götenburg, Sweden.


    • Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., Peter, J., Valkenburg, P. M., & Livingstone, S. (2013). Investigating the predictors of teen sexting across Europe. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Weeda, W. D., & Huizinga, M. (2013). Der zusammenhang zwischen medialem multitasking und aufmerksamkeitsfähigkeit bei jugendlichen. Abstract from Paper presented at the annual conference of the media effects division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Vienna, Austria.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Weeda, W. D., & Huizinga, M. (2013). The relationship between media multitasking and executive function in early adolescents. Paper presented at Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Weeda, W. D., & Huizinga, M. (2013). The relationship between media multitasking and executive function in early adolescents. Poster session presented at poster presented at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
    • Lemmens, J. S., Baumgartner, S. E., & Sumter, S. R. (2013). Exploring the relations between video games, emotional responses and eye tracking. Abstract from Paper presented at the Com Science_Evolution/Biology/Brain Pre-Conference to the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, London, UK.
    • Lemmens, J. S., Sumter, S. R., & Baumgartner, S. E. (2013). Exploring the relations between video games, emotional responses and eye tracking. Abstract from Paper presented at the Digital games pre-conference to the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, London, UK.
    • Leydesdorff, L., & Baumgartner, S. E. (2013). Group-based trajectory modeling of citations in scholarly literature: Dynamic qualities of "transient" and "sticky knowledge Claims". Abstract from Paper presented at the Global TechMining Conference, Atlanta, GA.
    • Sumter, S. R., Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., Peter, J., & van der Hof, S. (2013). The role of interpretation biases in online and offline peer victimization. Abstract from 16th European conference on Developmental Psychology.


    • Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., Peter, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2012). Online privacy in adolescence and adulthood. Abstract from Paper presented at the Amsterdam Privacy Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    • Sumter, S. R., Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., Peter, J., & van der Hof, S. (2012). Developmental trajectories of peer victimization: How do offline and online experiences during adolescence effect psychosocial well-being?. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Leuven, Belgium.
    • Sumter, S. R., Baumgartner, S. E., van der Hof, S., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2012). Creating a multidimensional scale for offline and online peer victimization. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the CyberPsychology & CyberTherapy Conference (Cyber17), Brussels, Belgium.


    • Baumgartner, S. E., Peter, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2011). Developmental pathways of online and offline sexual risk behavior during adolescence: A dual trajectory approach.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Peter, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2011). The role of descriptive and injunctive peer norms in adolescents’ risky sexual online behavior.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., Peter, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2011). Adolescents’ online sexual risk behavior and its relationship to online victimization experiences.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., Peter, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2011). Developmental Trajectories of Online and Offline Sexual Risk Behavior: A Group-Based Modeling Approach.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., Peter, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2011). Risikoverhalten im Internet: Entwicklungsverläufe von Jugendlichen.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Sumter, S. R., Peter, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2011). The developmental relationship between online and offline sexual risk behaviour.
    • Sumter, S. R., Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2011). Development and effect of offline and online peer victimization during adolescence: a group based modelling approach.
    • Sumter, S. R., Baumgartner, S. E., van der Hof, S., Peter, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2011). Creating a multidimensional scale for offline and online peer victimization. Abstract from Paper presented at the EU Kids Online Conference, London, UK.
    • Waheed, M., & Baumgartner, S. E. (2011). Judging terrorist and politician: Who is who?. Abstract from Paper presented at the World Communication Association Biennial Conference, Lima, Peru.


    • Baumgartner, S. E., & Hartmann, T. (2010). (2010, June). Is there reason for concern? The role of hypochondriacal tendencies for online health information search. Paper presented at ICA.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., & Wirth, W. (2010). Affect priming during the processing of news articles. Paper presented at ICA.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2010). (2010, June). The causal relationship of adolescents' risky sexual online behavior and their perceptions of this behavior.. Paper presented at ICA.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2010). (2010, May). The influence of perceived peer involvement on adolescents’ risky sexual online behavior..
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2010). A longitudinal study on the causal relationship of adolescents’ perceptions and online sexual risk taking.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2010). Eine Längsschnittuntersuchung zur Erfassung der kausalen Struktur von Wahrnehmungen und Risikoverhalten Jugendlicher im Internet..


    • Baumgartner, S. E. (2009). Adolescents’ risk perception and risk taking on the internet..
    • Baumgartner, S. E. (2009). The influence of affective states on the processing of news articles..
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2009). Online sexual solicitation and online sexual risk taking: Age and gender differences. Paper presented at Annual convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2009). Online sexual solicitation and online sexual risk taking: Age and gender differences. Poster session presented at Annual convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2009). The cognitive predictors of adolescents’ sexual risk taking on the internet..

    Prize / grant

    • Baumgartner, S. (2024). NWO Vidi.
    • Baumgartner, S. (2022). NWO Aspasia.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Weeda, W. D. & Huizinga, M. (2014). Top-Paper Award at the annual conference of the Media Effects division of the German Communication Association, Vienna, January 2013.
    • Baumgartner, S. E. (2013). ASCoR Baschwitz Young Scholar Award. Awarded for the best article first-authored by an ASCoR PhD candidate in a peer-reviewed journal in 2013.
    • Baumgartner, S. E. (2013). Dissertation award from NZZ Campus and MakingScienceNews, Switzerland, for societal relevant dissertations (4th price).
    • Baumgartner, S. E. (2013). Jacobs Foundation Fellowship to attend the European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
    • Baumgartner, S. E. (2011). Jacobs Foundation Fellowship for the European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 2011.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M. & Peter, J. (2011). Top-paper Award of the Children, Adolescents, and the Media Division of the International Communication Association.
    • Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M. & Peter, J. (2010). 2010 Top-Paper Award of the Media Effects Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuk).

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Sumter, S. (speaker), Dekker, C. (speaker) & Baumgartner, S. (speaker) (1-2-2024). Moving towards Disengagement-by-Design: ​From the Classroom to the Lab, The Future of Digital Wellbeing
      , Amsterdam.
    • Sumter, S. (speaker), Baumgartner, S. (speaker) & Wiradhany, W. (speaker) (26-5-2022). Beyond Screen Time: The Effects of Smartphone App Use on Sleep in a 7-day Mobile Tracking Study, 72nd International Communication Association Conference, Paris.
    • Baumgartner, S. (speaker) (4-2021). The effects of digital media on adolescents’ cognitive development and well-being, #YouthMediaLife in Vienna. .
    • Baumgartner, S. (speaker) (6-11-2019). The consequences of media multitasking, Lecture series of the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Department Communication and Cognition..
    • Baumgartner, S. (speaker) (21-5-2019). Using mobile experience sampling methodology to assess media use and effects, Annual meeting of the Nederlandstalig Platform voor Survey Onderzoek, Rotterdam.
    • Baumgartner, S. (speaker) (17-4-2019). The predictors and consequences of media multitasking, Symposium Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Media Multitasking, Cognition, and Behavior.
    • Baumgartner, S. (speaker) (9-4-2019). Lost in distraction: The effects of media multitasking on adolescents, Brain and Cognition Seminar at the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, University of Geneva. .
    • Baumgartner, S. (speaker) (17-10-2018). The Relationship between Cognition and Media Behavior, Digital Media and Developing Minds, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
    • Baumgartner, S. E. (invited speaker) (11-9-2014). The consequences of media multitasking, Ph.D. club opening, Invited lecture at the University Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
    • Baumgartner, S. E. (invited speaker) (28-6-2013). Adolescent sexual risk behavior on the internet, Presentation at the expert meeting on problematic sexual behavior among youth, community council, Rotterdam, Rotterdam.
    • Baumgartner, S. E. (invited speaker) (19-3-2013). Adolescent sexual risk behavior on the internet, Presented at Broodje Kennis: Lunch lecture at the academic cultural centre of the Univeristy of Amsterdam, Spui 25, Amsterdam.


    • Kühne, R. (organiser) & Baumgartner, S. E. (organiser) (28-1-2016 - 30-1-2016). Annual Conference of the Media Audiences and Effects Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Siebers, T., Beyens, I., Baumgartner, S. & Valkenburg, P. (29-7-2024). Dataset belonging to Siebers et al. (2024) Adolescents' digital nightlife: The comparative effects of day- and nighttime smartphone use on sleep quality. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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  • Ancillary activities
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