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Dr. Mariek Vanden Abeele has been selected for the special edition of the ASCoR McQuail Award with her article “Digital Wellbeing as a Dynamic Construct” published in Communication Theory. In the words of the nomination: “In her paper, Vanden Abeele proposes a conceptualization of digital wellbeing and its influencing factors which captures the complexity in a meaningful way. It therefore has great potential to systematize previous research and inspire a new era of communication research.”

About the McQuail Award

The ASCoR Denis McQuail Award is awarded to the best article advancing communication theory published in a peer-reviewed journal. Articles are nominated by ASCoR members and selected by a jury. This special edition of the award – to celebrate the 25th anniversary of ASCoR as an institute - has focused on articles that have published a forward-looking research agenda for communication science. Prof. dr. Patti Valkenburg chaired the jury of this special edition, with the nominations being reviewed by professors Christian Burgers, Claes de Vreese and Jochen Peter.

About dr. Vanden Abeele

Mariek M. P. Vanden Abeele (PhD, U of Leuven) is Associate Professor in Digital Culture at imec-mict, Department of Communication Sciences, Ghent University (Belgium). Vanden Abeele combines media psychological and media sociological perspectives to understand the role of digital media for health and well-being in everyday life and society. She received a 2020 European Research Council Starting Grant for her work on digital well-being and digital disconnection. She leads several other projects on these topics.

Dr. Vanden Abeele will be next year’s McQuail Honorary Fellow at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research.