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Michael Hameleers and Emma van der Goot have been recognized for their groundbreaking research, each making significant strides in understanding contemporary issues in communication. Michael Hameleers has won the Baschwitz Article of the Year Award and Emma van der Goot has received the Baschwitz Young Scholar Award.

Every year, the Baschwitz Article of the Year and the Young Scholar Award are presented during the Departmental Meeting of Communication Science. The Baschwitz Awards are granted to the ASCoR staff member and PhD candidate respectively for the best first-authored articles published in a peer-reviewed journal in the preceding year. This year’s recipients of the Baschwitz Award are: Michael Hameleers and Emma van der Goot.

Michael Hameleers wins Baschwitz Faculty Award 2024

Michael Hameleers has received the ASCoR Baschwitz Faculty Award for her article: 

  • Michael Hameleers, Disinformation as a context-bound phenomenon: toward a conceptual clarification integrating actors, intentions and techniques of creation and dissemination, Communication Theory, Volume 33, Issue 1, February 2023, Pages 1–10,
Michael Hameleers wins Baschwitz Faculty Award 2024.

Emma van der Goot wins Baschwitz Young Scholar Award 2024

Emma van der Goot has received the ASCoR Baschwitz Young Scholar Award for the following article:

  • van der Goot, E., Kruikemeier, S., Vliegenthart, R., & de Ridder, J. (2023). The Online Battlefield: How Conflict Frames in Political Advertisements Affect Political Participation in a Multiparty Context. Political Studies, 0(0).
Emma van der Goot wins award.
Emma van der Goot wins Baschwitz Young Scholar Award 2024.
Dr M. (Michael) Hameleers

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

CW : Political Communication & Journalism

E.S. (Emma) van der Goot

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

CW : Political Communication & Journalism