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Dr. M.C. (Monique) Alblas

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Persuasive Communication
Photographer: Sander Nieuwenhuys

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: C9.10
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    I am an Assistant Professor of Persuasive Communication at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. My research focuses on the influence of media use on eating behavior. In my recently completed (2021) PhD project (Consuming media, consuming food? Reactivity to palatable food cues in television content), I studied for whom and through which processes exposure to unhealthy food cues on television (for instance in tv commercials or cooking shows) may increase food intake. In my current position, I will investigate exposure to and interaction with food (messages) on social media, for example effects of influencer marketing and (mis)information about healthy or sustainable eating. I am also involved in several projects on digital media use and mental well-being, sometimes in combination with eating behavior.
    I teach several courses in the Communication Science program. In the bachelor I teach the Persuasive Communication course and a workshop on Experimental Research. In the master I teach Health Communication. I also supervise students in writing their thesis and doing their internship. 

    Expertise and research fields

    • Persuasive communication
    • Media use and health behavior 
    • Eating behavior 
    • Food marketing
    • Self-regulation  
    • Tailoring


  • Research

    Research methods

    • Experiments 
    • Laboratory research (e.g., eye-tracking)
    • Surveys (e.g., diary studies) 
    • Systematic reviews

    Research priority project 

    Youth Digitality


  • Teaching & PhD supervision


    • Research Workshop: Experiment
    • Persuasive Communication (DCW-3)
    • Health Communication
    • Bachelor and Master thesis supervision


  • Publications



    • Alblas, M. C. (2023). Voedselverleidingen op televisie: In hoeverre, voor wie en via welke processen leidt het zien van lekker eten op tv tot ongezond eetgedrag? Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 51(4), 387-413. [details]
    • Alblas, M. C., & Boyland, E. J. (2023). Advertising: Food and nonalcoholic beverages. In E. Y. Ho, C. L. Bylund, & J. C. M. van Weert (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication (Vol. 1). (The Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication series). Wiley Blackwell. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Alblas, M. C., Meijers, M. H. C., de Groot, H., & Mollen, S. (2023). “Meat” me in the middle: The potential of a social norm feedback intervention in the context of meat consumption – A conceptual replication. Environmental Communication, 17(8), 991-1003. [details]
    • Alblas, M. C., Mollen, S., Wennekers, A. M., Fransen, M. L., & van den Putte, B. (2023). Consuming media, consuming food: investigating concurrent TV viewing and eating using a 7-d time use diary survey. Public Health Nutrition, 26(4), 748-757. Advance online publication. [details]






    • Alblas, M. C., Mollen, S., Wennekers, A. M., Fransen, M. L., & van den Putte, B. (2021). Consuming media, consuming food: A time-use diary survey on TV viewing and concurrent food intake. Paper presented at Annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society.


    • Alblas, M. C., Boyland, E., Fransen, M. L., Mollen, S., Giani, S., Aulbach, M., & van den Putte, B. (2020). Potential mechanisms underlying the effects of exposure to unhealthy visual food cues on food choice and intake in adults: A systematic review. Paper presented at Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH) conference, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
    • Alblas, M. C., Mollen, S., Fransen, M. L., & van den Putte, B. (2020). Watching a cooking show on TV and subsequent unhealthy food choices in unsuccessful dieters. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.


    • Alblas, M. C., Boyland, E. J., Fransen, M. L., Mollen, S., Giani, S., & van den Putte, B. (2019). Potential mechanisms explaining how unhealthy visual food cues affect food choice and intake in adults. Poster session presented at 33rd annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
    • Alblas, M. C., Mollen, S., Fransen, M. L., & van den Putte, B. (2019). Exposure to a cooking show and unhealthy food choices in successful and unsuccessful restrained and unrestrained eaters. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.
    • Alblas, M. C., Mollen, S., Fransen, M. L., & van den Putte, B. (2019). Watching a TV show with food cues and subsequent unhealthy food intake: An eye-tracking study. Poster session presented at Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health conference, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.


    • Alblas, M. C., Mollen, S., Fransen, M. L., & van den Putte, B. (2018). Seeing is eating: Visual attention for food cues on TV and unhealthy food intake among restrained and unrestrained eaters. Abstract from paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Alblas, M. C., Mollen, S., Fransen, M. L., & van den Putte, B. (2018). Seeing palatable food on TV: Does it activate the goal of hedonic eating among unsuccessful restrained eaters?. Abstract from paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health, Tilburg, Netherlands.
    • Alblas, M. C., Mollen, S., Fransen, M. L., & van den Putte, B. (2018). Visual attention for palatable food cues on TV: Does it predict unhealthy food intake?. Abstract from paper presented at the annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society , Galway, Ireland.


    • Alblas, M. C., Mollen, S., Fransen, M. L., & van den Putte, B. (2017). The effect of exposure to unhealthy food commercials on activation of the hedonic eating goal. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, United States.
    • Alblas, M. C., Mollen, S., Fransen, M. L., & van den Putte, B. (2017). The influence of food commercials on hedonic eating goal activation in (un)restrained eaters high and low in perceived self-regulatory success. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • van Weert, J. C. M., Alblas, M. C., van Dijk, L., Bol, N., & Jansen, J. (2017). Is it just about age? Preference for and understanding of graphs presenting health risk information. Paper presented at Annual conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, United States.


    • van Weert, J. C. M., Alblas, M. C., Jansen, J., & Van Dijk, L. (2016). Age differences in preference for and understanding of graphical formats presenting risk information.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, United States.
    • van Weert, J. C. M., Alblas, M. C., Jansen, J., & Van Dijk, L. (2016). Communicating risk information: Older people’s preferences for and understanding of graphical formats.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the EACH International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Amsterdam.
    • van Weert, J. C. M., Alblas, M. C., van Dijk, L., Bol, N., & Jansen, J. (2016). Decision support tools to help older people make health decisions: A systematic review. Paper presented at Kentucky conference on health communication, Lexington, United States.


    • Alblas, M. C., van den Putte, B., Linn, A. J., van Weert, J. C. M., & Bol, N. (2015). Tailoring the delivery model of breast self-examination instructions to the individuals’ preference. Abstract from Paper presented at the conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Limassol, Cyprus.
    • Linn, A. J., Alblas, M., van Weert, J. C. M., & Bol, N. (2015). Tailoring the mode of health instructions: A matter of preference?. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Linn, A. J., Alblas, M., van Weert, J. C. M., & Bol, N. (2015). Tailoring the mode of health instructions: A matter of preference?. Poster session presented at DCHC Conference.

    Prize / grant

    • Alblas, M. (2023). NeFCA Dissertation Award 2021.
    • Alblas, M. (2019). ARPH Poster Award for the poster: Watching a TV show with food cues and subsequent unhealthy food intake: an eye-tracling study.
    • Alblas, M. (2018). HBCD Travel Grant.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Alblas, M. (2021). Board member of EHPS SIG Digital Health and Computer-Tailoring, European Health Psychology Society.
    • Alblas, M. (2018-2020). UvA Representative in the junior council of the Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases Working Group, Amsterdam Public Health.
    • Alblas, M. (2017-2020). FMG Representative in the Central PhD Council, Promovendi-overleg UvA.
    • Alblas, M. (2017-2020). PhD Member in the Board of the ARPH, Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health.


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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities